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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. My @Klout score went up 2 points. I am a GOD AMONG MEN!

  2. If I was Hitler, I'd have been working on a time machine so I could go back and make sure no one ever builds any time machines.

  3. .@MC3Monti Just microwaved hot dogs for my kids' dinner. How do I get on Master Chef?

  4. This Mr. Lid commercial is bonkers.

  5. Autism initiated a sneak attack in the Roper house early this morning. FRUSTRATION.


  7. "You won't like me when I miss Judge Wapner." - Autistic Bruce Banner

  8. Grab my humorous ebook PLUS the entire back catalog of The Stay at Home Dadcast for $5. Please check it out and share! http://t.co/ZElxTvfc

  9. My little girl is throwing up which is heart breaking because that means in a couple days, I'M going to be throwing up. #wphumor

  10. Photo: Trying to break into the calendar industry. (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/VQyyb7QL

  11. I'm NOT supposed to do this? RT @NancyGraceHLN: Man arrested for doing yard work in the nude #MugOfTheDay http://t.co/AbjGnzbc

  12. "Go fuck yourself, Quinoa." - Rice

  13. I want to see someone on Pawn Stars on History walk in with a small gold watch and deliver Christopher Walken's Pulp Fiction monologue.

  14. Capitalizing on recent popularity, I'm working on some iCarly fan fiction called "70 Shades of Monotone."

  15. Mitt Romney belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Holdings Inc.

  16. .@rachael_ray I just ate some nettles I found outside. Now my mouth is in agony.

  17. Photo: Taken with Instagram http://t.co/ixgiMS9p

  18. Photo: these awesome balloons lasted 20min. http://t.co/g37gSYUB

  19. Photo: Ice coffee out of a wine glass. Feels classy. (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/weitFHIL

  20. I want to see someone on #PawnStars walk in with a small gold watch and deliver Christopher Walken's Pulp Fiction monologue.

  21. I need to locate a coffee place in the South Puget Sound area that would be willing to provide free coffee for a large event I'll be at. FREE ADVERTISEMENT opportunity. Anybody have some favs I should call tomorrow?

  22. Aja Blanc enlightens me on natural treatments for colds & the connection between women and the moon on today's episode! http://t.co/Bi72uzGZ
