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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Salted caramel mocha frappe. My hero http://t.co/AbyNH6yJ

  2. Photo: My 7yo is awesome. Autism + Ticket Games = Big Winner. Every. Time. (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/yGblAEPn

  3. I just set down my ipad at Starbucks to do something on my iPhone. Is this what being pretentious means?

  4. Decided on this year's Halloween costume: Christian Grey.

  5. How THIS stay at home dad rolls. #sahd (Facebook me for this recipe.) http://t.co/JraEp5Wz

  6. "waaahhh!" - Aaron Rodgers

  7. My school schedule is cramping my style (podcast schedule) new episodes resume next Tue!

  8. Photo: My day just turned around. #eggnog (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/DxVJB5qx

  9. Homemade Pumpkin Spice Eggnog frappe because I'm so awesome. http://t.co/9TJXyKUj

  10. Since there's no new ep today, check out this one.. It's my chat with Hal Runkel , author of "Scream Free Parenting!" http://t.co/hEMYlDTx

  11. Just another example of how awful nature is. #natureshots http://t.co/3lRJTFzp

  12. Photo: Pretending there’s an earthquake. #busstop (Taken with Instagram) http://t.co/yWI2wsUe

  13. We might have just taken pics of each other taking pics. So what! http://t.co/uhxMny9Y

  14. Just 3 1/2 hours to go! Who's coming out to THE PLAY PEN PRESENTS: LOVERS AND FRIENDS COMEDY NIGHT to show support and have some fun!? Forget the support part.

  15. My peanut butter better NOT contain anchovies. http://t.co/Gp2mV48z

  16. After all that's been happening this week, now my Klout score fell from 60 to 59? FUCK EVERYTHING!

  17. The new egg BBQ that my pal @brownslp is going to ruin thanksgiving with next month. http://t.co/XH4aLyF1

  18. Discarded shirt on a trail. Am I on 48 Hours Mystery!? http://t.co/0V1Kcy66

  19. Is this flag at half mast for Columbus Day or did I miss something? http://t.co/wjSZRKIs

  20. jenkirkman: Hello world! I have written a book. It is called “I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales From a… http://t.co/lvyxZqjM

  21. Ep 44 How Do You Explain Halloween to Your Kids? http://t.co/0VTWYoKM

  22. my homemade salted caramel mocha tastes like someone spilled it in the ocean and then scoop it into my cup before it got away. #abomination

  23. Hey guys! Will you take second to vote for the greatest pediatrician in the world? Just trust me. http://t.co/O7E8M1fj and RT!
