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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Photo: Sometimes I wear the most awesome shirt in all of eternity. #KBillysSuperSoundsoftheSeventies http://t.co/5clU2HtF

  2. Thanks, I think I can take it from here, Autocorrect. http://t.co/6s15BAJU

  3. Looks like today I will be puking out of everywhere.

  4. Does anyone have an ugly Christmas sweater I could borrow for tomorrow night?

  5. My latest Black Ops2 emblem, tribute to @earwolf. Opponents get to see this when I blow them away. http://t.co/TQ8ltfHm

  6. If your wife asks you to bring a particular pair of jeans to her at work, bring EVERY pair of jeans with you. #marriagetip

  7. My son is feverishly working to pay respect to @PFTompkins with a new Black Ops2 emblem. COD F. Tompkast? http://t.co/d4NUUbYD

  8. The Mayans predicted this day would happen. #121212

  9. ep51 Elf of the Shelf is Back! with Dylan Gadino http://t.co/Fdo610f0

  10. New episode is up! Listen to my chat w/ @LaughSpincom's own Dylan Gadino. Plus, Elf on the Shelf is back! http://t.co/oysFpdup

  11. Matt Besser's 'Freak Dance' - Remember when Matt Besser was on The Stay at Home Dad Cast? We raved about his ā€¦ http://t.co/njeVsegB

  12. My fandango app wanted me to know the cinema is nearby. Probably the one I'm sitting in. http://t.co/vEOKerX2

  13. In case you missed this! The Stay at Home Dadcast http://t.co/Vet4XCBv

  14. My cat just clawed me through my jeans just because I shoved his mole eating face off my lap. What an asshole!

  15. I'm just speechless and wouldn't mind it at all if the school dropped my kids off early please.

  16. How much money do you think FOX news gave @govmikehuckabee in exchange for his soul?

  17. My daughter wants a Vanellope doll from Wreck It Ralph for Xmas and no stores have any. I blame @SarahKSilverman for being too cute.

  18. Question: Should you let your kids open their best present first or save it for last?

  19. I am really enjoying @dougbenson's 12 Bains of Xmas right now.

  20. Photo: My wife wrote Iā€™m light of the tragic school shooting. It sums up how I feel perfectly. http://t.co/p0HxX8NS

  21. P.S. Banning guns may or may not be the solution but banning the Internet from anti-gun banning maniacs would be cool.

  22. ā€œ@washingtonpost: SNL did something extremely unusual last night http://t.co/61Lqf19Iā€ welp. This brought on the tears.

  23. The last episode of The Stay at Home Dadcast (ep51) is my series finale. Thanks for listening everybody!

  24. Ugh. Not easy watching the bus drive off with my little ones today. Anyone else feel like sitting in the school parking lot all day?
