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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Not easy watching the bus drive off with all my little ones today. Anyone else feel like sitting in the school parking lot all day?

  2. My favorite Internet breakfast is "Cream of Tweet".

  3. "each picture taken lowers the users @klout score by -1." #NewInstagramTOS

  4. New Instagram Terms of Service: "Individuals appearing in photos automatically forfeit the rights to their first born child."

  5. What if somebody made an app that you take your picture with like pic stitch but it embossed "instagram sucks" then imports to instagram.

  6. The new Instagram TOS is great news for companies looking to advertise yellow tinted plates of food and/or clouds.

  7. Thanks @buzzfeed for spoiling the Dexter finale, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS.

  8. Also made commitments to pay off every bill I've ever had because tomorrow is the end of the world. HAHAHA SUCKERS!

  9. In other news, my daughter saw Wreck It Ralph and keeps saying " I'm Vanilla Pee!" instead of Vanellope. you know, vanilla scented urine

  10. Also: GO HOME, TEAM!

  11. Life is mostly void of any reason or meaning. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  12. It's such a mess in my living room right now that you almost can't notice my candy cane print pj's. Merry Christmas! http://t.co/K05dPgds

  13. Some of these toys shouldn't say "some assembly required." they should say, "engineering degree required."

  14. It's such a mess in my living room right now that you almost can't notice my candy cane print pj's. Merry Christmas! http://t.co/s7fleHGG

  15. Update: These bubbles are manufactured in China and were purchased for mass distribution by Greenbrier International Inc (parent company to Dollar Tree.) I attempted to speak with some regarding their horrible smelling bubbles but was placed on voicemail that is full. The machine also said that if this call is a medical emergency to leave a message but they can't guarantee same day call back. If you are having a medical emergency and the first thing you do is call the Dollar Tree, well then m...

  16. So extremely proud of my boy right now. Just tore up the court and lead his team in their first game to a VICTORY!

  17. Pick up corsage for Daddy Daughter Dance - CHECK http://t.co/FPxLRAGy

  18. "Getting the wiggles out" before big brother's basketball game. http://t.co/Dk1IDforlv

  19. I waited so long to watch The Master and now that I am , I think it might be one of the most boring movies I've ever seen,

  20. Uhm. . . My dog throws up and then eats it. I think his Chakra is permanently unbalanced. http://t.co/fYgC6c1x

  21. Interesting that @pastormark says God is AGAINST stay at home dads. That we are failing as men. http://t.co/12ImVlQZ #SAHD

  22. Photo: Now accepting Father of the Year nominations. #thisStayAtHomeDadCleansUpWell (at Mary Bridge... http://t.co/cnebJv3V

  23. They covered the dance floor with bubble wrap! Best night ever. http://t.co/Yx75eYaC

  24. Age I was given: 29Dating: Married for 10 years with 4 kids. Ages 8, 4, 3, and 1. Lived: Lacey, WA. On a road called Clover Loop.Worked: NOWHERE! By this time I was almost done with my first year as a stay at home dad. I tried starting a press release writing service, wrote a spec script for TV, and did some freelance SEO Consulting for a comedian. All of this pulled away from my duties to focus on my home and kids! (I joke that I'm bad at this now, but I WAS BAD at it then!)Feared: proba...

  25. What's the name of the actor who plays Indian @moshekasher on Pitch Perfect?
