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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Anybody else have a broken tooth that periodically bleeds during the day and makes your mouth taste like metal? Ok, I'm going to bed now.

  2. Stand back: science in progress. http://t.co/193sHYne

  3. Reading "Going Clear" with a cup of coffee and the sunrise. Pretty good morning so far. #scientology #itsaxenuday http://t.co/XReK0bpb

  4. Just finished Couch to 5K week 1 run 1 with Get Running – 28½ minutes of exercise and 8 minutes of running. Next run: Tuesday 19th.

  5. Buying my wife a Coach purse off Craigslist. Waiting in parking lot for the handoff. I probably won't get killed right?

  6. “@MissesRoper: @ChaseRoper yes Congrats Fargo” at the of the movie all of Iran gets thrown in a wood chipper.

  7. I've been getting a steady flow if new followers lately and I haven't thanked any I you yet. Shout outs on the next podcast I promise!

  8. Just finished Couch to 5K week 1 run 2 with Get Running – 28½ minutes of exercise and 8 minutes of running. Next run: Wednesday 20th.

  9. Chase, what bedtime story did you read? Oh just The Yellow Submarine, you know because I'm raising my kids right. http://t.co/lZbqlQP2

  10. new ep of The Stay at Home Dadcast is getting edited together and sprinkled with internet magic. Will up soon!

  11. New ep is up! I chat with Al Watts of the @homedadnet! If you or your spouse are an at home dad, listen to this! http://t.co/SWzqXkso

  12. My kids never cared about what I do until the day @jennettemccurdy started following me on twitter.

  13. Just finished Couch to 5K week 1 run 3 with Get Running – 20 minutes of running. Next run: Saturday 23rd.

  14. I just unlocked the "Fresh Brew" badge on @foursquare for checking in at coffee shops! http://t.co/iwf8MPay4R

  15. This is where antibiotic-resistant bacteria is born. @ Westfield Capital Mall http://t.co/SzEkQ7SvsU

  16. BREAKING: Country Music Industry declares details surrounding Mindy Mccready's death, ultimate plot for country song.

  17. Hey, creepy old guy hanging out in the tea party under the tree house. #callingChrisHansen @ Hands On… http://t.co/TaM6wEb4wA

  18. Trying to stay dry at the #busstop this morning. http://t.co/0QWSMKOu3K

  19. Just laughed to myself at some birds flying in the wind. They're probs like "I'm flapping but I keep going backwards WTF?!" Dumb birds. Ok

  20. You guys will never believe what I just found my 13yo's room. . . http://t.co/vvIpE7soGF

  21. This is a fantastic local coffee place. I realize I could spend this time writing, but instead I'm going… http://t.co/T7j3qObZLL

  22. I just became the mayor of The Ropers on @foursquare! http://t.co/iN2Q8qhoQ6

  23. Cloudy with a Chance of Across The Board Spending Cuts #FinancialCrisisChildrensBooks
