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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Oreos cooked in between cookie dough and brownie mix topped with choc cool whip frosting. #nomnomnom http://t.co/yrATNTGdX6

  2. I'll be doing stand-up in Olympia WA on 6/9. Come on out and support me and the local comedy scene! (mostly me) https://t.co/iIsDFp0ZId

  3. my dryer will only blow cold air so I GIVE UP UNIVERSE YOU WIN

  4. Video: This seems like a good way to teach some grammar to my kids. “A comma and fucking dot. Semicolon!” http://t.co/6zXlDqMKJb

  5. Just heard someone referr to her yogurt as being "so savory!" Strawberry is a sweet not a savory, DUMMY. She was a 2nd grader.

  6. If @JoseCanseco is sure he'll pass a polygraph, then do it. No need to intimidate your accuser via the internet. P.S. rape a bag of dicks.

  7. .@Buff_Wizard pharm tech didn't know if they had enough on hand but computer was down. I suggested she go to the bottle and COUNT THEM.

  8. Guy who likes Harry Nilsson way too much #music https://t.co/EQvSrGyQcs

  9. Should I be concerned with the number of bees that fly into my windows all around the house? Why do they want in!? Probably to kill me.

  10. Guy I met: my wife says you do a blog? Me: actually I produce a podcast. Him: oh what's that? Me: uh, it's like a blog.

  11. Photo: A regram from @sabrenad! Happy bday to our amazing 14yo! http://t.co/GkcxnV4W4Z


  13. One of the many reasons I love Arrested Development. #hello http://t.co/q20RTWzlMJ

  14. June 6: I'll be joining a panel with @DailyLounge for a live chat about Stay-at-Home Dads! http://t.co/9GgIycXHXt

  15. It's day 3 of this Juice/Health food diet. I'm down 2 pounds and cry whenever I see coffee colors. #noespresso

  16. Awesome! “@VincentAOKeefe: @ChaseRoper @DailyLounge Sounds interesting. I'll try to "tune in," as we used to say . . .”

  17. this tweet is for stay at home dads trying to figure out how pinterest is useful for them. Here you go guys. http://t.co/2rJR2wd30J

  18. My house smells pho'-king amazing. Because I'm making pho'. LIKE A BOSS.

  19. At the park with the kids which means everyone is going to look at me like its "dads weekend". Ugh. Everyday is dads weekend!

  20. Hmmmm. When you contact management of a recording artist to request an interview, do you refer to the artist by their stage name or actual name? Which is the accepted industry method!? I've only ever requested interviews with regular names not "Mackelmore-ish" names.

  21. Grabbing a bite and a drink with my favorite person!

  22. Heading to Hands On Children's Museum at 9. MEMBERS ONLY. Yep, living the VIP life.

  23. the wife of my son's football coach just used the word "acceptations" in one her daily ranting emails. It also mentions that kids need to be ready and geared up before practice because their time is important. This coming from the wife of a coach who shows up to less than half of the practices. Yesterday we received a last minute (and mostly ALL CAPS as usual) email about arriving 30 minutes early for practice to get fitted for new jerseys. Most of us were there at 5pm. Coach's wife strolled...

  24. Fun Fact: Who Framed Roger Rabbit taught me that a gorgeous woman would marry me someday if i could make her laugh. #itHAPPENED
