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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. I think having someone interview you for your own podcast might be the ultimate act of narcissism.

  2. I would love to book some stand-up gigs around town (Pierce/Thurston County). Who's got something going on?

  3. If someone is interested in coproducing a live Stay at Home Dadcast (ie helps secure sound equipment needed) hit me up! Also, I might have needed to use "eg" and not "ie."

  4. Very excited for the new Lego movie and sequel for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!

  5. Dawsyn is 9 today! Holy cow, I can't believe it. When he was a baby, I would hold him up ony shoulder and he would try to climb over it and hang down my back. When we first tried to move Dawsyn from his crib to a big boy bed, we had to prop baby gates around him or we would never stay still or in bed. He's a risk taker, an adventurer, and is loaded with imagination and ambition. Even though he's only 9 today, I can already tell that he's going to be a great man someday - probably sooner than...

  6. Managed to get my hands on a Bravo Disc Publisher. Looking to produce some "Best Of" podcast CD's to sell as merch at live events. There's no stopping me! Except for this old machine with apparently no driver available for windows 8.

  7. Oh, Pinterest has commissioned me to write an article about myself to be published by NBC's The Today Show - I'm just CRUSHING IT at the Internet - no biggie.

  8. I can now officially say that the Earwolf network has graciously decided to pass on bringing my podcast into their family of shows. Mr. Aukerman is nothing if not a gentlemen and I totally understand the decision. I'm a little bummed because it was the first time I tried pitching something I've created. There are a couple other networks I'm planning on reaching out to and this month, I'll be planning out my push for monthly local live shows. Still a lot I want to do on the horizon - quick pit...

  9. I need to know what kind of equipment is necessary for me to do a live Stay at Home Dadcast this summer. I've got my laptop and Mic. Assuming the venue has a sound system - is there anything else?

  10. Going to take the kiddos to the Hands On Children's Museum around noon today!

  11. I'm going to remind you all when the date gets closer but get your calendars out. . . I'll be doing some stand-up at the Rivers Edge in Tumwater on July 19th at 8:30. Call 10 friends and make a night of it!

  12. Just finished a mind map for my book. Starting the tedious task of outlining this beast tomorrow. An hour day until I have a finished piece. #BreakingSahd

  13. It's Sabrena's day off today! I get to spend the day with the HOTTEST wife ever. Sorry, everybody else with less hot wives.

  14. Seriously, guys. Why can't everything just be free? No more money! Let's all burn our money! YOU FIRST

  15. Next time I think about posting my opinion on Facebook, I'm going to stop and go treat myself to an ice cream sandwich.

  16. Hanging out at the Kids museum with the kids for a bit. Little later than our usual Saturday but we made it!

  17. I'm reading this story about Mcdonald's workers in Detroit demanding a raise from the $7.40 minimum wage to $15. I have ZERO sympathy for them. Somebody is quoted as saying that they don't feel good about getting paid $7.40 per hour when the company "made like $500 billion last year." First of all, Mcdonald's did not "make" $500 billion last year. Their total revenue was (in the millions) $27,006. I don't think flipping burgers was ever intended to be adequate income alone to support a family...

  18. That scary girl from The Ring has nothing on Wednesday Addams.

  19. Dawsyn's football team has 5 coaches. Each with a kid and nephew or family friend on the team. Those kids never get subbed out and also don't understand football and/or are troublemakers during practice. This could be why we lost right now 28 - 0. Coaches on this team need to understand leadership more than football plays right now.

  20. I think I have a killer idea for an app. Need a programmer.

  21. Sabrena works incredibly long hour days with one day off each week. Three days a week, she has the opportunity to sleep past 6:30 and my kids will never be quiet on those mornings and it is infuriating me.

  22. Had a great day. Seahawks game with my wifey and got to spend time with my cousins Greg Lenti and Char Lenti! You two are the cat's meows.

  23. Last pics of the day!

  24. Enjoying Sand in the City!
