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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Been told to try choc covered bananas as a coffee substitute. I have avocados and pudding mix. Putting them mug and microwaving now.

  2. Before bed tonight, Dawsyn wanted to read to me from his new library book, "The Giving Tree." He did an excellent job and has now lead me to post about something I haven't shared about much online in a very long time. God.I can't even think about The Giving Tree, let alone read it, without thinking about my relationship with Him. I've shied away from showing everyone my belief in God and Jesus because 1. I'm tired of being lumped into the same group of Christians as the ones who so loudly...

  3. Behind the scenes of Ep45 Ghost Busting! http://t.co/vDmv4WJr

  4. Being on Motrin, Sudafed and coffee is like being on cocaine! I'm assuming. I'm ready to conquer the world! Without sniffling!

  5. Being walked in on while you are mid-wipe in the batroom = parenting.

  6. Besides duct tape & a closet? “@Todaysparent: Does your child have "interruptitis"? Find out how to deal with it - http://t.co/LMvbnpin”

  7. Best parent awards going out to me and Sabrena Roper. Yeah! We're awesome!!

  8. BREAKING: Buzz Aldrin's "moon walk" story now unable to be trumped at dinner parties.

  9. BREAKING: Country Music Industry declares details surrounding Mindy Mccready's death, ultimate plot for country song.

  10. Bummed it isn't about a town filled w/ Mt. Lions. @CougarTownInfos it's NOT about cougars, it's a very funny & silly ensemble. . .

  11. Buying my wife a Coach purse off Craigslist. Waiting in parking lot for the handoff. I probably won't get killed right?

  12. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! “@PFTompkins: The Apple Sisters Coming Out with Short Film w/Paul F. Tompkins - thecomedybureau: http://t.co/o2p2EXd3”

  13. buzzfeed: Matt Romney in the audience of tonight’s debate.I didn't watch the debates but I'm pretty sure th… http://t.co/QA5MNeuT

  14. Can the new iPhone do THIS? I didn't think so http://t.co/l0xUxuFO

  15. Can you lend a hand to my kickstarter project? RT's in lieu of $$ are welcome! 28 days to raise $545 http://t.co/nxzIp57M

  16. Can't announce whether I am/am not now a Nielsen household. That aside, Hollywood. DM me for a great opportunity to fund my kickstarter.

  17. Capitalizing on recent popularity, I'm working on some iCarly fan fiction called "70 Shades of Monotone."

  18. Catch my chat with @JohnRossBowie on the new Stay at Home Dadcast: http://t.co/5q1udPZg

  19. Celebrating 4K downloads of The Stay at Home Dadcast! Go get my book right now FOR FREE! http://t.co/krd8UChE

  20. Chase, what bedtime story did you read? Oh just The Yellow Submarine, you know because I'm raising my kids right. http://t.co/lZbqlQP2

  21. Chase's "When Did Everyone on Twitter Become a Publisher" Daily is out!
