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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. “@Nelsontime: Well, don't try to do anything, ever. http://t.co/UjkrbUytKp” Oregon drivers are the worst.

  2. Matt Debenham returns! ep60Author and podcast host, @debenham has come back to the Stay at Home Dad Cast… http://t.co/tCfRqi70Uz

  3. Photo: pbsparents: Does the star mean “A+” or “See me after class?” Source: http://t.co/y3I91PNB5j this is... http://t.co/knD7UJpAgd

  4. If @arnettwill ever gets in trouble with the law, headlines will read "Arresting Development"

  5. Past guest and hilarious comedian/ New York Times Best Selling author @JenKirkman will be live in Seattle on May 31. Don't miss it.

  6. Photo: Oxygen network reminding us all why we need to be good to moms. http://t.co/DCy1PxZAGU

  7. Just ground up this week's @tonxcoffee blend for my wife's iced latte. #mothersday http://t.co/K3uhw434qE

  8. Happy Smothers Day, Smothers brothers!

  9. I know you all have moms, but @MissesRoper is kind of the best at it. 2 jobs, 4 kids she loves to death who love her back - Just amazing

  10. Last minute Mother's Day tip for stay at home dads - You want to buy your wife something for Mothers Day but... http://t.co/zgOhDLINsb

  11. Photo: What is going on today? For a second time, somebody has stopped partway through an intersection in... http://t.co/EqbONbKN4J

  12. Dear bees, Circling my head is interpreted as a request for a swift death.

  13. Photo: When this light turned green, these cars felt the full force of my rage. #ahornhonk http://t.co/8ahpC4EaBt

  14. The Fred movie really holds up.

  15. Movie time at the school. Wreck it Ralph for 200th time. (I could watch it 200 more though) http://t.co/7xi15ugjW2

  16. One sure way to get yourself blocked from my social network is pretending to be my mom or actually being my mom.

  17. After Earth: everything on the planet has evolved to kill humans. Werner Herzog must be super excited for this film. Cc: @PFTompkins

  18. Showing a picture of @mulaney to my wife so she can see how much he looks that guy from the band fun. Sorry John.

  19. "Neighbors called cops 2 yrs ago when they saw a naked woman crawling around back yard — officers dismissed it as a prank." Cleveland PD FTW

  20. Thank you for helping make The Stay at Home Dad Cast a Stitcher Radio favorite! http://t.co/snzzh2i6BN

  21. My back is trying to murder me from the inside out.

  22. Nature Expert, Jeff Outdoorsman, finds the most amazing thing in nature ever. https://t.co/pOlXW1bd4t

  23. Baked Brie & Sun Dried Tomato dip-perfect with wine! (Made me think of @Aaron Ginsburg) http://t.co/uU5A6WBi6m

  24. Photo: Tooth fairy is in the middle of a recession though. http://t.co/YoPoMEoafW

  25. My dad was always more of a Cinco de Miracle Whip guy.
