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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Apparently I decided to mess around with my tumblr theme until I erased the entire design and can't get it back. Ooops. (loading gun)

  2. Apparently, not a lot of my Facebook friends have seen Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. Station!

  3. Apple, should I be concerned about my phone? http://t.co/oRWBe4sQ9K

  4. Area boys forced to entertain themselves before library opens http://t.co/tL83mdMq

  5. As a Christian I want everyone who follows me to know- when scripture seems outdated/contradictory. I will always err on the side of LOVE.

  6. Ask me your tough parenting/kid related questions! Some people think I'm expert. These people may or may not be "Klo... http://t.co/lwFQp1He

  7. Ass face who tail gated me for 10 miles. Hope crashes into an aids tree. http://t.co/qO0vF20a

  8. At certain points in The Time Traveler's Wife, that guy is a real time traveling pedophile.

  9. At some point, the Internet decided that if you are an idiot and like to act like a horrible human being, you must follow @JenKirkman.

  10. At the park with the kids which means everyone is going to look at me like its "dads weekend". Ugh. Everyday is dads weekend!

  11. Autism Awareness Month continues on the Stay at Home Dadcast with episode 21 - Autism and Parenting. http://t.co/RzvGkcUL

  12. Autism initiated a sneak attack in the Roper house early this morning. FRUSTRATION.

  13. Awake is a state of being that should be forced on no man or woman.

  14. Awesome this dog has now woken up every one of my kids! Who needs/cares about sleep.

  15. Awesome! “@VincentAOKeefe: @ChaseRoper @DailyLounge Sounds interesting. I'll try to "tune in," as we used to say . . .”

  16. Baaa Baaa was always the black sheep of the family. . . sorry guys.

  17. Back in our high school journalism days, Philip Palermo and I drew goofy smiley faces on ourselves with eyeliner in order to force our adviser to send us to the principal's office per a secret and soon to be controversial staff memo. All because some students were causing a disruption by wanting to dress like depressed clowns. HAPPY GOTH DAY!

  18. Baked Brie & Sun Dried Tomato dip-perfect with wine! (Made me think of @Aaron Ginsburg) http://t.co/uU5A6WBi6m

  19. Been at Charlie's Safari for 4 hours and counting. It's a bday party marathon. (help is)
