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Status Updates posted by ChaseRoper

  1. Photo: Oxygen network reminding us all why we need to be good to moms. http://t.co/DCy1PxZAGU

  2. If @arnettwill ever gets in trouble with the law, headlines will read "Arresting Development"

  3. Photo: pbsparents: Does the star mean “A+” or “See me after class?” Source: http://t.co/y3I91PNB5j this is... http://t.co/knD7UJpAgd

  4. Matt Debenham returns! ep60Author and podcast host, @debenham has come back to the Stay at Home Dad Cast… http://t.co/tCfRqi70Uz

  5. “@Nelsontime: Well, don't try to do anything, ever. http://t.co/UjkrbUytKp” Oregon drivers are the worst.

  6. In case you missed it yesterday, here's the latest episode with returning friend of the show, Matt Debenham! http://t.co/aWQlynn3fG

  7. Jeff Outdoorsman, Nature Expert, showing some beautiful foliage. https://t.co/9kIxGEI26k

  8. Photo: Not sure when my kids decided they could make requests of the Tooth Fairy, but it keeps happening. http://t.co/pUmg6W8hE7

  9. Photo: Me in my first car. 1970 Ford Falcon Futura. I called it the Tick Mobile. #tbt http://t.co/h22hjDKhOO

  10. Photo: I had all kinds of great study notes that my son clearly didn’t give a FUCK about. #biblestudy http://t.co/HVx0WGaWxw

  11. Welcome to the Roper House of Horrors! Where children are brutally forced to clean their own rooms! http://t.co/pCKvtNwiUB

  12. I'm planning a park playdate/live Stay at Home Dad Cast event for Olympia, WA in July. Want to sponsor for kid snacks and drinks? DM me!

  13. My wife just told me that @nickkroll is dating Amy Poehler. Yay for love you guys.

  14. Dr. Teeth of The Electric Mayhem is the O.G. P-I-M-P.

  15. kiddos are watching/listening to @rikilindhome on Monster v Aliens. Told them I've met her. They think I mean Susan. http://t.co/nrd7RAZCP8

  16. Also, here's a picture of my dad. http://t.co/LfHXnPgQuK

  17. Although this picture doesn't reflect it, @AndyKindler makes some more than decent finger pointing choices with his acting in Maron.

  18. Miley Cyrus just eye-rolled Justin Bieber and I kind of think she's my favorite now.

  19. If you're thinking of becoming a healthy eater, this stuff neither smells or tastes like coconuts. http://t.co/5cPL9TDzY4

  20. “@SimonCowell: the new f type jag looks ugly to me. Why didn't they revise the e type. The most beautiful car ever.” Highly relatable tweet.

  21. Ooook-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain - JK!

  22. This sign should include "*if case you are considering killing yourself) http://t.co/dxzRGRnIDV

  23. I just lined a baking dish with cookie dough, stacked Oreos on top of it, then covered it all with brownie mix and nobody can stop me!
