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Everything posted by Anonymous37

  1. Anonymous37


    Wow, I can't disagree more. The tonal shift from comedy to drama works perfectly, and the revealed origin story (which provides what you call an "odd mishmash of a superhero, alien, and angel movie") is genuinely clever (immortal superheroes would be the sort of enigmas that people would attach different labels to) and thematically moving. It's not a great film, but it may be the most underrated movie of the past 5 years.
  2. Anonymous37

    Episode 38 — The Return of Suit McGoo

    I could have sworn that it was "Suits McGoo", not "Suit McGoo". Oh, well.
  3. Anonymous37

    Open Source Revenue Generation

    I just realized I left something out of my comment above. The advantage of selling CBB @ UCB and PFT @ Largo as premium content instead of extra/additional episodes of existing shows is that if this fails, you don't lose existing listeners. People won't complain about not being able to figure out references to things that happened in the paid episodes. And if it fails? I can believe that there would be some outlay to record and sell these episodes, but I wouldn't think that you would end up losing money in the worst case scenario that you only got a few paid downloads.
  4. Anonymous37

    Open Source Revenue Generation

    As far as the premium content idea goes, I think that Earwolf could dip a toe into these waters fairly painlessly and without committing yourselves permanently to the strategy. I don't know if there are issues with doing this, but given that Scott Aukerman hosts Comedy Bang Bang -- I'm talking here about the live UCB show, not the podcast -- it would be (relatively) easy to sell audio (maybe even video) recordings of the live shows. If you follow the Doug Benson model of charging $1.99 for 90 minutes worth, and breaking down longer shows into 2 downloads at that price, it seems like there is real money to be made here. I wouldn't be surprised if Earwolf pulled down $50,000 per show after paying performers their royalties and the UCB a cut. Of course, this is conjecture: I imagine that you have discussed it amongst yourselves and perhaps you've decided that you wouldn't make that much money. But I really think that you could easily get 50,000 paid downloads for CBB @ UCB. If you could convince Paul F. Tompkins to come into the tent, I would think the same of recordings of his show at Largo (rights issues for the songs would have to be ironed out, certainly). Incidentally, I just donated $100 after Caroline replied to a comment I made at avclub.com. So when you're filthy rich, don't act too annoyed when I come to your palatial estate and ask to hang out by the pool.
  5. Anonymous37

    Color of Night

    Oh God, this movie is so bad it's brilliant. In fact, it's so bad, I started wondering if it wasn't a stone-faced parody.