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Everything posted by CrustyDustReceptacle

  1. CrustyDustReceptacle

    How can we improve the Earwolf.com forums?

    This is more of a smaller suggestion, but I think it would be nice for all of the shows' episode topics to include a link to the actual episode page. It's kind of a bummer to have to go back to the Shows section and find the individual episodes (especially on mobile devices).
  2. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 74 — Introducing Rocky!

    I agree completely; with the possible exception of Don Dimelo, no Andy Daly character has made me laugh harder than billcarter@trainerforthestarsseekingstars.org
  3. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 1 — Analyze Phish

    I really enjoyed this! As someone who wasn't very familiar with Phish beforehand, I tended to agree with Scott's view: instrumentally they are a pretty strong band, and the covers were very listenable, but their originals aren't really up to snuff. I can understand going to a show and just getting into the experience, but the songwriting and vocals kind of hold me back from enjoying the music on its own merits. That said, I legitimately liked what I heard of "You Enjoy Myself." As for the show itself, I think the very premise of spending an hour trying to convince one person to like a band is funny enough to get laughs out of even the moments of serious analysis. Scott and Harris have a great dynamic, am looking forward to the next installment.
  4. CrustyDustReceptacle

    My One and Only Criticism

    I've really been enjoying the show in the last few weeks; there was some (understandable) awkwardness at the time of the name-change, but if the past few weeks are any indication then the show is quickly shooting back to its pre-CBB peaks. If I had one single bad thing to say about the show, though... and keep in mind, this is the one and only criticism I could possibly muster... but lately the theme songs for CBB's regular features have simply been WAY too short! Honestly, I CAN'T FOLLOW WHAT'S GOING ON. How can Scott expect anyone to understand which game he and his guests are playing unless the audience is allowed to hear those theme songs in their entirety? Five seconds of the Would You Rather? theme just isn't enough; it lets me know that something is about to happen, but when the music fades after only those five seconds my head is left spinning! I'm totally disoriented, to the point where I've almost gotten into an accident a few times while listening to recent episodes in the car. For the sake of motorists everywhere, I hope this whole thing is cleared up soon.
  5. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 112 - Since You've Been Gone

    An instant classic, for sure. The only thing that could have possibly made this episode better is if Dame Sir ALW had started his interview by blustering into the studio in his own inimitable fashion. You know, like when Scott would be welcoming us back from the first song, and mentioning that we were listening to Comedy Bang Bang, and reintroducing Weird Al Yankov-- I SAY, WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!
  6. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 97 — Can I Catch a Ride?

    I was delighted to discover while revisiting this episode today that, after losing Who Said It? around 39:15, Bob mutters under his breath, "This fuckin' jerk..." This is the only instance of profanity I can remember from Mr. Ducca (outside of mentioning his allergy to Chicken Pussy). Am I the only one who missed this before? Regardless, it's hilarious.
  7. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 109 — The Andy Samberg Special

    Good episode; nice to see the show building momentum again. Also, I enjoyed the character of Bro, mostly because it's always amusing for Scott and Co. to have to deal with a character whose entire philosophy seems to be "No, but".
  8. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 108 — Pussy CPR

    For some reason, the funniest part of this episode to me is around 32:00 when Dov clarifies that Rolfe was Scott's "nom de FUCK", and then lets three or four beats pass before finishing his thought with "...or whatever." It's just so unnecessary that I find it hilarious every single time.
  9. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 107 — Maybe It's Maybelline

    Did anyone catch Nick Kroll's special on Comedy Central? I was extremely excited for it, but missed the first airing and then never saw it on again. Does anyone know what happened with that?
  10. CrustyDustReceptacle

    Episode 57 — A Buttery, Juicy Episode

    So, what is the general consensus on Merril Schindler? Some people seem to honestly hate him, but this is easily one of my top 10 favorite CBB episodes ever. Am I alone in finding everything that comes out of Merill's mouth hilarious?