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Everything posted by IMAHUGEHDTGMFAN


    Zouks, You've Been Vindicated - Clowns Were a Thing!!

    Jason was always right... Now I think he was trying to warn us :S http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37455073

    Monster Trucks (2017)


    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Elliot Alderson, Riley Jones and a combo of the clones of Abe Lincoln and Joan of Arc

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    He's sorry you guys... https://www.facebook...04046009&type=3

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    I'm so sorry for your loss June... My thoughts and prayers go out with you and your family in this difficult time.

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Sorry I'm WAY LATE Everyone!!! I was MIA because I was crazy busy last week and did not have time to discuss "Stealth" I have to congratulate each and every one of you ( Old and New Forum Members alike ) for doing an excellent job picking apart this movie Now that I'm here I'll comment on a couple of things I think I can "explain"... It bothered me too. Also in the next scene Jessica Biel is having drinks (Martinis?) with Josh Lucas and she heavily hints that she has strong feelings for him, he jarringly responds to this by casualy saying that he is going to check out the Thai Nightlife and gives her 2/3rds of a "Hasta Mañana Chica" ("See you tomorrow, Girl" in Spanish). He stands up, and when he starts heading out his "dickish" facial expression turns into a sad face... What I took from all that was that Josh didn't wish to damage her image and career so instead of admitting to Jessica that he liked LIKED her too he took Jamie Foxx's advice and dismissed her advances. Predictable and one dimensional characters anyone??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzfNqIIIGgQ ( If it's not too late... I want to submit the next part to the upcoming mini epoisode's corrections and omissions segment ) A lot of you talked about this and I have a personal ( crazy ) theory made up of things said on the episode, on the forum and what I saw in the movie... After EDI is hit by lightning his DNA is modified... Right??? ( Just like Jason said in the episode ) I strongly think that the main reason that EDI goes all EMO rebellious teenager after that is because he has part of Josh Lucas DNA spliced with his! He has the same problem following orders as Josh Lucas has in that first trial mission ( And all of Lucas career it seems ) not only because he "learned it" but also because its now a part of him This is 100% possible because the lightning hits Josh Lucas's plane like 4 or more times first and then bridges onto EDI (its a split second but it totally happens) That's all I wanted to say for now... Thank you for reading!

    Predestination (2014)

    Whoa! Your post actually made me wonder if theres a chance I was too harsh on this movie. Also I think after 2 years its maybe time I see it again ( If and when I get around to do that I'll update everyone here on my opinions about Predestination ) jerrycanada recomended that we watched "The Infinite Man" and I loved it and seen it multiple times so I also recomend it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoFv9eezboI

    Episode 143.5 - Minisode 143.5


    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Here's mine 1. Captain America: Civil War 2. Deadpool 3. Midnight Special 4. Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising 5. Popstar: Never Stop Stopping (*Edit* Bonus Pick! 6. The Secret Life of Pets)

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr Wow! You really knocked it out of the park with all those posters! (In the "Home Run" way, not the "Foul ball" way)

    Very Bad Things (1998)

    I think Cameron Diaz is great in "Being John Malkovich" ( IMHO her best acting to date ) and "There's Something About Mary" "The Mask" and "Bad Teacher" are 3 good comedies that she was good in

    Very Bad Things (1998)

    Saw it recently for the first time... They should change the title to "Very Bad People"

    Ladybugs (1992)

    I want this episode to happen as well!

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    I was watching "The Neon Demon" and theres one scene that reminded me of "Gods Of Egypt" golden blood lol

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Better late than never... Here are some random thoughts after watching Gods of Egypt twice... * I thought it was Jaime Lannister's voiceover narration at the beginning... Similar voices maybe? * Throughout the entire movie I found that a lot of scenes from better movies where copied by "GoE" if not they seemed familiar to me... The coronation scene for Thor, Fast and Furious 7 Paul Walker running up the side of a falling bus but here is Jaime Lannister running up a Snake, Legolas walking on falling stones from The Hobbit and Bek walking on sand in the Pyramid * When I watched it the first time I predicted that Jason would mention the push up bra on Maya. I was gladly surprised when he mentioned on the episode. Jason NEVER disappoints. On that note Bek was either lucky or he is the god of dress size guessing just by watching it from afar, because it fits perfectly. The movie makes it worse when Zaya can't even make the dresses she owns fit properly without some ribbon and tailoring. * I think this movie is riddled with ADR (Which was not mentioned in the episode) Paul is very good at catching it, In the scene when she is putting on the green dress and asks where did Bek stole it from and he replies with his mouth full of food but the line is not muffled. * Douchebag Set: "Mortals, worship me or be enslaved!" Enslaves them anyway and makes them build the obelisk. * The gods just stand still when the ironman transformations happen but mortals loose their shit. * Weirdly enjoyed that first fight and was genuinely on board for the first 60mins or so of movie. *I found Elektra and Set combos/interactions very confusing and they made me uncomfortable, It jumps from manipulative, to jokey, to sarcastic, to dark, to implied abuse mixed with Stockholm Syndrome, mixed with Elektra "playing along" as the good queen wife just to survive (Similar to what Erin said in the episode) * Elektra can't manipulate someone who's already in love ("heart belongs to another")... Then why couldn't she manipulate Set? He hates his once winged ex-wife... Is he "in love with Power"? * Final Victory against Set was not earned IMO and also anticlimactic, maybe that's why the end scenes last so long, it's just to trick us (Like ¨Paul and Jason said in the episode) I saw this 2 times but the gang said not to

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Great News! Congratulations Cameron H. to you, to your wife and to your newborn son!

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Tomorrow I'll post about Gods of Egypt meanwhile enjoy this .gif I made

    Episode 81 — Mortal Kombat

    ♪These are Second Opinions, from top to bottom crazy movies are FUN!♪ and IMHO the best C&O theme is the one that goes like... ♪We're sorry to tell you that you were wrong♪ ♪And here's some things you just didn't touch on♪ ♪So check your facts before they become...♪ ♪Corrections and Omissions!♪

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    And to make matters worse Dr. Helen Cho could of easily used the Regeneration Cradle technology ( Succesfully used to cure Hawkeye and create The Vision ) to rebuild Black Widow's damaged reproductive system at a molecular level so she could regain the capability to have baby Black Widow's... Buuuut Joss Whedon "suspiciously forgot" to include / write that into the film smh (When I first though of that my mind blew up)

    Episode 143 - Gods of Egypt

    Welcome Back Cam Bert! I feel that something like what you wrote also happened to me... I missed a bunch of episodes... Since ep132 I've only caught 2 "The Avengers: Live!" and now "Gods Of Egypt" I have to use this HDTGM break to catch up and watch the movies, listen to all episodes I've missed and read the forum Again, so good to hear you are back! As for me I'm re-watching "Gods of Egypt" for a more detailed analysis I can't promise a long post but I wanted to dive into the madness once again lol

    Episode 441 - Your Cousin Marvin

    I loved every mention of this episode's title with the BTTF inflection and ejoyed Carl's choices

    Episode 441 - Your Cousin Marvin

    This has nothing to do with anything really other that my selfish attempt for Scott to know that I enjoyed his "Fun Lovin' Criminals" reference/joke in the episode so much that I bought a lot of their Cd's and took a picture and I hope he sees this post from Austraila ( J/K The FLC are my favourite band of al time and I had all of those already ) "Malonk... OUTIE!!!!"

    Ask Paul!

    Thanks to CBB episode #300 I know that Jason read the Divergent books...

    Episode 441 - Your Cousin Marvin

    Great ep.! C+ Jason both beats his meat and flips through vaginas in movie theaters? He is my personal hero! They forgot about this famous Snake wearing a bow tie though...