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Everything posted by IMAHUGEHDTGMFAN


    Episode 147 - Gamer: LIVE!

    That would make having the original tattoo totally worth it...

    Episode 147 - Gamer: LIVE!

    Welcome Back Fister Roboto!

    Episode 147 - Gamer: LIVE!

    Great episode! It covered a lot of the craziness Love that it's longer than the movie First of all I want to share my crazy theory that Simon's sister (aka Sissypuss Shelley) is actually controlling the Kumdumpstaz twins "Society" style. There is a quick blink and you miss it reaction shot of the sister during the twins line "Do you wanna see our tits, Simon?" where we see her mouthing those exact words (Or is she actually putting words in their mouths and controlling them like the Fat Gamer did with Kable's wife in "Society"?). You may think that she is used to seeing random girls show her breasts to her brother, but some time before on that scene the twins say "Oh, my God! It's really you!" to Simon confirming this is the first time the twins get in touch with him. Either this happens all the time and its a common occurrence for her or the way I see it Sissypuss is trying to trick Simon into giving away control of Kable with the fake promise of millions of Euros because she hates him... I loved that although my favourite part was the getting drunk and escaping with the ethanol truck scene P.S.: Another random things I noticed where that Simon wears a white shirt that says "Crank" on it and also during "Customize Mika" scene we see a reference to Daryl Hannah's character from Blade Runner when Mika wears the "Gothic Gray" costume...

    Episode 146.5 - Minisode 146.5

    Did you get to the jump scare part? He also says at one point "Retardedly gay" and tosses a perfect last sandwich bite onto a shelf

    Episode 146.5 - Minisode 146.5

    I totally get what you are saying because it happened to me with "Dreamcatcher" and I couldn't watch it in time to discuss it here in the forum ... I have "Gamer" (I have seen it before) on the ready and plan to see it this afternoon for when I return home after work...

    Episode 146.5 - Minisode 146.5

    Cameron H. I read your long list and the lists that others have posted and it make me want to ask... Who here has seen "Trick 'r Treat"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukylEvRE76w

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    Thank you for your reply! I wan't to see it now!

    Episode 451 - Wishing with The Grawlix

    ...The Bitch!

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    It premieres down here friday next week... Is it good???

    Nerve (2016)

    I saw "Nerve" recently and I thought it wasted the potential of the premise and by the end of it It was like a Neon Colors remake of "Hunger Games" and "Hackers" Poor Dave Franco and Juliette Lewis I love them and the fact that they are in this movie crushes my soul The trailer spoils 90% of the movie but at least its better than the final film and it only lasts 2 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PR9MOPTI7g
  11. Casey and Danielle... I LOVE when you talk about your personal lives!

    Episode 450 - Throw It On the Floor

    Who here thinks that the reason that the Popcorn Guy did what he did was because Scott mentioned he was on a diet?

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    The magic of Hollywood's hair and makeup departments ( Not available for Lukas Haas in this picture ) F.Y.I. Pictured we see (far left) the Venezuelan First Lady ( Here she is called by the President and followers "First Combatant" ) Cilia Flores and to her right President Nicolas Maduro. I think you know the rest.

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Somewhat off topic... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this... Happened Jamie Foxx and Lukas Haas visited my country (Venezuela ) yesterday... I know it's just a cover and Jamie was looking for me, seeking revenge for the posts I liked about "Stealth" in this forum

    Knight Riders (1981)

    This movie was brought up in the last episode of Comedy Bang Bang
  16. And normal natural color contact lenses just in case someone ask them to take the sunglasses off

    Episode 448 - Master of Horror

    KayakConDios is a play on words of the phrase "Vaya con Dios" ("Go with God" in english )
  18. Omission... You guys and girl didn't talk about Olga Kurylenko's character, Headmistress Ellen Kirova... My favourite line of hers is: "I could have been a model. A man in Milan gave me his card when I was 16." I took it as a joke but Olga Kurylenko is stunning and she is not playing an older Headmistress so if you think about it Ellen Kirova can easily be a model if she wanted to, her looks are not an issue. That makes the line crazier and funnier to me.

    Episode 45 - Jurassic World with Lauren Lapkus

    Hello Matt I loved your cameo answer... and then I took into consideration that Daniel Craig was a Stormtrooper in episode VII MIND BLOWN!

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    In my humble opinion, don't watch it again unless after the episode you don't remember a lot of it and wish to take notes for the C&Os... But if you do end up rewatching it don't do it at 7am, like I did... It has been a weird morning for me and can't seem to get this awful movie out of my head :S

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    This movie and it's script break the "Show, don't tell" rule but then it immediately shows you something that was already told and at some point after that it explains it again, making the whole thing more confusing that it needs to be. The Rose character is completely out of control and seems to be aware she is in a dumb Vampire/Magic/YA adapted movie. Her narration, exposition, intermonologe and remarks are bonkers to say the least (And "Bonkers doesn't begin to cover it" ). I will go deeper into it when the episode drops but I don't know what to do until then... Do I read the book???? Watch the movie again??? PLEASE HELP!!! I think need a guardian to protect me from making bad (blood) choices in life... No more bad blood!!! (choices in life).

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5


    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    Also any fan of Comedy Bang! Bang! will remember the classic episode 300 where Jason "J-Dog" (HeyNongMan)tzoukas said he was reading the Divergent series so his input will be significant...

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    Taylor Anne... Is the movie just the first book???