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Posts posted by pdxsean

  1. The Eric update was really unexpected. I hope to hear more of his life coaching, but I also sincerely hope he is OK and gets things in shape. I'm sure he's happy, he's pretty light-hearted, but this sort of weight gain will not help him in the long run.


    I really enjoyed the incompetent secretary/boyfriend character. I kept hoping he was going to make a return but usually it was just another generic dumb guy.

    • Like 1

  2. If I remember correctly, Best of Vol 3 was 2 hours, but the last 20 minutes was the interview about Tom Petty's beard. Keep these Best Ofs lean and mean, just release 'em more frequently!


    With this in mind, it would be awesome to get another of these "how the bread is made" interviews about a favorite scene in the best-of episode. I'd like to hear everyone discuss what they were thinking as the Atlantis scene developed, for example. Hearing the guys talk about Tom Petty's Beard was really fun, even if it was disappointing that none of them seem to have listened to the scene again in preparation.

    • Like 2

  3. So many great suggestions in this thread. I only kind of skimmed through, here's a few I (think I) haven't seen.


    Ep 103 26:10 (banter) 27:30 (skit) to 30:40 "Exterminator"

    Ep 103 49:20 to 55:15 "Shitting Robot"


    Ep 97.5 48:55 to ?? Eric the Unpaid Intern live at the Dog Park. Hilarious, but very long segment will need some editing.


    Well that's it for now but I've been relistening and taking notes. Most of what I had down has already been mentioned.

  4. I think the reason a lot of these things never really could have been is because if the artists had had their vision realized, if integrity had been kept, then there would have been no commercial appeal. I agree that the vision of the third Nolan Batman movie did sound pretty awesome, and maybe that would have worked, but none of these companies want to take real chances. We do live in a world where chances are taken and integrity is true, it is the art that languishes undiscovered and mostly unappreciated.


    While discussing this premise today, I realized occasionally a few true artists do break out, Miller's Crossing is an artistic vision realized, yet the Coen Brothers have managed some modest commercial success. I'm sure other mediums have such success stories, but they are likely far and few between. In my experience with photography, it's the "artist" who is best at selling their work and producing product that is popular who succeeds, while those of us who stick to what sings to us, and who remain modest of our talents, we don't even consider leaving our miserable day jobs.


    Great podcast as always guys.

  5. Dan Engler summed up my feelings on this. I don't know if Doug Loves Movies is on Midroll but they ran a similar ad about a week ago. On the DLM reddit we discussed our feelings of the ad and I think the general consensus was that you guys gotta make money, but I sure hope it was worth it. Also it is hilarious to hear the "this may cause mouth cancer" disclaimer.


    But I think it's great that you offer the freedom you do to your hosts, but accept your responsibilities as a CEO.


    I guess I forgive you for that, but for cancelling the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project? What is with you and cancelling our favorite podcasts? I thought we cleared this up a while ago!


    I hope you get that joke.

    • Like 1

  6. I love the awful song choices in the throwing-it-around game. Kyle nonsense at its best.


    I feel bad for David being so frustrated lately, I sympathize with him but the nonsensical diversions are my favorite part. Much like "U Talking U2 To Me?" PB is far less about whatever the subject is than the gang just having fun.

    • Like 3

  7. Most video games (the PC strategy games I play anyway) have typically classical scores for the background. Which tend to play on loop.


    That being said, I listen to podcasts while playing video games so the first thing I do when I play a game is turn the music off. Then I barely pay attention to the talking all of you guys put so much effort into. Luckily I sussed this one fact out and commented on it before I forgot it!

  8. I'm glad the point was brought up that the real problem with conspiracy theories is that they detract from the real-life swindling going on under our eyes. The bank penalties and fees is a perfect example of that. Great podcast as always guys.


    To be honest I gave this episode a listen hoping to hear a thoughtful discussion of Mel Gibson's film "Conspiracy Theory" but gosh darn it if I made it through to the epilogue without hearing a peep. Couldn't be bothered to finish the episode I was so disappointed.


    And you're right that it was Tig Notaro talking about the papers on 9/11. I remember thinking that I would stop taking all this work BS so seriously when she said that and it worked throughout that entire evening.


    Keep up the great work.

  9. Like a twisted, insidious drug-pusher, Andy Daly gave us a tiny taste of exhilarating podcasts... and then disappeared once we were all addicted. This unexpected hiatus, however long it lasts, will be one hell of a nasty detox period. :(

    As a fan of the Pod F Tompkast, the "maybe there'll be another season" is both a huge blessing and a huge curse. No matter how long it's been you never can truly give up hope (see Daily Affirmations or Mike Detective) that they will return.

  10. It's a real shame the forums are so dead on this show. Cracked is one of the best new podcasts of the last year or so, and deserves a lot of love. Considering the smart topics and thoughtful discussion, you'd think there'd be lots to discuss here. Admittedly, I'm not help... listening to these things at 1AM when I am usually still baked and getting ready to sleep doesn't exactly help me think of things to say. Especially since it's a smart podcast, popping in and being like "You guys are awesome!" just seems lame.


    Anyway, great podcast. Keep it up guys. You guys are awesome! I've listened to every episode and plan to continue to do so as long as they keep coming out.
