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Posts posted by pdxsean

  1. Scott's usual air of bewildered wonder made it difficult to gauge his sincerity discussing U2. As I am indifferent (at best) toward the band, it usually seemed like Scott was sarcastically talking about how awesome they were. And it felt like Adam was playing along in his dry way. I know at some points they were legitimately excited to be listening, but I felt like their viewpoint was far from that of a fawning fanboy.


    It was fun to listen to the two of them goof around and be nutty, basically I put up with the U2 discussion just to hear that. It's hard to hear Scott away from CBB so I'll take what I can get.

  2. Great episode. Two things nobody has remarked on that I found particularly hilarious. First, Matt giving Lauren crap about "spotting" someone doing sit-ups. I love it when Matt does this, focuses on an unimportant detail.


    Second, the amazing call-back when (sorry I can't remember her name) did the man character and Lauren (?) said "Oh I thought you were a confident woman." That was so unexpected and hilarious.


    That's all, Great episode!

    • Like 3

  3. I was also glad to hear My Wife.


    For those looking for more Scotty A and Pauly FT saying "my wife" they really should check out the newest Dead Author's Podcast where, as mentioned in this very episode, Scott plays the author of 'A Christmas Carol' and finds a way to work in a "my wife" or two. Great cross-podcast comedy there.

    • Like 1

  4. Not only is there Sean Conroy and Billy Merrit, but Paul Rust? AND a new Case Closed? AND AND that crazy surprisingly reasonable guy from the trumpet video? Why, why, WHY did I have plans last Thursday when this was on VPN?


    New no-no, if you're going to have an awesome cast on a live VPN episode I'm unable to watch, then you have to put together a super fun segment with some crazy guy from the internet. That's right, put together a good show for a live taping, and make it even better with well-planned production values. New no-no! The greatest podcast in the universe is still the greatest podcast in the universe.

    • Like 2

  5. I'm going to play Earwolf Intern tonight, just because I'm so keen to comment.


    Paul Rust, Sean Conroy, and Billy Merritt join Matt Besser for a monumental improv4humans where they hear from Doug Levison aka the

    in another edition of Case Closed. Plus, Matt will soon be immortalized in trading card form! You can now get the UCB Comedy Improv Manual at http://ucbstore.com/books/the-upright-citizens-brigade-comedy-improvisation-manual, Matt Besser’s new comedy album at mattbesser.com, Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com, and a new improv4humans t-shirt at the Earwolf store!
    • Like 4

  6. Wow. I thought this was going to be like a new season of the Earwolf Challenge, but hosted by Andy Daly. Now that I've heard the clip, I can't believe that it is going to be like a million times better. Also, it makes perfect sense that Andy is concerned whether or not some of the contributors are alive. We'll have to wait and see.


    In fact, it sounds so awesome I'm surprised that Jeff Ullrich hasn't cancelled it already.

    • Like 4

  7. Thanks so much for pointing out the Breaking Bad spoilers.


    I love the alternate ending to Forrest Gump. Hilarious. The Coen Brothers still do really solid endings for their movies. 'A Serious Man' has a great abrupt ending. Burn After Reading's ending is also amazing, in that it wraps up that nothing really happened throughout the movie. I guess that's what happens when you're able to make small movies that nobody really sees but still are critical favorites.


    Great podcast by the way, not sure if I've ever mentioned it but I love it!

  8. Tom's description of the live song sounding like each band member was on a separate stage, unable to hear one another, and just guessing what song they are all playing... that was the best way I can think of to describe why I don't like Phish.


    This podcast is great because I love how earnest Harris is and how he appreciates how bad the music sounds almost as quickly as the guest.


    Great episode. Can't wait for the concert episode, and I'd love to hear some Besser and Mantzoukas on here. Might be a little tough since the real charm of the podcast is people trashing the terrible music, but I'm pretty sure they can mock it and love it at the same time.

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  9. I'm really liking the way they've played with their B-story arcs. Whether it's bookending the show (like with the dolls, or the madhouse in the season premier) or the zany ongoing stories (the vampire, or Tim Meadow's narration, Cop Swap, etc) they have done some amazing and creative things. I loved Season One but Season Two makes it look like a pile of garbage being fought over by hobos in the alleyway outside of the old Franklin Ave studio. Can't wait for season three!

    • Like 2

  10. I have the dog/head shirt and didn't mind wearing it until like the fourth stranger asked if it was a picture of me on it. Now I feel like most people see some weirdo walking around with a picture of himself on his shirt so there goes that.


    As for sexy robots, I won't commit to whether I would or would not have sex with the I4H robot given the chance, I don't see myself wearing the shirt that shows my hand in that category. Just call me modest.

  11. I'd say the main story of this thread is how great an episode it was. I agree.


    The B story seems to be a lot of plugs for I4H. Which is nice 'cause it's the best podcast in the universe.


    My favorite tho is the C story of this thread: being nostalgic. A perfect excuse for me to throw in a mention of Plane Breaks. I miss Plane Breaks.

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