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Posts posted by pdxsean

  1. That is great news about the cancer. I really look forward to seeing Tig back on her ride to the top. Good thing she has that prescription rocket ship to get her there.


    Glad to hear about the new video game Trolley Town Toilet Flush, sounds like a blast.


    Finally, I was in New York for a day a couple of weeks ago. I am disappointed I didn't know about the High Line before I went, I'd have loved to check that out. Congratulations on the apartment, that dishwasher sounds pretty awesome.

  2. This is my first time listening to the podcast. I'd read a review about some hot man-on-underaged-girl action on iTunes, and had to check it out. I'm glad my wishes came true, I can't wait to hear week after week of his Hot Saucerman (talk about a porn name!) and Marissa "womp it up" for an hour. I thought "earwolf" sounded kind of dirty, but this is kinkier than I expected.


    Now it turns out Scottobot and Wompler might be brother and sister? Talk about a fetish podcast. Five thumbs up!

    • Like 1

  3. I have a couple of things, and only because my interaction as an average chartist was requested during the podcast.


    1 - Where's the weird NAMBLA skateboard picture? Or is it so awful it's NSFW?


    2 - I love Howard's non-sequiters and flexibility, but there's no way he can suddenly switch to "summer ends September 21" when for three months he's been saying June, July, August. Just listen to the Charteds from the start of August, where Wie Wie is insisting we all enjoy our last month of Summah. I know even in the last few weeks he specifically called it out as "June, July, and August... I don't care what the calendar says." It's not verbatim, but it's pretty close iirc.


    I know you asked for the latter commentary via Twitter but I can barely muster up the time to write here, let alone try to get all that crap down to 144 characters.

  4. I thought Kyle's Mark Zuckerberg was based on Matt Besser's impersonation from a few months ago on CBB. I was pretty surprised to hear MZ's real voice, which is surprisingly similar to the impersonation Kyle (or Besser) did. Nice work. It's not as fun as Bill Maher or as luxurious as Trump, but it's another fun voice to add to the mix.

    • Like 1

  5. I am looking forward to deciphering the recording order of the next several PBs. Based on the opening I suspect this one was recorded directly after the TIg Update. Or are there more grim podcasts to come? Yikes.


    The laughs and fun are such a great balance to the undercurrent of Tig's tragedies (and also Kyle's hair tragedy) this show has even more meaning to me than ever. I really enjoyed this week's discussion, I hadn't really considered the concept of using projection to understand the rude behavior of others. Don't blame myself, they are merely projecting their problems onto me.


    Aaron had another incredible choice in clips this week, I love the idea that you're quietly rebroadcasting background spaceship noise. It's like the "Would You Rather" theme except even less engaging... but equally sacrosanct! That's right, I just suggested that Aaron is as funny as Scott Aukerman.

  6. I really like these bonus episodes. I'm glad they are presented as they are, because they're pretty funny but are clearly cut for a reason. This one was pretty good, I really enjoyed the stories leading up to it. Last week's with the weird sound effect clip was tedious at first but had a huge payoff. So thanks Matt for sharing these, keep 'em coming but keep up the high standards on the main eps. Great stuff!

  7. What a shocker. Tig, you are so tough, and every time I think how amazing you are doing, you end up getting hit harder than before. I hope this is over with soon.


    And I am glad you guys talked about flowers, because I had still thought of them as romantic. Kyle's anecdote about giving out flowers gave me like a sixth sense moment, where I saw a series of flashbacks of women receiving flowers, and their reactions suddenly had a whole new meaning. Thank you, Professor Blastoff.

    • Like 1

  8. Wait a minute... first, CBB puts both Besser and Odenkirk on, and now PB has the Scottobot? Is Earwolf some devious sleep-deprivation experiment? Seriously, I have a job and you guys are really making it difficult to go to bed at a reasonable time. What's next, a very special Who Charted with both Harris Wittles and Andy Daly? PFT on I4H? I love your shows and all, but sometimes you have to put out some garbage so I can get a decent night's sleep.


    At least I live on the west coast.

    • Like 11

  9. Curse you, Comedy Bang Bang, you clearly have it out for all of us who work on Monday mornings. Ever since I found out Odenkirk isn't that weirdo with the thumb movies (right here on these forums btw) I've realized he's hilarious. Now I have to stay up late and find out if I'm still right.

  10. It's crazy to think that a comedy podcast about popularity charts might encourage one to reconsider their diet... but between Wie-wie's thoughtful vegetarian stance and Kuku's consideration of life-long diet change, I feel like I need to get my act together. Two Charted is great to listen to, I love hearing you two just chat and reveal more about yourselves, and if my podcast friends can be happy with these changes, maybe I can to. Heck, Howard has inspired me to ask more weird non-sequiter questions, so why not eat less meat too?

    • Like 2

  11. Wie-wie - If there's anything I've learned from Mott Skaukerman's "Jukebox Jury," it is that your vocal tracks should be higher than the backing tracks. It's the only complaint I'd have with "Heal With My Steel," which has amazing rhymes. The associated commentary on the youtube clip seemed very complimentary. FWIW - I know nothing about music.


    Great to hear the love for Portland - I for one see no controversy in Ku-ku's opinion.

  12. Wow. Amazing episode. I don't think I've laughed so hard and so out loud as I did with the wipeout segment. Good lord, that is why I never miss an episode of this podcast. Scottobot, you are incredible.


    I was shocked the other day when I was encouraging a table full of strangers to check out CBB when one of the strangers was like "Yeah, you should listen, it's hilarious." Finally, I've met another CBB listener in real life! They do exist outside of the shadowy internet underworld.


    Or maybe he was just a vampire looking to jump on the back of my horse.

  13. Great guest this week, he really seemed to have a good time and felt natural. His inclusion of the timely Humanitis plug was very clever.

    I love that this podcast has matured nicely. I remember the original "riddle" with Dr. Coen, it's crazy to think it was just a few months ago and now they're the "Would You Rather?" of Blastoff... how could the podcast have existed without them?

  14. You guys are the best. I really hope "Double Blood" joins the callback lineup.

    I am a manager of a poker room, where obviously cheating is an issue we watch carefully for. It's difficult for players to cheat when we have assigned dealers, however the "staying technically within the rules" but taking advantage phenomenon, as described by David, is something I run into now and again. In poker, this is called "angle shooting", and is basically considered equivalent to cheating. It is difficult to enforce, because the intent of the player has to be interpreted, and they of course fall back on "it's in the rules!" where we as arbitrator have to explain that they are not playing within the spirit of the game. Luckily, the #1 rule in poker explains that the spirit of fairness is paramount, and the floor person (basically referee) has the responsibility to keep the game fair even if it means not enforcing a technical rule.

    Just wanted to share that. Keep up the great work, everyone!

  15. About a year ago I went to a public pool with my brother and his family. After we were done swimming, we went into the changing room with showers. While I was showering (with my trunks on) a child wandered in naked to shower as well. So it was pretty awkward. Next there was the routine of changing with my brother and 7-year-old nephew standing within arms length... each of us naked at some point.

    There's still plenty of modern opportunity to see happy innocent adult penises.

  16. Wait, is there some new Eardrop episodes I'm not seeing? If not, who is tweeting six-month old show links?
    I'd like to hear more Eardrops as well but I kind of thought the problem was a lack of interest from the contributors (other than Doug Benson who at least made it his personal what's up hot dog thing) rather than it being an inconvenience for the listeners.
    On the other hand, Earwolf has so many great new shows, many of the former Eardrop contributors now have weekly commitments to the network so using their material on Eardrop might not be so wise now.

  17. I have a few questions.
    1) Did you come up with this podcast while working in the lab late one night?
    2) Is "very soon" less than five months?
    3) When are those new iBrains coming out?

    Finally, I wanted to share the fact that this podcast made me laugh. Brett, you can retire in peace now.
