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Posts posted by pdxsean

  1. I love the way that you guys extrapolate the most value out of any trailing off or unfinished thought. Any time there's an incomplete sentence, someone is always there to pounce and ask the most hilarious uncomfortable follow-up questions. Way to go!

    It's hard to believe it's been 26 episodes... I remember hearing the bee episode and wondering if this should would catch on. Now, my love for podcast falls somewhere between my love for my cat and my love of cookies.

  2. As usual, amazing episode.

    My highlights: Scott was at the top of his callback game with his instant "tear ewer" reference.

    Could not have laughed harder at how much Harris hates "What am I thinking?" Harris Wittles is always a winner (or fan favorite, as they say in the biz) and his critique of the show always hit home.

  3. I can't believe Little Gary hasn't been mentioned. Or maybe he was excepted because he is clearly the best character ever.

    I also can't stop thinking about a one-off character from an early episode. I can't remember his name, other than that it started with an initial, like J Todd Peterman or something. He was the former co-host on "Thicke of the Night" and titular star of "Make Room for Grandpa" or whatever. He still comes to mind a lot, which is surprising since he was in like Ep 20 or so. Would love to see him return.

  4. Dear Tig Notaro

    You are hilarious in person, even if we couldn't hear you off-mic up in the balcony at Mississippi Studios. I really enjoyed your show, my friends (who had never heard of you) also had a great time. I am the guy who yelled out "Professor Blastoff" and then came up with the genius follow-up "Why aren't you talking about it?" Thanks for the wonderful show!

    Sean in Portland

  5. I'm pretty sure Scottobot is only calling his newer episodes "bro-ing out" so we'll come back and relisten to this classic ep with Bro. The conspiracy goes deeper, however... as the real reason Mr. Saucerman is sending us back to Ep 109 is to relive the glory of the massive plane breaks. Methinks Mott Skaukerman has some regrets about the move and is subconsciously reaching out for the bliss of distracting listeners from a distant passing plane.

    On the subject of MIA segments, where is Li'l Gary?!

  6. I'll be seeing Tig tomorrow here in Portland at Mississippi Studios. Too bad I couldn't wear a Prof Blastoff t-shirt to the show. Oh well, at least I'll be able to eat a delicious factory-farmed burger there with genetically modified tomatoes and plenty of high fructose corn-based ketchup.

  7. I want to add a +1 to the general civility compliment, the Earwolf forums are the best.

    Also a +1 to the "stop telling guests the chart roulette is about them" critique. It was a lot of fun to hear the guest work their way through it, and even get sort of creeped out. Even after being told, Andy didn't seem to get that the questions were about his life, even with a lot of prompting... so I think if some guests won't get it, they still won't get it even if told.

    Finally I didn't care much for Andy as a guest on this show. I thought he was funny in a lot of ways, but he didn't fit with WC. For example, my favorite part is Howard's absurd non-sequiter questions. The few he was able to get a off in this show, breaking through Andy's antics, Kindler totally brushed them off or stepped on the best part. +1 to the "Andy complaining about Robin Williams after acting like Robin Williams" comment.

    Anyway, keep up the great work guys, thanks for the quality product!

  8. I want to add a +1 to the general civility compliment, the Earwolf forums are the best.

    Also a +1 to the "stop telling guests the chart roulette is about them" critique. It was a lot of fun to hear the guest work their way through it, and even get sort of creeped out. Even after being told, Andy didn't seem to get that the questions were about his life, even with a lot of prompting... so I think if some guests won't get it, they still won't get it even if told.

    Finally I didn't care much for Andy as a guest on this show. I thought he was funny in a lot of ways, but he didn't fit with WC. For example, my favorite part is Howard's absurd non-sequiter questions. The few he was able to get a off in this show, breaking through Andy's antics, Kindler totally brushed them off or stepped on the best part. +1 to the "Andy complaining about Robin Williams after acting like Robin Williams" comment.

    Anyway, keep up the great work guys, thanks for the quality product!
