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Ghost of HST

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Posts posted by Ghost of HST

  1. I was just talking the other day about how shirt without pants is the worst possible way to be exposed. This podcast really speaks to me.


    Who doesn't lounge around the house on a Sunday morning with only a shirt on?

    Cat owners, for one, I suppose...




    Anyhow, I think some idiot roommate told my parents that I died


    because I was in heaven with this episode...

  2. Ha! I wondered how the notoriously easily queazy J Pardo handled it?? "Is that pus?" "No, trufle oil."


    Seriously though, Ducca on Ayahuasca?! Duccashrooms? Always so great to hear Ducca. If you are a fan and have never listened to the Benson Interruption with him, do so forthwith.

  3. Screen-Shot-2013-11-06-at-9.05.13-PM-162x162.jpg


    My dude is a genius for real. So happy anytime he's a part of the show. Zach found the perfect bit to drag him into.

    No doubt that was masterful. The young 'uns were fine but I do sometimes get the feeling that Matt busts their chops for some improv choice. The trumpet player vid was off the charts! But wait, was this the first simultaneous vid/podcast drop? I am really digging the vpn recently - SUGOi

    • Like 1

  4. Thanks c&b but this:

    So sorry about this. This is a strange bug that will take some digging into. We will work on it tonight and I’ll get back to you tomorrow with an update.

    sounds like BS...Add e-mail address to list + ??? = CBB live goodness...I will report back with the results.

  5. Sorry to have to air this here but I have not received a single show. Frank C. at Earwolf has been of some assistance but I am having a very hard time understanding how a mass emailing is so difficult. Perhaps Werner would have a witty riposte about the overwhelming weight of mass impersonal technology pressing down on man's soul like the death-grip of, I dunno, a grizzly bear? But really, I just want to hear the episodes...

    • Like 1

  6. Coincidance - I was going to spoil myself on who the other guests for Bumbershoot were but, there you go, these Forii and y'all rule it. I thought he might run all the Bumbershoots but if they are the same guests then he will probably run them staggered but I ain't complaining because this one was truly top-notch through and through. And again, thanks for all the background info on the episode... :wub:

    • Like 1

  7. There's also the Rainbow parties that involved different colored bracelets:

    Different versions associate different colors with sex acts (similar to the handkerchief code). For example, purple might be associated with kissing, red with lapdancing, and black with intercourse.[6][8][12] Some versions said the involved action occurs at parties held for the purpose, making them similar to contemporary rumors of "rainbow parties", a gathering at which groups of girls wearing varying shades of lipstick supposedly take turns fellating their classmates, leaving an array of colors on their penises. Other tales of teenagesex parties have circulated at various times. Folklorist Barbara Mikkelson of snopes.com associates the "sex bracelet" stories with similar ones of the past.[1] In the 1970s, pulltabs fromaluminum cans and labels from beer bottles were supposedly considered "sex coupons" and obligated any girl presented with one to sleep with the bearer; by the 1990s the rumors shifted to include an assortment of plastic items, including some worn as bracelets. According to Mikkelson, there is likely little truth behind the stories, and the vast majority of teenagers who contact her site express shock and disappointment that so many have believed them.[1]


    Anyhow, another great, great I4H video epi. Actually, some very next-level shit with the crossed conversations bit...

  8. I was a little surprised that Paul didn't bring up any possible connections between Matt Berry's love of fantasy football and Paul's FX show.


    Yeah, I thought that it was a missed opportunity but I'm already a fan so...


    I didn't mind the format switch since that story was so effin' great. Thinking about what an egomaniac "Croc" is, I realized the movie was a total pitch for a TV show - Paul Rodriguez first mentions it and then Croc's last line!


    Can someone please do a graphic for June Diane's "No! NO! Noooo!" when hearing about Croc's wife??


    I feel that George Hamilton's spiel about colonics should have been discussed...Feel free to chime in here folks.



    Did I hear Paul give a shout-out to some dude with a nightmare twitter handle of "snap the jap"?? Yet another reason why I'm glad to have taken the Mantzoukas approach to twitter.

    Meh, twhatever, "Snap the Jap" not only gave HC cash to THIS show but I know he's quite a supporter of the whole LA podcast scene...I have been meaning to watch that 2:30 show or whatever that Zouks twittered on.

  9. I sincerely apologize for calling you a troll and thank you very much for your detailed and considerate reply.

    I am also glad that you clarify that in fact you support the patent being challenged and this obviously requires financial support. I can understand that the issue is perhaps being blown out of proportion but I'm sure you can easily see how difficult it is for people to believe that you could patent something as generic as recording something and then uploading the data so that users can click and download that data. I work in translation and occasionally look at patents but my eyes start to glaze over immediately...Nonetheless, I imagine that somewhere within their patent there could be an argument to be made. The "reasonable royalty" aspect is interesting but that would have to be settled within the suit, meaning that, again, lawyers' fees are a necessity so I really don't find a problem with them asking for contributions even though they are perhaps overstating their case.

    I'd like to see someone more closely involved take a look at your arguments of course. I have heard at least one other podcaster hint that it is being blown out of proportion...

    • Like 1

  10. I was down with Nick from the get go...I guess someone has to represent the completely opposite side of the spectrum but I do enjoy the show and really bear no ill will towards Phish fans as I figure, being that soft in the head is burden enough, namsayin.

    Oh! Wasn't there something about Besser being a Phish fan? He should definitely get involved with this!

  11. I can see why people get into watching this...I watched Idiocracy recently so it was fun to see how they handled the "hero out of time" here. Of course, making it a few hundred years makes sense although I guess we are to believe that the great earthquake caused some sort of mass trauma but they really had to drive it home here...It was fun to watch Snipes just be a consummate asshole psychopath on all levels - ching-chong bing bong! My favorite was how Stallone was completely baffled by this "future" while Snipes could just bang on a keyboard and (randomly?) hack into all the info. he needed. Getting those guns to work was ridonkulous...
