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Ghost of HST

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Posts posted by Ghost of HST

  1. Yeah that was a great conversation...the background part was totally for us old farts: Spy Magazine, Katha Pollitt, Connie Chung and Nicaragua! I used to read Spy and I understand what Randy was saying about it but it must've, for better or worse, planted the seeds of modern-day snark...They could be pretty good at deconstructing celebrity at times:



    And as always some great bits...I would love to hear PFT recite that Daddy Longlegs monologue as Herzog 'cuz that's all I heard...

  2. Agree with the general consensus...Great guest, great episode but I fall on the depressed-by-it side of the court...SO much death and weird sex obsession with a really pithy New Age Christian "message" (which was...?). The movie starts off so-so but once you find out the kid brother is not merely goofy but rather has Asperger's, the movie takes a dark turn downwards with a lot of illogical and hard-to-follow turns...I was baffled by the Latifah husband situation also as it just didn't seem to gel...

  3. This movie really pissed me off too...especially since it seemed like a poor revamping of Amores Perros...or a pathetic stab at Short Cuts or any PT Anderson film. Would love to hate watch it again... (Also agreed about The Artist and Slumdog.)

  4. Speaking of Face Off...


    Margaret Cho: 'John Travolta Is Like Oscar Wilde Gay'


    "I’m going to get in trouble but I’ll just tell you," she continued. " He’s not just gay. He doesn’t just like men. He is like Oscar Wilde gay, like Lord Byron gay. That kind of crazy, incredibly flamboyant gay."

    "I feel bad for him, because I know he would be much happier if he could just come out," she says, "But he can’t."

    Margaret Cho co-starred alongside John Travolta in 1997's "Face/Off."

    "It was a weird movie because the way that he worked on it was John Travolta, he can only work 10 hours a day," she explains. " And part of the 10 hours is him flying his plane to the location and flying home. So essentially he only had to work like five hours a day."

    She wasted no time making another joke about his sexuality.

    "He was so pampered and so taken care of, it was the closest I have ever been to being in the presence of a king," before adding, "Or a queen, actually."


  5. Nobody really likes it but when we release it all at the same time, the watches/listens cannibalize each other. I think that's the reason. Just to think, we didn't even have video a few months ago. I'm glad you guys want more and more.


    Thanks for your reply. I understand. Sucking on the Intertubez tits makes us all overly avaricious...It exists therefore I want...Y'all do a great job with the vids so keep 'em coming even if delayed...

  6. Maybe it's because I have no real sentimental connection to the Spice Girls but I didn't find this movie fun or funny at all. They could've done a fun movie about them with a plot that made some sense and was truly feminist but this was just a muddled pile of crap. The music/dance scenes were boring and the confusing documentary/fictional film metaplot or whatever was confusing at best...

  7. A few things...Paul mentioned Go On at the end but maybe it is old because Seth Morris' Yahoo thing started quite a while back...I try to watch (force myself) the movies beforehand because I think it really enhances the podcast and you can always come here and talk about points you thought they missed...I totally called that Burt Burger King Reynolds too...so obvious:







    And Krug? Really? Made me think of Krull but also...



    • Like 1

  8. It was fun to watch it go from just Matt and Paul chilling to slowly ramping up into typical I4H mayhem - Excellent YT vids and stories folks!...I knew what Matt looks like but I didn't realize he was a Phish fan (or is it Phan? or Phishhead?)...yikes. He really must do an Analyze Phish with some others trying to deprogram him from thinking he actually "likes" them...

  9. Don't know where to put this but there should be easy to find links for the surveys about the shows. Are there any now? It would probably up the amount of people who reply if you linked them in the show description. I want to fill some in but it's hard to google them...

  10. Chevy Chase did bad mouth the movie in a way. In a New York Magazine interview given to promote his new late night talk show he said of Nothing But Trouble that it was "a career buster," and "Dan Akroyd's idea. Went in the dumper."




    Yeah, it's funny that the article is about the soon-to-premiere Chevy Chase late-night show that was a career A-bomb I guess because he was pretty much gone after that until Community...


    Couldn't read all that Aykroyd article but he was pretty high on himself:

    "The dinner scene was the one I was most worried about," he explains. "It's filled with exactly the mixture of comic beats and suspense that I was trying to achieve with the entire movie. It was tough because I knew we would be doing it all day, setting up angles for everybody and getting the elements of the train, the hot dog and my fake nose in just the right amount. But once the scene was blocked out and the cameras set, the scene just fell together."


    "Comic beats and suspense"

    Say what? I dunno, whether it's your friends or not, if you're invested in comedy or even just a fan of the actors, it's disappointing to see them flail about and never hit anywhere near target. John Candy almost had me at the beginning with this "Not this year, sir." but, I agree with the hosts - there was something off about Candy, like he wasn't really committed to the role...I also got genuinely disgusted with this movie. I mean, I can handle League of Gentlemen or Tim and Eric because it really is so over the top. If you don't do that, you end up with a movie that just makes you go "ecch".

    Love the show, loved the episode...

  11. Nothing like a crazy Satan movie! I think it's obvious but the over-the-top smooching of Keanu and Charlene was to show their lustful nature. Charlize's whole subplot was absurd though, wasn't it? Beelzu just wanted to torture her as she played no useful role except to be some sort of conscience to Keanu so why not just have offed? Oh yeah, free will. So torture her with demons and rape.

    Anyhow, like Jason, I am always reminded of DeNiro as the Satan in Angel Heart. Definitely made when DeNiro hadn't descended into taking hack roles and he plays it much more finessed than Pacino:



  12. Funny/Sad article about Lohan's latest "project":


    It was true, Schrader had broken his promise, but this was Hollywood. Manipulating someone like Scott — or Lohan — was his vocation. Still, it wouldn’t be easy. At their second meeting, Lohan complained to Schrader about a biopic she was shooting for Lifetime, in which she played Elizabeth Taylor, one of her role models. She proclaimed the director a jerk, her co-star a nightmare and the crew unfriendly. On it went. Schrader listened for a while. He looked stricken. He softly tapped his balding head on the table. Lohan asked him what was the matter.

    “That’s going to be me in two months. You’re going to turn on me.”

    The actress touched his arm softly. “C’mon, Paul. That won’t happen.”

    He chose to believe her. That summer, he developed a pet line to steel the less brave.

    “We don’t have to save her,” Schrader said. “We just have to get her through three weeks in July.”

    A month later, Schrader would be standing naked in a Malibu bedroom, missing his dogs and trying to coax Lohan out of her robe.

    Turns out three weeks can be a very long time.


