I have a show on YourCast also (Terrible Friends Podcast). When we first signed up for the YourCast page, the intent was to use the visibility to bring up our numbers. That has happened, but not to as big of an extent as we had hoped, and probably not worth the $5 a month if we were looking at it purely from a cost/benefit analysis model based on listenership. We've kept being a part of the YourCast page not mainly because of the visibility and potential listeners but more because of the podcast network that we've become a part of. We're starting to bring in other YourCast show hosts as guests on our podcast, and are working out ways to help promote each others' shows. The only sense of competition that I feel is with other shows that I feel don't do as good of a job as we do, whether that's content, audio quality, etc. If we find a podcast that we like, our first move is to start communication with them to see how we can bring our listeners to them, and see if they'd want to bring their listeners to us. When you guys launched the YourCast page, did you envision this type of communication and collaboration, or is this a surprise to you?