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Posts posted by Henry

  1. It has been accomplished...


    (Hebry collapses from the exhaustion, the locket, having grown hot with whatever power was coursing through it, melts through the chain and rolls away from his body. Now that Jeffrey has completed his part, the skies clear and the birds start singing. But what has Jeffrey done? By bravely taking it upon himself to slaughter this week's forum and sacrificing it to the podcast gods, even at risk to himself and his post/like ratio, we are guaranteed another successful harvest of Hollywood Handbook.)

    • Like 15

  2. Yes, the ritual is nearly complete...


    (Hebry softly grins as Jeffrey begins the bit again, and the locket hanging from his neck seems to glow with a dim red light. The sadness that overshadowed his face each time the bit died down is now replaced with hope and triumph as the flames that light the wicks on the candelabra inexplicably burst into a surreal blaze. Lightning and thunder begin to crash outside the forum windows seemingly in time with each episode that gets counted down. Has this really simply just been a long arduous bit... or something more?)

    • Like 17

  3. I KNEW my crows would lead me to victory. a sparkly leather suit filled with crows can take on anything, and that's not even mentioning the beer.


    Hmm, crows?..... Oh, you mean the winged ones who protected and nourished me when I found myself lost at sea 300 years ago. You know, it sounds strange, but I kind of grew to think of them all as my parents, even though in truth I know I never had parents. They never existed


    (It is now apparent that hebry is wearing an intricately designed locket that is hung on a golden chain around his neck. He opens it and looks at whatever is in there with sad and tired eyes. After closing the locket he gives it a brief kiss, and as a tear runs down his face he sighs out a word that is too quiet to be heard by the rest of the forum. What is in that locket? Lost at sea 300 years ago and cared for by crows? If he's so old how come he has such a perfectly sculpted face and body? Never had parents? And why does his phone autocorrect his name to replace the 'n' with a 'b'? What does all this mean?)


    Find out next time on another chapter of "The Mysterious Case of Herby"

    • Like 10

  4. :D!!! Excellent work, Auden! I put one up on a telephone pole next to the school bus stop in my neighborhood because like any drug dealer knows, it sometimes helps to get them hooked when they're teenagers. It rained all weekend though, and the flyer didn't survive. Good to see the good word of HH is being spread! I'm down for a charity car wash, it'll be just like that part on the G.O.T.G. OST where the kids save the factory!
    • Like 14

  5. I feel you thejjar, you're a hero among men. I've done my part and have created a flyer worthy of the finest telephone pole. I'll find some places to staple it this afternoon. I personally don't have the balls to put this thing up in a bank though, so praises to thejjar.




    So, the rest of you scoop troopers gonna get on board? Let's do this thing! For Sean and Hayes!

    • Like 23

  6. Is it rude to every other person on earth except for Sean and Hayes when I say that I'm kind of glad nobody else is there and the no guest episodes are my favorite? If so I deeply apologize, but I'm still excited the boys got another episode to themselves!


    Cody's cool too. Good job, Cody man!

    • Like 19

  7. Just to explain myself, this episode thread was originally titled as having Jon Daly as the guest. I never really believed he was going to be the guest after reading agata's post. It's fixed now so my previous post may look stupid and goofy. It isn't though, I assure you. It was very cool and funny at the time. Just like me in the 80s

    • Like 16