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Posts posted by Henry

  1. I'm actually maybe too employed at the moment. I've discussed the matter with my boss and explained that if I don't get some time freed up to think of long rambling paragraphs that go nowhere, but sometimes make myself giggle, then I'd be taking this job and shoving it up a butt. I didn't specify which butt, but I think I made my point. She said something about me being on fire or whatever, so she obviously appreciates my forum posts and wants me to get back to them. Kinda weird, I didn't even know she was a HH fan. Must just be a forum lurker or something. Well, I'll see you tomorrow boss lady. I won't say your name, you know who you are ;)

    • Like 7

  2. I don't think anyone really appreciates the poop guy as much as I do. He says "poop" a lot, and poop is funny because I am literally 2 years old. Therein lies the humor. I'm a 2 year old boy and this full grown adult man is saying the word "poop" over and over again. I can hear you now. "Umm, duh, what? That's it? (Insert silly fart noise)". Of course not, you pile of refuse! If you think he only writes about poop then you can go punch your mommy in the shoes because he's got a ton of tricks up his sleeves. He's also written a plethora of songs about food! Lol! Yep, that's the stuff that I try to put it in my mouth with my hands but then lack the motor skills to do so, and so I get frustrated and repeatedly slap my hands on the table. You should see me, it's ridiculous!

    • Like 18

  3. This thing just got blown wide open! Obviously we can't trust any one of these deceivers. What's their real plan? Whatever it is it can't be good. I can't believe so many of you almost fell for this Megsgate conspiracy. Vote Silvr, I got a feeling that she's got nothing to do with this "secret forum" b.s. And please buy a bumper sticker, I've decided that these things were kind of a bad idea. They can also be used as just normal stickers for around the house as well, though. And they're good for the environment.

    • Like 13

  4. Henry, stop trying to make Megs happen! It’s not going to happen


    I've already announced the candidate that I'm supporting, and I'm out a lot of money on these bumper stickers. I'm just a little cautious of Megs, and I don't think it's wise to ignore her. Don't get me wrong, I'm against Megs' campaign and I'll try as hard as I can to find some dirt on her in the effort to seal the victory of the candidate that I believe is right for the job. I also feel that ordering up 50,000 of these stickers was maybe a rash decision that I'm hoping I won't regret.


    THIS JUST IN: A reliable source (codename: aaaaa) has just discovered that Megs' real name is Legos Monstertruck Maguire!

    • Like 8

  5. What do we really know about the candidates? It has been recently exposed that with one simple change of a letter "JEFFERYPARTIES" can become"JEFFERYPANTIES". Is that the kind of person you want to look up to as a leader? It's also been proven that while it is impressive that Jackal has psychic powers, he also committed post edit fraud and yet he has apparently used his connections to avoid any punishment for his crimes. thejjar in my opinion is guilty by association because of his bro status with Jackal. These are merely the facts, and as a forum journalist it is my job to expose them no matter how troubling they may be. A vote for Silvr is a vote for someone with the power to ban you. Make the right choice. Don't get banned

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