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Posts posted by Henry

  1. So I tend to use these opportunities to stir up a little controversy. This political cartoon is intended to pose a bitingly critical view of the climate in these forums that we experience every once in a while. I also want to point out that I am myself a noob in my own right so this is also self deprecating which makes me endearing and charming.




    Mostly I just wanted an excuse to show off that I'm Brett's favorite


    (Not for reals, guys. Have fun :) )

    • Like 19

  2. Update from my previous comment: That little trip down memory lane got me curious so I did some quick wiki research, and I'll tell you what. I may have been a dumb 14 year old, but there ain't a red blooded boy in here who wouldn't have bought a Beatles t-shirt in the hopes to impress this babe! I bet her teeth are hella straight too



    • Like 1

  3. I once saw Andy Garcia getting onto the Peter Pan ride at Disneyland while my family and I were getting off the ride, we waited around a bit after the ride was over and then we watched while he and his family just tried to have a fun normal day. His daughter had braces and a Beatles shirt on and we made some serious eyes at eachother. The next day I bought a Beatles shirt on Universal CityWalk hoping I'd see her again. I have lots of band t-shirts

    • Like 9

  4. anyone got any good emails recently?


    if you didn't get any good ones but you wrote a good one, you can tell me about that instead.


    I got a very intriguing/racy email from a girl that I've never even met. She said that I was "very cutie man sexy" and then she offered me a link to look at naked pictures of her on a website. (Uhhh, maybe a little too forward lol) I feel kind of rude though because I know she obviously really likes me, but I haven't responded because I haven't even had the time to look at the pictures! Like, what do I do when she asks me how I liked the pictures of her "pleasing her [redacted]"? She even told me she thinks of me when she does it (kind of weird, we never met lol), and she is begging to not make her do it alone next time. She's also already picked a nickname for me. She never refers to me as "Henry", but instead calls me "daddy" which I'll admit is also kind of weird, but at the same time I'm like "omg! this girl could be the one!" Are there any moms out there who've discovered some kind of weird/sneaky trick that will help me make sure I do this one right?

    • Like 17


    Sorry for going with the flow, your majesty.


    Now that I have apparently smashed open some bonkers, non-eucledian, inside-out, floating corner in space-time, I suppose I will give this at least one listen, too.


    For someone named "nope" and then some more "nopes" your attitude is refreshingly agreeable. I like your style, I'm also a walking contradiction. Fix up that space-time damage you caused though, I think you're somehow going to make me late for work yesterday.

    • Like 11


    On account of Dixon being a friggin Pencil Man, have we considered that he figured out a way to draw the popular star himself? We can't know if it's legit unless we get Dixon to use his eraser and see if the star will disappear


    Wait, he's the pencil? I thought the pencil was just used as a comparison to show what a little girl he was!


    Just a little old fashioned Rickles style ribbing, I knew you were the pencil, Dixon

    • Like 6

  7. sidefact:

    using capital letters on the internet is a telltale sign of social deviancy.


    Hey, I can't argue with that. I swim against the current no matter how fu**ed up it makes me look. And that's another thing I do, I censor my swears. It's kind of like my trademark reminiscent of olden timier days. Like how PFT wears suits and stuff, but it's for words.

    • Like 8

  8. So last night I was skimming through the forum to tally up all my likes and record them in my bedside journal just as I do every night before I go to sleep when I noticed that instead of "you" showing up first on all the posts that I liked it showed my name. No big deal, right? I just wasn't logged in. I figured there was just some cookie related reason that the site remembered who was accessing the page from this device and that's why my name was showing up where it was. To test my theory, this morning I came back using a computer at work that I had never used to log into the forums, and it's the same thing. I never paid much attention to the order of likers. I guess I would have just assumed it was alphabetical or something, but that clearly is not the case. I like almost everything so not receiving my personal stamp of approval will surely be glaringly obvious and probably come off as quite a blow to that person's post. It's hard being at the top, guys. I was a lot more comfortable thinking that I was hiding amongst the "others". Well, at least I've got a 3 day weekend around the corner to help me deal with this newly discovered pressure

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  9. Henry, did you not get my PM, or are you ignoring me? If you are ignoring me, you should know that I didn't mean to type a message or even log on to my account, I just fell asleep on my keyboard, probably accidentally smashed the keys with my head. On the other hand, if you like the message, it took me 7 hours to compose and I didn't even use the spell check feature - I already knew all those words


    My apologies, it literally took me this long to figure out where and how to open it. The first several hours I was sleeping, but still...


    I'll inform you of my decision when I figure out how to do that as well

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