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Posts posted by Henry

  1. Wanna know something? It's a fact: Chris Hardwick mentions Harry Potter on an average of 6.9 times within any given week of episodes of @midnight. It's true, he's a total nude! It's a fact.


    Criterion Collection bonus commentary: Man, I had a blast making this post. First off, paying homage to the "it's a fact" girl from Kids in the Hall was just a huge privilege. Then there's that reference to the "Nudi St. Col. o' NY" ad from this week's episode that I really had a lot of fun with. I think I really raised some very valid questions with this piece as well, mostly "Hey, Chris. Why so much Harry Potter? We already see that Darth Vader neck tie you're wearing, you're obviously a huge nerd!" Some sharp eyed readers may notice that the figures are not completely accurate, well, here's a little secret. 6.9 is itself a little joke because you take the decimal out, and what do you get? 69. That's right, a 69 joke hidden right in plain view ;)

    • Like 8


    Worms are good, they make it so that plants can grow. For someone so good at comebacks your insults are awfully flattering.


    Sure, but I take it your brain is made of plants! I'll go ahead and drop this mic so I can hand you some aloe to put on that burn


    Edit: it kind of took me a while to think of that so I didn't notice Chanson had already defended himself

    • Like 7

  3. Did it, and I'm OK. Sorry if I kept anyone worrying. I'm fine. I came to the realization that Obama must have put a sensor machine bug in my head and now I'm gonna get that bugger out! I'll start by really digging hard with my fingernails, and if that doesn't work I'll go see a doctor. Thanks for your well wishes.


    edit: Whoops, nope. The panic wore off and my wife calmed me down and told me not to try to dig into my scalp. It was all just a fun coincidence! Lol :D

    • Like 6

  4. I'm super freaked out because I just posted a comment about my experience watching "The Jungle Book" and now this is posted with a video titled "JUNGLE BOOK?". There was literally only 8 minutes between our posts. And as I'm typing this I'm hearing " any of you guys seen the jungle book?". This is too much. I need time to process some stuff

    • Like 8

  5. I do make full-length songs, but have been keeping it to silly jingles and themes as of late.

    You can hear my latest foray into Womp It Up and all my Plugs themes + some other assorted recordings at http://SoundCloud.com/face-like-thunder


    I'd been looking for that Tom Waits plugs theme! I forgot who submitted it and what episode it was from. I saw Tom Waits perform live years ago in Seattle. I had an extra ticket so I took a beloved family friend along who is himself a musician. He grew up in L.A. in the 60s and claims to have gone to a music festival where Tiny Tim, Blue Cheer, and Janis Joplin performed. Blue Cheer was apparently so loud that "the sky cracked open." (Also he was on acid). He still says that the concert we went to was the weirdest and greatest concert he'd ever attended.

  6. It might be possible if we were to break it down into smaller categories and collate the results. Who's stronger, who's nicer, who's cooler, who's a faster runner, whose dad could beat up whose dad, who can count the highest, who can stay up the latest, who has the best favorite color, etc...


    Personally though, the idea is a little scary

    • Like 4

  7. I play shows with whoever isn't lazy enough, sometimes we cover songs of this album which was a huge influence for me



    Gun Club for lyyfe!



    "Cop Head Washes Ashore!" -Sean Clements


    I rarely go a week or two without giving Fire of Love another listen, quite possibly a perfect album!


    One time a silly person told me that Jack on Fire sounded like a ripoff of the Pixies, and boy did I grow an inch or two in height when I showed off my musical intelligence by explaining that this album came out 6 years before the Pixies' first album.

  8. Well, I'm a total nerd so I recognize that the first guy is comic books, but who's that black guy?..... Uhh, I mean just "guy". I can't tell what race he is because I see the entire world as one beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed race like me.....no, that's just making things even worse now..... Um..... Got it! *ahem* Hey everyone, I'm actually a bad guy who hacked into this person's computer or something by using an illegal internet program, and I'm really the one who's been typing this not him. He's a really nice and cool guy so if I was tricked into saying anything that conflicts with stuff he previously said just ignore it ok?

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  9. Aww jeez, I always do this to myself. Now I'm so embarrassed! You know, it's not about who's better, who's not better, who's full blown blind, or who's blind in a really cool progressive way. I mean, sure, my eyes do work so from a genetic point of view I am technically "better" or whatever, but that's not important to me. I'm just glad my story is helping people. Stay fresh, and have a cool summer!

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  10. Ewww, what's with these new "improv" themed Verizon adds? They don't make me annoyed or angry or anything like that, but I get a weird sad mixture of things that I can't put my finger on. What is this I'm feeling?


    So I looked up some stuff in science about the uncanny valley theory, and I think I'm closer to understanding my feelings. On the surface those commercials appear to resemble something that is intended to be funny. Aesthetically they feature things that are identifiable hallmarks of things that make us all laugh without fail (goofy grins, silly voices, laughably unbelievable deals, gentle hip thrusting, etc.) so if forced to categorize them I'd have to label them as "comedy". However, there's something about them that feels off and it makes them just barely miss the funny bullseye mark. While the uncanny valley theory is usually used to explain why some things are perceived as creepy, when applied to comedy it, in my findings, explains why I get this sad confused feeling in my tummy.


    Well, I've learned a lot about myself today, and I thank any who have accompanied me on this journey.

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