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Posts posted by Henry

  1. My biggest concern with the rocket launcher was with the scene in which it was introduced. Bubba, the manager guy (or whatever he was) fires it a truck that is directly behind 4 people who are running straight at him, causing them to have to dive into the dirt face first. Did he not notice that four people were running and screaming towards him in his line of fire? Maybe it's just me, but whenever I fire a rocket launcher I make sure that the stars of the movie are nowhere near in front of me.

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  2. Who remembers MonsterVision with Joe Bob Briggs on TNT? It was definitely the best interstitial movie show of the 90s. Well, here's all the stuff from the Maximum Overdrive show. Check it out.





    I remember this guy/show, but I only occasionally watched the program, so I feel like I missed this one. Coincidental that he mentions Joe Besser since Joe is somehow related to Matt Besser (uncle or something?) and then Matt, years later, hosts a great show on a network which also provides another great show that eventually dissects the movie that Joe Bob introduces

  3. So I pulled this up on youtube again after listening to the episode, and noticed that within 5 minutes a woman is thrown through a windshield of a car that is travelling at a very non-lethal speed, and we immediately move on. Then moments later that guy who falls off his motorcycle has a very dramatic slow motion shot of him sliding off the bridge and falling into water... That guy is fine, he fell into water from a safe height. That woman, even though she obviously threw herself into that windshield intentionally, most likely isn't. I guess my point is, can someone make a gif of that woman flying through the windshield?

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  4. I had the same thought as Andy regarding the sewers, and my conclusion was that Stephen King just likes to make his characters crawl through sewers. Just off the top of my head I can think of two other instances: the kids in "It" and Andy Dufresne in "Shawshank Redemption". I'm not thoroughly familiar with the entire Stephen King library so that may or may not be it.

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  5. I always appreciate the muuuusical guests, but I sometimes tend to tune out a bit during their performances. Not this time though, Diane Coffee was incredible! Checking out some of the studio stuff now, and I'm getting a kind of dreamy Twin Peaks vibe from it. I'll definitely be participating in the CBB bump this time :)

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    I heard there would be a poll here where I could vote to protect the show from ever having Natasha Leggero on again. I was hoping to vote to keep the snobby, arrogant and ignorant ("I didn't know what Harvard was." "What's it called when you come back from the dead?") Natasha Leggero's unfunny persona from ever ruining another episode of this podcast. As much as I love people who can insult where they come from (Rockford, an admittedly horrible place) because they're so oblivious and self-absorbed they don't appreciate that where they're from is intimately connected with who they are, as enjoyable as I find someone whose #1 comedic asset is tearing down everything around them (a great trait in improv), I really think Leggero is one of the worst guests you've ever had. Both times. Now, I'm going to make 5 positive comments to make up for this one. This comment about the mentally ill, unfunny Natasha Leggero.



    Nobody cares about Harvard, it's full of dumbos and numbskulls who didn't have what it takes to get into space camp. Natty Leggs is a swell gal, and anyone who disagrees is dismissable. Stop being a Goofus
