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Posts posted by Henry

  1. I have cried so much the last few days. This feels very real to me. I am starting to hate life. I listened to those ending phone corner jokes like 10 times in a row.


    Hey man, I feel you, but life can still be good. It allows us to listen to those foam corners over and over again whenever we want. I know it sucks that we get no more Harris, and he had so much potential beyond what he'd already given, but at least his death doesn't mean we get any less of what's already here. He was very potent spice in the world of comedy, had an awesome quality vs quantity ratio.


    I forgot to mention the other great things in life. Not gonna list them all, but stashberry pie is up there

    • Like 4

  2. Chelsea is killing it with the Harris memories. Lance Bangs also shared this voicemail from our boy in heaven:


    I remember this as an Eardrop response from Harris to an Eardrop bit that Scott Aukerman recorded for what I suspect was meant to be an April fools thing, but maybe got played a couple days early. The episode following the one with the heaven message has a call from Harris returning "amongst the living". I wish podcasts could come true

    • Like 4

  3. I really have never been more appreciative of the Earwolf forum and the community of fans than I have these past couple of days, and am so thankful to Scott, and Jeff, and all who were involved in providing the possibility for it to exist. Almost all the weird, sad, confused feelings that I haven't really been able to find words for have pretty much been summed up here by others. When I first heard the bad news I was so confused by how much it effected me. The now apparently common "but I never even met him." thought made me feel, for a lack of a better word, like I did not 'deserve' to feel the way that I did when there are plenty of actual friends of Harris with much more reason to mourn. Though my feelings of loss obviously pale in comparison to those who were personally close to him, it's comforting to see that I don't have to feel ridiculous for having them. Also, on a lighter note, am I the only one who thought his Earwolf photo was him posing on a bicycle? Until today I never noticed that it was just him holding onto the backs of two chairs.

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  4. Been getting choked up and laughing simultaneously when checking in with the twitter feed tonight. I've honestly probably spent more time listening to his podcast appearances than I've spent in actual interaction with some close relatives. I know this doesn't in any way mean I actually knew the guy, but it still makes me feel sick in my guts. Can't imagine how people who actually knew and loved him as a friend are feeling

    • Like 2

  5. This guy gets a [figurative] boner from asserting his dominance over people in already humiliating situations, and shares the video as though it's a great public service. Sure, theft is wrong, but acting like a giant child playing "hero" is pretty terrible too.



    It's worth mentioning that there's another video of him doing the same thing to a different woman where he says that he doesn't even work for Walmart.

  6. speaking of Jodorowksy, they should definitely do one of his movies. as much as I adore everything he's done (Santa Sangre is probably my favorite), his films are arguably on the level of Zardoz and Xanadu when it comes to absurdity and lack of plot.


    Jodorowsky absolutely deserves to be reviewed by the HDTGM gang. Everything he's done looks expensive and/or tedious, and has an anticipated limited audience. I genuinely believe that his films are valuable, but it's hard to explain why. As a bonus, Zouks would probably find plenty of stuff to jerk off to.....



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  7. No lies or exaggerations here. I was having a devil of a time sleeping last night, dozing on and off, and woke up at least five times with Sinatra's "It was a very good year" playing in my head. Haven't thought about that song or even any Sinatra song in years. I don't put much faith in extra sensory whatevers, but maybe I might be spending so much time with CBB that I'm achieving some kind of mind meld with the titular earwolf?
