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Posts posted by Henry

  1. Thank you, that was beautiful and inspirational and I'll never forget my friends even after I finally achieve my wolf ghost aspirations. I'm going to play it safe and practice the flying thing first because I don't want to look silly if I bump into a wall or whatever lol! See you all in the cosmos! (I just decided it can fly into outer space too)

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  2. I'm a man of refined taste, so one of my favorite features of the Stitcher app is how saving episodes works. I like to maybe listen to an episode more than once, but after I've listened through the "saved" episode, it gets deleted and needs to be downloaded again before I can listen another time. I don't want to listen to some gross used audio, I paid for this. Mmmm, give me that fresh download!

    • Like 7

  3. Okay, so I went to this.


    I didn’t know all of these poltics were happening, but I think you did a good job as Chef Kevin.


    The show was good. I had fun.


    Chanson, obviously nobody deserves it more than you, but TBH I'm so jelly that this is literally my latest selfie



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  4. I sat in front of our old timey radio in my cowboy pajamas and listened to this action packed episode until the very end. The narrator was all "Will the gang of variously spelled Sean's sing their way to victory? Or will the Hayes gang beat them to it? Tune in next week for another exciting adventure with... 'Bosch and the Bad Boys' (because by comparison nobody is as good a boy as Bosch)"

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