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Posts posted by Henry

  1. Opens a mysterious magazine that he found under the floorboards of his house. The magazine's cover is a sheet of black and the pages feel warm for some reason. Opening the first page reveals a picture of himself as a child... crying... The next page shows a relaxing view of a lake with geese gently circling around the center of it... or are they... on a closer look he sees that they're pecking at a person drowning, and all the while a crowd on the shore applauds.


    ... says "No no no! These aren't cool or cute." and tosses the magazine over his shoulder frustrated that he can't find enough cute and cool pictures... does another line

    • Like 6

  2. Right here and now I make a solomn vow to be caught up on all the episodes before the next one is released. Even if I have to pull some all nighters like I used to back in my collage days. That wasn't a typo, there was a pretty dark period in my life where I used to do a lot of coke and stay up all night making collages out of cool and/or cute pictures that I'd find and cut out of magazines. It was pretty rough, but if I gotta relive those memories to catch up then by golly, I'll do it!

    • Like 5

  3. Here's something else interesting about the shoes. Have you ever looked at them and wondered "how in the gosh darn heck are those shoes staying there on the wall?" Well, did you know that they didn't want to risk damaging the shoes by nailing them to a wall so they built a special room that looks like a normal room, but it's actually on it's side? The shoes were really just placed on the floor and a couch was layed on it's back. The podcast hosts and guests have to try to lay on the couch on their backs with their legs going out in front of it in a way that looks like they're just naturally sitting on a normal couch. It seems a lot more complicated than finding another way to fasten the shoes to the wall without nails, but I think we can all agree that the results speak for themselves. Totally worth it!

    • Like 8

  4. I used to lurk around the forums here but the content is drying up. Has everyone moved to the YKS pod? Do people want paid content? Have Sean and Hayes missed the boat full of the green stuff (cash)? Did Bob Dylan finally go electric?


    A little known fact is that Bob Dylan was always electric.


    Here's a rare photo from the 50s of his very first band. Obviously before he gained enough success to afford his prosthetics.




    If anyone thinks it's a fake try this. Next time you run into Bob Dylan ask him to define "love". I guarantee he'll repeatedly say "error... error..." and sparks and smoke will sputter out from his ears.

    • Like 11

  5. I'm still many episodes behind so I will have no comments regarding this week's episode. I'd prefer to not have it spoiled so I'll kindly and loudly demand that nobody else speak on it either. Thank you in advance for using the forums for talking only about stuff like who's the nicest Beatle or something. Not necessarily that, it's just a fun idea. (spoiler: the answer may surprise you!) I'll let you all know when it's ok to return to topical HH discussion. Thanks, sweetie pies!

    • Like 7

  6. you remind me of this guy from washington i once got too high by accident.


    he's a real weirdo too, i think you'd like him.


    I just want Chanson to know that I ate that falafel pita for breakfast the next morning. It was delicious. It didn't go to waste and I appreciated the hospitality and good company. You got me Soup, you got me. hugs

    • Like 6

  7. I've spent the past months listening to nothing but Franz Liszt and podcasts about crime. I gotta say, none of it was funny. It was kind of a fun experiment, but I think I'm done. I now have almost 20 episodes of HH to catch up on, and I can't wait to join these boys on their adventures that I missed out on! Also, as you can see I pulled a Prince and only prefer to be referred to as an unpronounceable symbol. (I do not respond to "ellipsis") And sure, I also now own that weird yellow jumpsuit without the butt, but those are the only similarities.

    • Like 5


    Doesn't it seem pretty f*cked that Mikethehuman knows we didn't get an HH ep this week, yet he's still refusing to do one of his classic bits? It's like why is he punishing us even more? At least Henry compiled 4 hours of ads to help us feel better. Maybe do what Henry did next time, Mike, thanks.


    Also, I can't even be mad at Sean and Hayes cause I've turned in the same paper to so many classes before. And also this was a great ep and Imma listen to it for a third time cause I don't want to miss an ad*


    *do not sing this part of the post out loud or you'll sound like Aerosmith song


    Aw, shucks. I can't take too much credit. All I did was spend hours, if not days of my life listening to a year's worth of HH episodes and snipping out the ads with some free app on my phone. Sure people are already throwing around words terms like "intrepid podcast folk hero" and "the miracle boy" and "the Steven Tyler of the forums", but I don't do it for the attention, I do it because I have no social life.


    Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that last nickname is unrelated. It probably has either more to do with that I already do sing every forum post out loud to the tune of various Aerosmith songs or it's these fabulous collagen injections I just got in my lips.

    • Like 11

  9. The following post is brought to you by "Blackberry Patch" brand Sweet Tree Ketchup




    Hungry? And also need whatever you eat to taste like wet soggy candy? Try some genuine Sweet Tree Ketchup. Pour it all over whatever you eat. It's basically like Sriracha, you can put it on anything!


    (Sweet Tree Ketchup is not responsible for any acts of coerced removal of their product from the fingers of it's users. It's actually a nice thing to do in Europe.)

    • Like 8

  10. Hi, this weekend I went to Chanson Island and had a great time. Saw the bicycle in the tree, spent some time on some really awesome beaches, and had dinner with Chanson and Souprman. Thank you for an amazing day, Chanson. And thank you Souprman for that perfect hug. I'll always remember the words "Soup's got ya". This has nothing to do with this week's episode, just gotta make a permanent record of the account on the HH forums so I can show it to my grandchildren someday. And yes, I am a grandfather who holds back information about his weekend from his grandchildren until he feels like they are ready to handle it. Just another fun fact about Hebry ;)

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