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Everything posted by SeveralCircles

  1. SeveralCircles

    Episode 93 — Going Commando!

    Our old friend "Andy's Pronounciation of Eggs" makes a surprise guest appearance as well. (I admit I only got through 3 minutes, and now it's sleepy time, but I'm excited to listen to this tomorrow when I have literally nothing else to do at the office.) You guys get some of the best guests ever - and maybe it just feels that way because you have such a relaxed atmosphere with everyone, but either way it works. PS I am totally jealous of whoever is David Thom Browne on iTunes.
  2. SeveralCircles

    Favorite Characters?

    I'm really missing Barry R lately (lately being tonight). Here's hoping he pops in for Jazzuary - whichever month that ends up being.
  3. SeveralCircles

    Episode 48 — Emotional Luggage

    Brett, I hated that kid, but I still love your costume.
  4. SeveralCircles

    Episode 28 — Creativity

    Is it too late to call the afterthoughts blog Professor Blastoff: Afterburn? That or Aft-thruster-thoughts. Either works.
  5. I hope you have Megan Mullally on, and I hope you give her a hardcore rap chart.
  6. SeveralCircles

    Earwolf is on Youtube!

    Can I request one or several more clip/s from Andy Richter on WC? "I brought this from home", the explanation of Tom of Finland, the transvaginal mesh - so much to pull from.
  7. SeveralCircles

    Episode 40 — 5 Second Films

    Wow, #2 INSTANTLY moot. That or you took my suggestion and ran with it in a BIG way.
  8. SeveralCircles

    Episode 48 — Emotional Luggage

    The freestyling comes in at the end, but I'm pretty sure Doug is the orange+yellow thing with wings on the bass guitar. Most surprising moment of this clip? For me it was when the director came up as Francis Ford Coppola.
  9. SeveralCircles

    Why you be talking, Sarah Mclachlan

    Only if he's very careful to pronounce the "g" in "talking", so nobody gets confused.
  10. SeveralCircles

    Episode 73 — Dead 'Rents and Whores!

    On Oprah: EL: "She's not heinous! She's beautiful... but in a really ugly way." EW: "Does she listen to this?"
  11. SeveralCircles

    Episode 40 — 5 Second Films

    Case in point: my roommate is a huge Amy Mann fann, and he liked her appearance on WC when I finally got him to listen to it, but he didn't bother to track down a link or listen to any of it until I stood in a room with him and played a little bit of it on speakerphone from my iphone. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I have an iphone. #Fulloutbrag
  12. SeveralCircles

    Episode 40 — 5 Second Films

    Dear Jefferson, two suggestions in light of this episode: 1) Ben talking about pre-orders made me realize: in the future, when you're planning on launching new t-shirts and other products, might it make sense to use a message board poll to help pick designs? I realize you can't really have an artist draw up two images, but you could survey the fanbase to see if people prefer a certain colour or shirt style - or maybe you'd find a total lack of response and cancel that design altogether (or, to be optimistic, maybe people would go so apeshit you'd order extra). This could also be used to gauge interest in, say, sweatshirts vs hats. 2) There are times when I'd like to share a particularly funny clip from a show on Facebook/etc, and there's no easy way to do that (beyond saying "hey, go this site, and click this link, and fastfoward to this time", which is 2 steps too many to make anyone listen). That seems a bit crazy. I realize that cutting out multiple clips and making youtube vids for each one takes a bunch of work, and that work needs to be worth it to bother, but I'd have way more ability to share your content with friends and acquaintances if I could dish it out in bite-sized format. I don't mean this as a complaint; ultimately it's up to you to decide if it's worth adding to the engineers' work pile to increase fans' ability to promote you, but it's a thought. 2b) Would it be worthwhile to set up a video camera to get a clip of CBB, the way Totally Laime and NNF do? At least when a Name is coming who won't mind appearing on video. It seems to me like the most effective gateway for those unfamiliar with podcasting.
  13. SeveralCircles

    The Dude From 'Titanic' Dies at the End

    Great, so now I have to spend the last 220 minutes of my life sitting through an overwrought drama that I ALREADY KNOW THE ENDING TO? F$&%!!
  14. SeveralCircles

    Episode 92 — A Mouse! Eek!

    WeeeeeEEEEEeeeee. I was super excited for this episode and it did not disappoint. I definitely think Grey should be all over the podcasting world. I have to give a hearty Booo000OOOOOO0000oooo, though, to Lauren's (someone's?) suggestion of a revamped Oprah Game. I know the OG can't stay exactly the same forever, but I want to hold onto it as long as possible. A) It's not the Oprah Game anymore if you actually make it, y'know, a game and My favourite point in quite a few episodes is still the word "thoughts?" Besides... how can you make up a fake Oprah episode when she's literally had a woman who had her face ripped off? There isn't anything left to cover. Anyway, obviously you can do what you want and I'll forgive you. I'll just love you a little less. That's all. --- (ps, just noticing now that it's Tha O.G. - How baller is that shit?)
  15. SeveralCircles

    Episode 129 — Comedy Fang Fang

    Dear Weirder Scott That piano line in the middle of ET Phone Home - I see what you did there...
  16. SeveralCircles

    Episode 48 — Emotional Luggage

    Weeee... way to pull out some classic Robyn for the intro.
  17. SeveralCircles


    May I suggest investing in a pair of headphones with a play/pause button built into the wiring? The convenience of being able to pause or skip the ending with only a click may ease some of the crushing dread you seem to be facing.
  18. SeveralCircles

    Episode 91 — GHOSTS!

    I can weirdly relate to her Peanuts trauma - when I was a kid I used to be terrified that Sesame Street characters were in my closet and that if I opened my eyes at night they'd pop out and... look at me. That was literally my biggest fear. Well, that and monsters chasing me because they heard me flush the toilet, obv.
  19. SeveralCircles

    Episode 21.5 — Minisode 21.5

    Whoa, how f'd up is it that I'm actually excited to hear some form of commercial at the end? I am though. *Movin' on up*
  20. SeveralCircles

    Episode 128 — Coach? Coach? Coach?

    By weird coincidence, I was wondering to myself yesterday if Seth Morris still had time to do other people's podcasts while pumping out his own. I'm glad, though, that he did a new character. I don't like to see people getting tied down to one thing. . Meanwhile, BenV and co, I believe you meant to say Scott's beard was "trip-legit". I can't handle a beard in a Canadian summer, let alone California weather, but more power to y'all. (I imagine California as a year-round beach resort with some recording studios on it... no?)
  21. SeveralCircles

    What should Who Carted fans call themselves?

    I vote for the awesome ridiculousness of Charticipants. (Although I don't mind Sex Chickens either. Hee hee heee)
  22. SeveralCircles

    Episode 46 — Margaret and Al

    It just occured to me: we have yet to see Kate Mcleohwd's winning cup design! Is it in the Chart Vault with The Birth Certificate? I want to see what the cup design I imagined in my head but didn't have the ability to draw was competing with.
  23. SeveralCircles


    Hey y'all, Normally I try not to be a whiney poster, since I know you guys get plenty of that already, but I figure you might have a use for legit store merch feedback. . I may not represent a typical user, but I personally find the merch range to be very narrow. It seems odd that you offer little other than t shirts (water bottles, pins, bags, sweaters, pens?), but the shirts you do have seem to all be the same heathered poly-cotton blend. I'd be a lot more likely to order a full cotton t shirt in a solid colour. Being a huge fan of Who Charted, I'd love to love their shirt (and I do love the drawring), but the stretchy blue would never actually look good on me. Again, I get that most people ordering a fan t-shirt from a website are probably less concerned with fashion than I am, so you can take this with a grain of salt. But as a half-breed comedy nerd & design geek (who does not live in LA's fashion culture), I want a clothing purchase to have a real place in my wardrobe and not accentuate love handles. . So, I guess as actionable feedback goes, I'm asking you to release one of your designs, present or future, in a simple white on black, fully cotton, iconic-band-shirt format. Think Rolling Stones lips. And make some pins or something already! Upsell upsell! -The -Other- DT from Canada
  24. SeveralCircles


    This was already discussed on a different thread now, but I want to make it clear that I meant this to be less bitchy than I think it reads. I'm not trying to say that the t-shirts would only be purchased by people who don't care about fashion, I was merely trying to aknowledge that the material choice is a kind of picky detail, and that most people are probably not that picky about a casual tee. Basically my main point was that having one different style option might hit a wider market. I'm not fat-fat (just gay-fat), but I don't have abs and/or live in the south either, so I like a thicker tee. I'm going to shut up about this now.