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Johnny Unusual

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Everything posted by Johnny Unusual

  1. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 31 — Happy Black Friday!

    Overall this is a great episode. Any with Huell is a joy. I'd like to see Michael Cera come on again too. (with Clarke Duke please),
  2. Johnny Unusual

    Not Just For Daddy!

    Bring out the pokes, bring out the pokes!
  3. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 21 — Morning Becomes Oddly Racist

    Seriously though, what is it wearing?
  4. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 34 — Have a Merry Christmas...

    Are they crying real tears?
  5. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 24 — No Such Thing as Shirter!

    What does Shirter stand for? I forgot that James does Busey in this one. Excellent work.
  6. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 4 — Special Nerdist Edition

    It's also interesting to hear this proto-nerdist episode.
  7. Johnny Unusual

    Rare photo of the CROWBOT discovered!

  8. Johnny Unusual

    Character Drawings

    He kind of looks like Namor if Akira Toriyama drew him for a DragonQuest game. Good job.
  9. Johnny Unusual

    Character Combos!

    Bob Ducca and Andi Callahan, RN. I think despite, or because, they are total opposites, they'd get along fine. Bob would be very forgiving of Andi's actions and Andi would find Bob's life story pretty amusing.
  10. Johnny Unusual

    Comedy Bang Bang: The TV Series!

    Season 2 coming this summer ya'll.
  11. Johnny Unusual

    Pluh Puh Plugs

    Nice work on that one. I hope you get famous for one week.
  12. Johnny Unusual

    Favorite Characters?

    Huell Howser. Damned good stuff.
  13. Johnny Unusual

    Favorite character catchphrases

    "Well, THAT is AMAAAZING!" Huell Howser
  14. Johnny Unusual

    Add Your Artwork!

    Haven't seen artwork lately? Can we see s'more?
  15. Johnny Unusual

    'Guess the misheard lyric' theme song.

    Can we all agree that it's an awesome song? Pick up their Interpreting the Masters Vol. 1 - Hall & Oates album to hear more.
  16. Johnny Unusual

    Plane Break

    Does anyone have a personal plane and a map to Earwolf studios?
  17. I think it's partially because there is some scaffolding to the Plugs songs but there isn't so much to the Jukebox Jury. Also, a lot of people who make "comedy songs" seem to take the same "comedy shortcuts" that aren't "comedy" and are painfully not "short".
  18. Johnny Unusual

    Where can I download/purchase Dot Dot by The Glass Beef?!

    Maybe there should be a thread about where such songs can be acquired.
  19. Johnny Unusual

    Top 5 CBB/CDR Moments

    In no particular order: - Andy Daly commits suicide again.... and again. - Andi Callahan, RN - Scott Aukerman sings Wipeout. No one will stop him. HELLLLOOOOOO BAAAAAAYBEEEE! - KNIFEGRAB! - Bob Ducca's list of Ailments
  20. Johnny Unusual

    Songs you'd like to hear on the show

    They aren't strictly comedy songs, but I'd like to hear the Aquabats play on of they're classic hits.
  21. OK, with certain exceptions, the humour songs are not the biggest part of the show, but I have noticed some songs get replayed. Are there any humour songs that you think should be heard on the show?
  22. Johnny Unusual

    Episode 110 - Thumbs Yes!

    The name of the person who wants that shirt is... ME!
  23. Johnny Unusual

    Marissa Wompler is hot

    You know, she does look like the Grimace. Does anyone think they can do an artists rendering? Keep it tasteful! Personally, I always thought she wore little thingies in here hair. Whatever their called. Not scrunchies.
  24. Johnny Unusual

    Plugs by Nice Try Loser

    Good work, but I wouldn't be afraid of chicken out. You know what they say, "Practice makes you go to Carnege Hall!"
  25. I think it goes a little too long, but it is a nice mix of Scott's favourite song and Billy Crystal.