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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Good question Tayloranne. I think I'd have to go with some classic Air Supply Now I wish I knew how to make music videos from movie clips because I would be making suggestive Tango & Cash videos all day today.
  2. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I want to see a supercut of that where they high five and then it just cuts back and forth repeatedly at them staring into each others eyes.
  3. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I'll tell you what would happen would be that if they pled me to not watch a movie and it was not on my watch list, it would get added.
  4. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    The dude wears a lab coat, carries a waiter pad and hands out $2 bills. He's definitely an oddball. Still I find his oddball view interesting if nothing else.
  5. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I have been afraid of listening to Maltin on Movies because I would be scared that my "To Watch" list would grow out of control. That said, I recently started listening to one called The Cinema Show on Monocle 24. It's short (30 minutes), well produced, has lots of English accents and takes a Criterion-esque high brow approach. It is nice to throw something that focuses more on those types of movies along with HDTGM and Doug Loves Movies.
  6. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    That's it, you just pushed it to my queue. And less Backgammon talk on Freakonomics (I like QOD though. I think Altucher is interesting)
  7. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Can we please get back to talking about man buns?
  8. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I really want to give this a shot once my backlog is clear.
  9. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I know that Punch Out has been brought up as inspiration for this, and maybe it seems so obvious because of the JCVD connection but honestly I got a Street Fighter II (in a quasi realistic manner) vibe from a lot of the fighters. The Spanish guy seemed like Vega without claws or a mask, the Japanese guy obviously E. Honda and the Brazillian Guy seemed like a pre-transformation Blanka.
  10. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    And the training camp that Moore sells JCVD is in Phuket, which is about 5 miles away from Scaramanga's island in The Man With The Golden Gun (and I apologize if I just Jim Steinmaned this piece of knowledge. I have been very busy lately both at work and at home and am just trying to catch up on this thread.)
  11. Lando

    A plea to return to bad movies

    I disagree. I love it when Jason enjoys a movie. When he says that Face/Off is 100% believable I died laughing. Same with Bloodsport, that is probably one of my favorite episodes ever.
  12. I found this to be unwatchable in the worst way possible. I somehow managed to watch the whole thing and the whole thing was a chore.
  13. Having watched neither BvS or Hamilton I feel so unqualified even clicking on this thread.
  14. Lando

    Point Blank (1998)

    I know I make up 80% of the responses in this thread, but I feel really strongly about having Jason, Paul and June watch this movie and then dissecting it. I am rewatching it now and it's really poorly edited and incoherent in the Easy Rider 2 sort of way. Honestly, I think the director/editor had only done montages and that explains so much of the movie. It spectacularly fails to tell a coherent story. Also, I have to add that this movie has a great bad scene where Danny Trejo takes one of the hostages to a back room where she pole dances for him (while giving the weirdest facial expression) and he snorts a Tony Montana pile of cocaine. Words can't even describe how weird this scene is, you just have to see it for yourself. There is also a great scene where Danny Trejo and Mickey fight in a paint warehouse and Mickey carthwheels his way through avoiding gun shots, mostly in slow mo with generic guitar music playing.
  15. Let me see if I can describe this movie. It's like someone who had only directed episodes of Baywatch and softcore porn decided that they wanted to make a cross between Con Air and Die Hard with the poor man's Bruce Willis--Mickey Rourke. Danny Trejo is in this and his character is essentially the same rapey convict as in Con Air, but possibly creepier (he is a really convincing rapist). Paul Ben-Victor (who played one of the Greeks in season 2 of The Wire) plays a criminal mastermind with an accent I can't quite place, it's sort of like an upper-crust British accent without the British (You really have to hear it for yourself) The plot is that a bunch of escaped convicts hijack a mall while Mickey Rourke's character sneaks around inside the mall taking out the bad guys one by one. This is bad movie making at its finest, bad acting, bad dialog and choppy editing. Right now it is on Netflix Instant until July 1, but I really hope it renews because as I said before it's a jewel of a bad movie.
  16. I just want to know if I should see BvS or My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.
  17. I didn't like that they tried to keep the somewhat campy tone of the first two movies, while at the same time quite blatantly telling us that the 3rd and 4th don't exist. That plus Lex Luthor's plot is essentially the inverse of the plot in the 1st movie. They should have just gone for a clean reboot and gone for a tone that was appropriate for the time. TBH I didn't hate Man of Steel, I thought it was not great, but it was fine. More forgettable than anything else.
  18. I place most of the blame of the failures of that movie on Singer, he just happened to be a somewhat creepy Superman.
  19. I had hopes that this would be good, but I will still watch it. Still, is it worse than the emo Brandon Routh Superman?
  20. Lando

    Swordfish (2001)

    Oof, this movie definitely needs to be done. If you asked Renny Harlin to rewrite Hackers, but make it cool, throw in a little Pierce Brosnan James Bond and give it Matrix special effects and an M. Night Shyamalan twist ending Swordfish is what he would come up with. I can't remember what movie it was, but someone here described a movie as "everyone is an asshole" and I think that applies to this movie 100%. Everyone in this movie is an asshole and Travolta is king asshole.
  21. Lando

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I have no corrections and omissions, but I just wanted so say what a great episode! Jason was in top form cracking me up, and so glad that he told us south shore people and podcast listeners to go fuck ourselves. I have listened to every episode since the beginning and during the span of it I have gotten tired of and dropped many podcasts, but have never questioned dropping HDTGM and this Bloodsport episode is a prime example of why not (which is not to say that I do not also appreciate the other episodes too).
  22. Lando

    The Lost Boys (1987)

    Has anyone seen any of the sequels? They appear to be just bad bad, not fun bad.
  23. Lando

    The Lost Boys (1987)

    Point taken, although I think the "enjoyable on its own, yet has enough material to make for a good podcast" is a delicate balance. I am hoping that Bloodsport works in this manner.
  24. This was on Cinemax over the weekend and I watched it for the first time in almost 20 years. Good lord is this movie ridiculous.