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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    The Lost Boys (1987)

    You think so? This movie may be very 80s and dated at worst, but aside from the Sax Man, I don't think that there is a whole lot to mock and this movie is pretty enjoyable.
  2. Lando

    Caligula (1979)

    And he was never seen or heard from again...
  3. Lando

    Swordfish (2001)

    FYI this movie expires on Netflix on 4/1 so watch it while you can.
  4. Lando

    Episode 131.5 - Minisode 131.5

    Plymouth represent!!
  5. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    Not gonna lie, I hope that Paul does the mini with Jason, and reads my correction and then Jason tells me to fuck off and calls me a "dum dum." That would honestly make my year.
  6. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    I'm just glad that I was early in pointing out that Gus Fring from Breaking Bad was in this episode.
  7. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    I was thinking he might have confused it with Sandwich, but you might be right.
  8. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    Well if that's the way it is I'm going to start talking about WAAF
  9. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    I definitely agree. There are much better JCVD movies to pick apart, but if they treat it as TGTGM this could be fun. Plus I would say that there is some really good cinematography in Bloodsport. I fully admit that I am biassed though.
  10. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    My wife has a big crush on Brendan Fraser, even to the point of insisting on seeing The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor in the theater. It's something that I am a bit embarrassed about, especially since he has been in so many terrible movies.
  11. Lando

    The Game (1997)

    IIRC this came in a wave of "let's suggest popular movies as if they're universally accepted as crap" posts from random newbies. I was half joking, but with no tone on the internet OP took me too seriously. FWIW I don't mind if someone suggests "good" movies, just as long as they realize that it's going to be a long shot and explains why it should be done.
  12. Lando

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    Except that it is WRONG! I grew up in Plymouth, South Shore (pronounced sho-ah) and Ipswitch is 100% North Shore. It's right outside of Salem. Jason, your Boston area street cred has been REVOKED!
  13. Lando

    The Truman Show (1998)

    I will say that this is certainly the most unique request for a well received movie that I have seen. You seem very earnest and nice in your request and even admit that you think it's pretty good. People usually come in, suggest a movie like this, say something like "Can you believe people actually think this piece of crap is good?" and are never seen from again.
  14. Lando

    The Truman Show (1998)

    Huh? What's wrong with this movie? Why would this be good movie to mock?
  15. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I liked it, but I felt like it was too set on having the main characters be super cool, quirky artists in ways that sometimes got in the way of having a coherent vampire movie. Personally, I thought What We Do In The Shadows was both a good parody of vampire movies and at the same time a better exploration of vampires in the modern world.
  16. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Whoa! I am watching this now and at about 38 minutes the blonde witch declares "Yeah, Dreamcatcher was the shit!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a. I really hope this leads into a discussion of Dreamcatcher that leads them to finally cover it ala Teen Witch b. I think that Renny Harlin might actually think "Dreamcatcher was the shit," which would explain a lot.
  17. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I want to like Rob Zombie's music more. He does have a few really good songs, both solo and with White Zombie, and when I saw him headline the second stage at an Ozzfest 10 years ago he was fantastic. However, I find that his albums just seem to have too much filler. I only discovered Killing Joke with Absolute Dissent, and have really only explored their post-reunion music, and I am a big fan. Those guys know how to write an album with minimal filler.
  18. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I haven't watched The Covenant yet, but given that I see Killing Joke is on the soundtrack, I definitely disagree.
  19. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Every time Renny Harlin's name comes up, I go to IMDB to remind myself what he has directed and I am just reminded of what an untapped resource he is. He has directed Cutthroat Island, Driven, Mindhunters, Cliffhanger, and many others that I am sure are worthy of dissection. What has to happen for this podcast to cover more of his movies? Do we need to kickstart the documentary Finnish Boogaloo: The Wild Untold Story of Renny Harlin to get more Renny?
  20. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I have to say, I still enjoy Stabbing Westward. Admittedly I am a sucker for that late 90s NIN inspired industrial rock, but I think that their albums hold up really well. That said, when I was listening to the mini episode I was trying to pinpoint when the movie came out and the inclusion of Save Yourself had me thinking it was the late 90s.
  21. Lando

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I have been hoping for more of Finland's worst export Renny Harlin (although I have not seen The Covenant, I was hoping for Mindhunters, but he does appear to be a more watchable Uwe Boll). I'm also a bit surprised that this is the first appearance of Taylor Kitsch.
  22. Lando

    Troll 2 (1990)

    Rewatching Best Worst Movie, what a great documentary.
  23. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I know this movie takes place in some unspecified town, but I am wondering has anyone ever been to Salem? I grew up in Plymouth, MA and have been to Salem a dozen or so times. It's a very weird place.
  24. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Obviously she dies in actuality and the rest of the movie is a Jacobs Ladderian deathbed hallucination.
  25. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I want someone to edit "Top That" and "I took the liberty of ironing your homework" into the trailer for The Witch (which looks really good) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQXmlf3Sefg