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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    He's the Teen Witch Tom Selleck.
  2. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Whoa, I never would have guessed that. Poor guy, it's like he got all of the Danny DeVito genes and Jason got all of the Arnold genes.
  3. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Yeah, and it's on his IMDB page.
  4. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    Richie all grown up:
  5. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I can really relate to what Fister is saying in general. I have really weird taste in music and I really hate explaining what I'm into and what I'm not because I can't really pinpoint what I do and don't like. It's just easier for me to be vague when talking to people that I know though work or whatever.
  6. Lando

    Episode 129.5 - Minisode 129.5

    I manged to grow up in the 80s and 90s, saw both Teen Wolves multiple times, but somehow am now watching Teen Witch for the first time. Such a confused film. Rhett sounds like he is deaf in the Top That scene. White people freestyling left and right The weirdly creepy, intense brother (who was also in Halloween 3 and Near Dark). Especially in the bellhop outfit. A Lost Boys-esque Saxaphoning mullet Someone made a gif of the brother informing Louise that he ironed her homework to haunt your nightmares
  7. Lando

    HDTGM Jams Mega Mix

    Personally, I am a fan of the oh so subtle Coming song
  8. Lando

    HDTGM Jams Mega Mix

    What is everyone's favorite one or two songs from The Apple? I'm having a hard time whittling it down
  9. Lando

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    I am stating to think that Paul is scared of the Wahlbergs.
  10. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Watching The Apple now (before listening to the episode). I'm thinking that there might be a metaphor buried somewhere in The Apple, but it's just so subtle that I can't quite figure it out...
  11. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    To answer my own question, Batman and Robin has a very bright over the top aesthetic that I think could translate well to a musical. The original Wicker Man had some musical elements to it, so that might work. I would love a song titled "How did it get burned?"
  12. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I think that in 2016, referencing musicals makes you way way way cooler than nu metal. Ok, mini-ep thread game (to build of of PlanB's question): Which HDTGM movie do you think would make a good musical?
  13. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    What bout Street Fighter: The Movie: The Musical?
  14. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I thought that for some unknown reason you were making reference to early 2000s nu metal band Saliva. That is how ignorant I am on the subject of musicals.
  15. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    Facebook is really bad when it comes to politics. A lot of people seem to think that it's somehow okay to broadcast out things to people that they are tangentially connected that they would avoid in polite face-to-face conversation. I think the worst part is that most people who are out there posting political stuff on Facebook aren't looking to have a meaningful conversation with everyone, but talk at them and have a one-sided conversation. At this point I mostly maintain a Facebook account to know when to wish people a happy birthday and to try to ask stupid questions on the HDTGM Facebook page. Twitter is the worst IMO. It's so shouty. It's even more impossible to have meaningful conversations or say anything remotely nuanced in 140 characters. I often say that when polarizing things happen, Facebook is like 1,000 sticks beating 1,000 horses 1,000 days after they have died. Twitter is 1,000,000 sticks beating 1,000,000 horses 1,000,000 days after they have died. I feel like at least it's generally pretty easy to avoid a lot of the negative stuff on reddit if you stick to r/funny, r/tifu, r/earthporn, etc. and smaller niche subreddits.
  16. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I think that this is more true for the more popular subreddits than the less popular.
  17. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I would definitely like to hear this movie get a T-Pain autotune remix "Take the apple *shawtay*"
  18. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I have never tried this movie streaming club, but they are doing The Apple on Thursday. I am not sure if it is a shared screen experience or what, but if you are desperate it's worth trying out. Here is the link to the hangout http://cytu.be/r/MovieClub
  19. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    It is on Epix. You might want to see if you can get a free 30 day trial of Epix streaming. I don't know if you can get around region restrictions, but it's worth a shot.
  20. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    I had a feeling that Paul was a Mastodon fan when he said "You in the Mastodon shirt" at one of the live shows.
  21. Lando

    Episode 128.5 - Minisode 128.5

    "But I'm finding that the earwolf forums kind of suck"
  22. I like the music itself. I have very weird taste in music in general. I tend to like music that is dark, lush and gives you something new on repeated listens, but I also like some simple pop stuff. I have seen Dir En Grey a couple of times. They're probably one of the more well-known Japanese bands here, although still fairly obscure. I will definitely check out the rest though. It is interesting though how separated the US and Japan scenes are.
  23. I am sure you are well aware, but they have equally out there music too: (just stick with this one, it goes in some really unexpected directions) And I love it. I have an affinity for really weird music.
  24. This past week I have been catching up on 2015 summer releases and stuff that is about to expire. Over the past week I have watched: The Martian - Really enjoyed it, kept me on the edge of my seat. Straight Outta Compton - Enjoyed it, easily one of the best soundtracks of any movie ever. However, I thought it was a weird choice to make it seem like Eazy E had no success without NWA. Ray - I had never seen it, TBH I'm not huge on biopics because they seem to follow a certain format and seem to heavily romanticize the subject, but it wasn't bad. I kept thinking "so that's where that came from in Walk Hard" Kingsman - I liked the first 2 acts of the movie, and I always like when a villain is doing something horrible with an ultimately good aim (ie to save the earth rather than to just steal a bunch of gold), but it became a little too over the top and absurd in the last act. Still, I enjoyed it much more than I had expected to. Assassins - Sometimes I think I am becoming desensitized to bad movies because aside from a few goofy moments I didn't think this movie was all that bad. Maybe I was just expecting something different. Tales From The Darkside: The Movie - I generally enjoy horror anthologies, this one was not the best, not the worst. It had me wondering if there are any HDTGM-worthy horror anthologies.