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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    EPISODE 124.5 - Minisode 124.5

    Listening to the C&O from this week gave me an insight about Hackers that I wish I had a week ago: If Phreek ends up being the only character from the group that goes to jail, and later is forced to become Sally Can't Dance to survive in prison, and Agent Gill transfers to Baltimore to reinvent himself as Bunk, does that mean that Con Air and The Wire take place in the same universe?
  2. I am watching Highlander 3 now. I feel like each one essentially ignores about 50% of the rules and mythology explicitly set forth in the previous films and inserts a bunch of new stuff. Highlander 3 feels like they're trying to get back to the spirit of the first one (and the out of place bad comedic stuff is missing, which is for the better), but it's still garbage. The first one they set out the rules that these immortals do battle and decapitate each other until there is only one, and then that happens and they have to invent new reasons to violate that rule. Really, the first one is maybe a bit of Thank God This Got Made, but the 2nd and 3rd are pure How Did This Get Made. Edit: couple of stray thoughts: This movie is centered around the hero--an immortal that MUST kill all other immortals eventually--refusing to kill his mentor to absorb his powers, but then running to get the fuck out of the cave when the mentor knows that the villain is coming to kill him (and thus take his powers) Van Peebles (who I must say is easily the best part of the movie and despite sounding like a bad Harvey Firestein impression is a pretty menacing villain) is trapped in a cave for 500 is years in Japan and when he comes out he is somehow totally aware of Modern English and technology? Even to the point of knowing how to drive a car like a stuntman? This movie only makes slightly more sense than the 2nd.
  3. Lando

    Furry Vengeance

    I want to post my thoughts on Furry Vengeance, but given the discussion of bear rape earlier in the thread I thought I would just put this here: http://www.avclub.com/article/fox-forced-clarify-revenant-doesnt-have-bear-rape--229164
  4. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    Have you ever heard the 45 version of Jolene played at 33 rpm? It is pretty cool
  5. Lando

    What We Do in the Shadows

    I really wish I could film the reaction of this type of poster when they come back to the forums expecting to see overwhelming agreement in their very first post. It's probably a lot like
  6. Lando

    The Number 23 (2007)

    From what I remember this movie sets it up so that there's something more mystical about the number 23 than other numbers and it acts like your mind is going to be BLOWN when they get around to telling you why it's so mystical and then is like "yeah, I got nothin..." So anticlimactic.
  7. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    Like so many others who grew up nerdy in the 90s this movie set me into nostalgia mode as well. I would have been 15 when this came out, but probably wouldn't have seen it until I was 16 or so, but it made me want to be an elite hacker. I was never a hacker, maybe a script kiddie at best. I remember when you had to get onto the internet via either Compuserve, Prodigy or AOL and which one you picked was dependent on which one had a local number to dial into and I remember having to be mindful of your hours or you would get overages (and I remember getting in trouble for going over). I remember finding a "hacking" page that had a secret AOL chat room (I think it was just 31337 or 1337, it was really not that hard to figure out) and just lurking, it was mostly just a script kiddie social hangout chat room. I also remember finding an enhanced AIM chat program that would let you do more things including flooding someone with chat requests to boot people before they would know what was going on. Just waxing nostalgically.
  8. Lando

    Short Circuit 1 or 2...or both!

    What is Johnny 5's mission?
  9. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    I really really hope that they do Short Circuit 2 some time to explore June's feelings on Johnny 5
  10. Lando

    Left Behind (2014)

    Part 3: World at War - Wow, significant budget upgrade here! They went from 4:3 SD to 16:9 HD. Even the Cloud 10 logo got an upgrade. I wonder if they got a big cash infusion from parts 1&2 or if the technology got cheaper. - Whoa, Louis Gossett jr. I can't decide if that's a big get on the filmmaker's part or if it's that he is that desperate for work (although I am leaning towards the latter) - Whatever money was spend on this movie was not spent on CGI that's for sure. - I have to be honest, I mostly tuned out about 20 minutes into this movie. Although I did notice that I believe I had the same cell phone as Kirk Cameron in this around 2005. I think I might have it in my basement somewhere. All in all, I think this would be a poor series of movies to do, at worst this felt like "Chick Tracts: The Movie" and at best they are mostly pretty boring. I would really only suggest watching these movies if you were an Evangelical Christian who believed in revelations or you have a morbid curiosity with said people. Honestly, I think this movie reveals a lot about what Kirk Cameron, and at least some people that share his beliefs think.
  11. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    Even though not about hackers and the internet, I think that Lawnmower Man belongs on that list too.
  12. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    They did it in Superman III
  13. Lando

    HDTGM Jams Mega Mix

    I'm probably missing a bunch, but I added this song in Hackers because let's be honest it's pretty dope
  14. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    Also, this thread would not be complete without "1 4|\/| 4|\| 31337 |-|4><0|2 |>|-|33|2 |\/|3"
  15. Lando

    Furry Vengeance

    I just discovered that this is on Netflix, but only until the end of the month. I think I have to watch it.
  16. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    So at the end, Bunk's plan to catch The Plague is to let him get in an old man costume and get on a plane to flee the country. Then wait for the plane to take off and then wait for Plague to ask for a pillow to slap the cuffs on him?
  17. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    From what I remember it went fro 31337 to 1337 to l33t
  18. Lando

    EPISODE 124 - Hackers

    My name is not Paul, but this is easy to explain. Back in the day the telecom system worked by interpreting tones transmitted over the wire. You could theoretically record a the sound (in the earpiece) of a someone dialing 876-5309 on any phone and play it (into the mouthpiece) of another phone and it would call that number. Similarly payphones worked by telling the phone company that someone had deposited a coin by sending a specific sound (iirc it was a like "s" in morse code). You would be recording the signal that change was deposited in the phone and playing it back to the phone company to fool the system into thinking that you had deposited money. I had tried this, but never got it to work, I think the phone company had gotten wise to this by the mid 90s
  19. Lando

    Exit to Eden (1994)

    Or it does work and the majority has spoken...
  20. Lando

    Left Behind (2014)

    Tribulation force time: - I swear that Carpathia's accent has has gotten worse in this one. It was bad in the first one, but it is distractingly bad in this one. - This one has a lot stronger religious themes than the first one, but there's a bit more action. I am not sure if this one is better than the first or not. - It's kind of funny that this one they redesigned the logo for GNN (the news channel where Kirk Cameron's character works) so that it is not an overt ripoff of the CNN logo. I wonder if CNN complained. - I am a little bit disappointed that the Nic Cage version of the first bombed so hard because it means that I won't have a 2nd and 3rd to compare it to. But then again, this means that I would be watching 6 terrible movies instead of only 4.
  21. I might point my wife to this podcast, but I don't think I will listen to it myself. If there was a channel dedicated to the scratching of chalkboards 24/7 I would find that more pleasurable than Real Housewives.
  22. Lando

    Left Behind (2014)

    The Kirk Cameron Left Behind trilogy expires from Netflix at the end of November so I am doing the lord's(?) work and watching all 3 of them, I thought I'd share my thoughts on each one as I go through them. - It seems like Kirk Cameon's reporter character is the main character in this one, but the Cage version gave me the impression that the pilot was the main character. I will just have to compare. - This whole rapture plan is kind of a bad idea. Families are torn apart, children not obeying thy mothers and fathers orphaned,I'm assuming that some other pilots got raptured while they were working. All in all kind of a dick move God. - One of the bad guy characters is named Nicolae Caprathia, I am half expecting Janosz from Ghostbusters 2 to pop up ready to serve him. - I'm still not sure what Kirk's character did to not get raptured. Maybe because he's a reporter, that means he once voted for a Democrat? Maybe he gyrated his hips a little too sensually once and was not sorry about it or has sex with his prom date. Though, since a preacher gets left behind too, I may be getting ahead of myself and it will be resolved in the end. - Even though this film starts off in Israel, they never really discuss whether or not Israelis get raptured too. This might be too taboo for the filmmakers to touch. I'd be curious to see whether they think Salt Lake City's residents gets raptured too... - This is kind of interesting in that the first movie is pre-9/11, but the sequel was released in 2002. I will just have to wait and see if anything is different post-9/11 - I like that it ends with a Christian Backstreet Boy-esque song about the rapture with laser sound effects. This is probably the best part of the movie, and it's not exactly good...
  23. Lando

    Showgirls (1995)

  24. Lando

    Knock Off (1998)

    I just got really excited when I saw this was available on demand on a channel called "Cine Sony" and then really disappointed when I saw that the channel was in Spanish.
  25. Lando

    Short Circuit 1 or 2...or both!

    Isn't Kingley half Indian?