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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    haha, limiting yourself to Gene Simmons gifs would make someone seem....creepy so I think it's only fair that both of you get to use both actors.
  2. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Do you think that the one-armed robot that grabbed the gun at the beginning was the dad's pleasurebot?
  3. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Gene Simmons performance was like a kid who wanted people to think that they were in the Columbine trenchcoat mafia so that everyone was afraid of him, but was in reality harmless.
  4. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Maybe it's because horndog extraordinaire Gene Simmons is in the film for a contrast, but I thought that line came off as if he didn't actually find her attractive.
  5. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Wow, I have seen this movie before. Probably 20 years or so ago but I have seen it. I had a flashback of having seen it during the bug detection scene. That is the only part I remember though, probably when I saw it, the film seemed like a reasonable vision of the future but now 30 years later it is so clunky.
  6. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Oh man, this has the kid from Flight of the Navigator in it! BTW, if anyone wants douche chills for a full 197 seconds, watch this video:
  7. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    You guys should limit your gif battles to Gene Simmons and Tom Selleck images just to make it more challenging.
  8. Lando

    13th Warrior

    While I know they could have used modern Icelandic and been 99% correct, if they had said "Bork bork bork" most Americans would have thought it was old Norse. Och jag talar lite svenska.
  9. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    Is anyone else surprised that the 1st Gene Simmons appearance on HDTGM is not KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park?
  10. Lando

    EPISODE 113.5 β€” Minisode 113.5

    So you MIGHT be able to watch Runaway on TV (or more likely set your DVRs) if you live in the US. I checked IMDB and it said that it was showing Wednesday 7/8 at 3:45 PM on a HD channel that appears to be a cheap rebroadcast OTA movie network check here to see if you get it: http://moviestvnetwo...m/wheretowatch/ As a bonus, that same day they are playing Rhinestone at 4:55 AM!
  11. Lando

    Holy Matrimony

    I want to make a Doug Hutchison joke, but that would make their age gap seem too small...
  12. Lando

    Rocky IV (1985)

    I tear up every time Apollo Creed dies.
  13. Lando

    The Duff

    It is a phrase that has been around for a while, but it was probably said by people in their 20s going out to bars 10 years ago, not teens in high school today
  14. Lando

    Entourage The Movie

    I definitely agree. I feel so inundated with people opining on social media (and expecting it to be a one-way street) that I definitely want escape it in my entertainment. When it pops its head up in the Nerdist I definitely let out a deep sigh and hope that they get back to the light stuff ASAP. There are a healthy number of metal bands that integrate jazz elements to them from Cynic to the Norwegian Shining (not the Swedish Shining), but that stuff is also not for everyone. Some people just want to listen to something aggressive and mosh and not have to think about their music and that is their business. I think that the AV Club article did a great job of making fun of Entourage for its sexism, while still being funny, but it tackled so much more than just the female caracitures. I would much rather have people champion things like Orange is the New Black that is really well written and just happens to have an almost entirely female and ethnically diverse cast than criticize something like Entourage for not being something that it's not exactly trying to by non-fans. Side note, while I never liked Entourage, my wife did and if I go to the facebook page half of my friends that are fans are female and run the gamut of the political spectrum so I think the appeal is something broader than just sexist broes broing out.
  15. Lando

    Entourage The Movie

    I can't believe i'm going to defend Entourage on this, but complaining about lack of strong female leads seems to miss the point of Entourage. It's like complaining that there is not enough smooth jazz hooks in your brutal death metal (And I like some death metal). I don't know why people can't just let things be what they are for different subcultures, especially when there is the counterpart of Sex And The City that is nothing but strong female leads. Let the Entourage fans have their Entourage, Hardwick is not going to like it even if there are strong female leads. Edit: I want to add that I think that it's one thing to say "this is what it is, let's laugh at it" and it's another to say "this should be something that it's not" and get mad about it. I am all in favor of the former, and am burnt out on the latter.
  16. Lando

    EPISODE 112.5 β€” Minisode 112.5

    All I am going to say in the defense of Batman Forever is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ateQQc-AgEM and
  17. Lando

    Vacation (2015)

    To be fair, both the Red Dawn and RoboCop remakes were pretty big flops. However, that makes me wonder why studios think this is a good idea from a moneymaking perspective.
  18. Lando

    EPISODE 112.5 β€” Minisode 112.5

    Me too, I have to stop and think which one had the sequel with Hulk Hogan (which really should be on the HDTGM to do list)
  19. Lando

    EPISODE 112.5 β€” Minisode 112.5

    Nice! I hadn't seen that. Reminiscent of death metal alf.
  20. Lando

    Entourage The Movie

    Were you going to defend it? Honestly I'm surprised that there is as much Entourage dislike being expressed here. I thought I'd be in the minority.
  21. Lando

    Jurassic World (2015)

    Did it give you a headache? Here take two of these
  22. Lando

    Jurassic World (2015)

    I am not bothered by product placement, I think it's a given in films and if it helps them get made then it is something I can ignore. However there is a definite irony heavy product placement in a film that has something of an anti-corporation streak to its story. Also, if they REALLY wanted to product place Samsung's phones BDH should have picked up an unbroken Samsung phone from the smashed hamster ball site.
  23. Lando

    EPISODE 112.5 β€” Minisode 112.5

    Fast & Furious 8 will focus on being more ecofriendly than the previous ones. It will star Vin Biodiesel.
  24. Lando

    Jurassic World (2015)

    Saw this over the weekend, it's not HDTGM material but I wanted to ask did anyone else feel like it was Jurassic Park mixed with Deep Blue Sea? The only thing it was missing was a rap song, maybe Jurassicest, Worldest (Hat Like A Raptor Claw)
  25. Lando

    Hard Target (1993)

    Within the past year I instituted a policy if you will that if it has JCVD in it and I run across it I am watching it. Right now Hard Target is fitting that description.