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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    What movies for the live show

    I had never really paid attention to who directed Die Hard 2/Deep Blue Sea. I didn't know he also did Cliffhanger, Cutthroat Island, Driven and The Legend of Hercules among others, it's like this guy makes movies aimed at HDTGM!
  2. Lando

    What movies for the live show

    I'm guessing both were inspired by Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
  3. Lando

    What movies for the live show

    Yeah, I think a Cracked podcast is where I heard it. Although, to be fair one movie is about a croc attacking people in fresh water and the other is about sharks in salt water so they are you know, total opposites.
  4. If you've never lit fireworks from a boat then you haven't truly lived.
  5. Lando

    Star Wars Holiday Special

    Itchy, Lumpy and Malla are still better characters than Jar Jar
  6. Lando

    What movies for the live show

    I heard somewhere that when Hollywood releases 2 movies with a similar theme in the same year it usually means that ~4-5 years prior there was some major newsworthy event (with 4-5 years being because that's about how long it takes to make a movie from being greenlit to hitting theaters), for example Shoemaker Levy impacted Jupiter in 1993 and 5 years later we got both Deep Impact and Armageddon, and in 1996 some NASA scientists held a press conference stating that they may have found evidence of life on Mars (it later turned out that the traces of life could have happened on earth) and 4 years later we get both Mission to Mars and Red Planet. I wonder if there is something like that with these films.
  7. Lando

    What movies for the live show

    According to the facebook page it's Deep Blue Sea and Lake Placid
  8. Since the cat is out of the bag...
  9. I noticed that one of the songs was by The White Buffalo whose songs were also heavily featured in Sons of Anarchy. So he covers ground from Nicholas Sparks romance to murderous biker gang whose leader's body count makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like an amateur. How's that for range?
  10. While watching tie film, I became curious about where it was shot and supposed to take place so I looked up Southport, NC and guess where it is? I'll give you a hint, if you see Robert De Niro with "Love" and "Hate" tattooed on his fists GTFO. Actually, I kind of wish that the cop had those tattoos.
  11. I'm really really hoping that this twist ending that everyone speaks of is the same as the twist ending in Sleepaway Camp.
  12. You could create a separate profile for bad movies (unless you're using a Roku or other device that won't let you switch profiles). I don't do this and Netflix regularly suggests movies and predicts that I would give them less than 3 stars.
  13. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    I think most of the problems people have with this movie is not with the magic or the heist but with the twist ending. It would have been a MUCH better ending had they not tried to do that, but I think that was part of the film makers trying to be magicians too.
  14. Ok, this movie expires Wednesday so hurry up and watch it
  15. I think at this point I've seen 2 "I don't care about the dress" posts for every 1 post of the dress
  16. I think that if your brain decides that it's a gold and white dress poorly lit with a blue light then that's how you see it, but if it decides that it's a black and blue dress lit with a yellow light then that's how you see it. I have seen it both ways and it's fucking freaky when it changes colors on you. There is no goddamn spoon.
  17. Lando

    The Lake House (2006)

    Maybe this movie is going on in the same universe as Dark City
  18. Earlier this week I watched Hachi: A Dog's Tale which was done by the same director and cried my fucking eyes out. I am not expecting that at all from this movie. Also, is it too much to hope that we can find out some way that Safe Haven ties in with Nietzsche?
  19. Lando

    EPISODE 103 — Zardoz

    I saw this headline and thought "JUST LIKE ZED AND CONSEULA!!" http://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/relationships/husband-and-wife-die-holding-hands-within-hours-of-each-other-after-67-years-of-marriage/ar-BBhZPe0?ocid=ansIndependent11
  20. Lando

    Ridiculous Remakes and Reboot ideas

    I had the idea for making up movie posters for terrible movie ideas, but I have zero photoshop skills. Some ideas: Shia LeBeouf is DIRTY HARRY Joel Shoemaker's The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (The poster would feature the spider suit having nipples) Michael Bay's Citizen Kane Mutt Williams and The Spear of Destiny Vin Diesel in Faust M. Night Shamalan's Rope (remake of a Hitchock film that should be more well known) Justin Bieber in Singing In The Rain 3D
  21. Lando

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Let's take the Wes Anderson hate to the Grand Budapest Hotel thread.
  22. Lando

    Dune (1984)

  23. Lando

    Death Warrant (1990)

    Yes, there is a scene where he hides from a guard in the ceiling and it pans up to show him pressed against two walls. I hadn't realized that this was a JCVD trope. BTW, it's only up on Netflix instant for a week more so watch it while you can.