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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Episode 81.5 — Minisode 81.5

    If anyone wants an invite to Hitbliss I have an account and can invite you. It's basically like the free version of Hulu, except you watch the commercials up front and earn credits towards movie and TV purchases.
  2. And the only way you can do it is to have Bryan Cranston as your guest.
  3. Lando

    Point Break (1991)

    I think that any problems with this movie stem from it being "dated" not from it being bad. It's always easy to look back at culture and go "what were we thinking."
  4. Lando

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Evolution generally doesn't work that fast to produce such drastically different species. Human beings, for example, took millions of years to go from apes to homo sapiens. It was occasionally the southern genteel "a" with an "r" pronounced as "w" (like some lisps). My problem with this was oddly the opposite of the other problem with evolution, that the accents weren't evolved enough. Language, unlike genetics evolves pretty quickly, look at how different Shakespeare looks from modern English. They should have either gone waaaaay over the top with the evolution of language (ala Cloud Atlas) or kept it as it is now.
  5. Lando

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    I watched this last night and tried to view it with an open mind. Whenever I watch a movie that they do, I recognize that there's a possibility that they hype up some of the bad elements for the purpose of comedy but wow was this bad. This movie felt like it was put together by a 14yr old trying to think of things that would be "cool" without regard as to whether or not they are part of a coherent story. I genuinely can't believe that this movie was written by adults!
  6. Lando


    Holy shit Vince Gilligan was involved in writing this, but left it to do Breaking Bad! I wonder what it would have been like had he been with it to the end, it probably would have had Berg's touch on it, but would have been more coherent.
  7. Lando


    I think this movie would make a good episode even for people who enjoy this movie. It's written by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gillian and it's some odd mishmash of a superhero, alien and angel movie and can't decide if it wants to be serious or humorous. Plus a lot of incidental characters who know firsthand that Hancock is invincible regularly try to intimidate him or shoot at him. It's a really bizarre movie.
  8. Lando

    Four Brothers

    I watched this movie last week and I can't help but think it would be a good movie for HDTGM. At first glance it may seem like a forgettable action flick, but after watching it I think it would be a good one for them to watch for several reasons. First off this film is never quite sure what it wants to be, at different times it's a light action comedy, a dark crime drama and a quasi-blaxploitation film, but never does any of them well. In the comedy moments the jokes aren't funny and are often homophobic jabs at one particular character who the writers seemed to dislike. Throughout the whole movie one of the brothers, Jack, who is the sensitive rock 'n' roll character is mercilessly taunted (mostly by Wahlberg) and called gay and rarely does anything other than sigh and pout at the jokes. At one point it is established that he isn't gay because he says "Jack doesn't like dick and balls, Jack likes boobs," but the taunting is so merciless that I had to go look online to figure out if he was supposed to be gay or not. In fact, even as the character bleeds out from a gunshot Wahlberg calls him homophobic slurs! This guy goes to his grave being called gay. The dark crime element undermines the likeability of the characters. Many times while trying to investigate who killed their adopted mother, the four brothers don't hesitate to brutally torture people in order to extract information. The end result is feeling more sympathy for the person who was injured than the brothers who are trying to figure it all out. The blaxploitation is particularly odd. Given that 5 years prior to Four Brothers John Singleton remade Shaft, I gather that he loved blaxploitation films of the 70s (Four Brothers is a much better movie than Shaft, which I thought was pretty bad). But it seems like he wanted to remove the "-xploitation" from the formula and turn it into a positive genre for African Americans. However, the end result ends up being a lot like what "Christian Rock" is to "Rock." That's only the confused state of the movie, there is a lot for them to pick apart and they've already done one Singleton movie (Abduction), so I think this one would make a good followup.
  9. Lando

    Furious 7

    I haven't seen 6 yet, but I picked up on 5 that it was an Oceans 11 ripoff (which was actually a good idea since it gave the movie something of a plot) so I was trying to figure out what other movies they should rip off. For F&F 7 I kind of hope it's Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven. In it Diesel, Walker and the rest of the family find themselves in a small town in Brazil that is overrun by car thieves and the villagers beg Diesel and company to help drive away the thieves.
  10. Lando

    Episode 72 — Toys

    I will say as bad as Toys is, it's still better than Bicentennial Man.
  11. Lando

    Episode 72 — Toys

    Who had more chemistry, Lance Bass and Emmanuelle Chriqui in On The Line or Robin Williams and Robin Wright in this?
  12. Lando

    House (1977)

    Thank you for the suggestions. I have been trying to get my IMDB watchlist down for a while and I swear as soon as I cross a few off the list I get a bunch of suggestions worthy of addition.
  13. Lando

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Should Jeff Healy be added? Jason pointed out that was in Roadhouse and on the soundtrack for The Glimmer Man
  14. Why are they importing chemical weapons from Russia to LA to then send all the way over to Serbia? Why are they not just sending them straight to Serbia?
  15. Lando

    HDTGM All-Stars

    Bob Gunton can be added to the list. He was Frank Deverelll in Glimmer Man and Chief George Earle in Demolition Man
  16. Lando

    House (1977)

    Oh shit, Kim Ji-Woon also did The Last Stand. That movie wasn't great, but it was silly and entertaining. The Good, Bad & Weird is in my Netflix queue and I Saw The Devil is on my "to see" list, but I'll have to add the original version of Katakuris to the list. That movie was weird as hell too. What other Suzuki movies are worth watching? I've only seen Tokyo Drifter and Branded To Kill. I think parts of the craziness of Hausu were creative ways around special effect limitations. For example, rather than showing Kung Fu flying through the air Crouching Tiger style they show a bunch of fast cuts of jumping, feet flying and weird animations. It has the same narrative effect, but gives the film a unique feel. I have changed my mind, I do think it would be possible to do an episode of this show on Hausu, but only if they got someone who was knowledgeable in film such as Patton Oswalt.
  17. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    That is a good assessment PlanB. Honestly I think had this movie gone the more predictable route of having it be a different agent it would have been a better (but not great) movie because even though it would have been predictable it would have made sense. I've seen enough movies with plot twists that I'm generally able to figure out where movies are going, so I try to not let that get in the way of watching a movie. If they are able to catch me off guard in a way that makes sense then they get extra credit, but if I see where it's going and they do it in an entertaining manner of getting there then I am fine with that.
  18. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    How could he be anything BUT an asshole with that facial hair?
  19. Lando

    House (1977)

    It's like Un Chien Andalou had a baby with Tokyo Drifter and then did a bunch of acid. BTW, you've seen Happiness of the Katakuris right?
  20. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    SPOILER!!! Mark Ruffalo's character is the detective that is investigating them, but it turns out that the whole time he was the son of a magician who disappeared performing a trick and assembled the group of magicians (that he is investigating) to rob banks using magic tricks. It makes even less sense when you see the movie because you're probably thinking that it's set up like The Usual Suspects or something, being told to you by an unreliable narrator, but it's told in a third person, unnarrated style (ala Swordfish).
  21. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    This movie felt like the entire time they were saying "hey we're gonna have a twist!" "Betcha can't guess what our twist is gonna be!" "ooh man you're gonna be so impressed by our twist that you won't see coming!" but then like seantron said when it comes it makes no sense at all and feels like a twist for the sake of having a twist. It's like on April Fools day someone telling you how they're going to prank you so hard and you're on the lookout for it and at the end of the day they punch you in the nuts.
  22. Lando

    House (1977)

    Saw this movie last night and holy fucking shit this movie was crazy. I don't think it would be good for HDTGM because it's a different kind of crazy and I don't think you could make fun of it without sounding like you just don't get the movie.
  23. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    Saw this over the weekend and seantron wraps up my feelings about this movie.
  24. I think that part of the anti-Sandler sentiment is a personal dislike of him based on previous bad movie going experiences. I think his appearance causes people to automatically shave some points off of a movie before he opens his mouth regardless of how much they might have enjoyed the movie had they never heard of Sandler before. I think the same goes for Dane Cook, but I don't think too many people dislike Dana Carvey personally.
  25. I think it's good except for Moriarty, I hate the guy they have cast for him and the way he's portrayed.