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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Seriously, this horse was dead 15 pages ago. Most of us have moved on and have tried to pull this thread out of its nose dive and get it back to discussing the movie but some people keep insisting on pushing it back into its earlier tailspin. If you want to discuss your distaste of Cameron Esposito on this episode then Reddit is clearly the place for that.
  2. The nurse's daughter was named Amy The Gorilla? That's fucked up.
  3. That reminds me that there is also a Glenn Hughes that has been the lead singer for both Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, which makes me wonder if during the late 70s people were asking if he was the guy from The Village People.
  4. Congratulations Cameron! That is so exciting! BTW, I vote for Dameron H.
  5. Zardoz just wanted to pop in and give his two cents on the penis
  6. I know, I feel like all of the Cameron Esposito (not H) discussion should get spun off into its own thread and locked in the Phantom Zone
  7. Ok, I have finally gotten through this thread to make sure that my two measly omissions were not covered and that I would not Jim Steinman all up in this thread, but with all of these replies in this thread I am miraculously safe. My first omission is that among the group of people waiting in the waiting room to audition for The Village People is Blackie Lawless, the future lead singer of the shock rock/heavy metal band W.A.S.P.. He is one of the two maniacs on the secretary's desk chewing on the phone cords. This basically means that Blackie Lawless auditioned to be one of the Village People, and if you know anything about W.A.S.P. it's pretty amusing. For reference this is W.A.S.P. and Blackie is down in front with the buzz saw arm bands: And this is W.A.S.P.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZb3Xya7jQ8 The second point I wanted to bring up (and this is briefly touched on in the episode) but this movie came out as the culture as a whole was revolting against disco. The infamous Disco Demolition Night incident had happened almost exactly a year prior (Disco Demolition Night was July, 12th 1979 and CTSM was released June 20th 1980) and Disco record sales had been on a steep decline. From wikipedia: This would be essentially the equivalent of something like The Skrillex Movie: A Dubstep Odyssey coming out today (I can't really think of a musical trend that is on the decline other than Dubstep, which was probably already dead 3 years ago).
  8. My additional Village Person would be:
  9. Holy shit! I go and have a nice productive weekend, watch a shitty movie and have some corrections and ommissons and come back to this.
  10. Lando

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    Do you think we can insert subliminal messages into 619-PAUL-ASK message and get him to do it?
  11. Lando

    Just My Luck (2006)

    Just wanted to give this a bump. Many months ago my wife and I were watching The Graham Norton Show and the guest was "McBusted" which was the combination of the boy bands "McFly" and "Busted" and I instantly recognized McFly as the band that Chris Pine is trying to manage in Just My Luck. I was torn between being proud of myself for remembering that nugget and embarrassed.
  12. Lando

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    Hah, Solarbabies! IIRC this is like a roller skating dystopian movie.
  13. Lando

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    I can tell now that watching the biker in this movie just is going to make me want to go listen to Judas Priest.
  14. Lando

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    Yeah, on the Matrix I wonder if they become "The Wachowski Sisters" now or if they're just going to keep it at "The Wachowskis." I wasn't sure if it was like getting married or going through with a name change where you are referred to your new name or if they did not connect with the old identity and the different names are used to mark the different eras. I ask because I don't know any trans people (or I am at least unaware if I know any) and just want to be respectful.
  15. Lando

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    I have an honest question. I see that this is the film debut of Caitlin/Bruce Jenner, once Bruce became Cait, did everything that was done as Bruce retroactively become done by Cait?
  16. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    You mean you didn't need to know that he was a clone of the master soldier from the clone wars that was set aside to be raised as his son and then blamed his "father's" death on a Jedi? Although, I could see a movie that is not so much about Boba Fett's back story as a No Country For Old Men type movie where Fett is Chigurh working.
  17. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Honestly, I think the Boba Fett movie is more of a risk for not being good than the Han Solo film. George Lucas laid out a super weird, very specific, unnecessary and clunky back story for Boba in the prequels. I think it will be hard to treat those as canon and at the same time dance around them to write an interesting story. I really hope I am wrong on that though. As long as they stay away from intragalactic trade policy and Gungans it is possible for them all to be good.
  18. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I think you are right Cameron. I am honestly a bit surprised that there wasn't a scene where his age was clunkily laid out, like his aunt said "Now that you have turned 18, you are out on your own"
  19. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I think the beginning was supposed to be in the 1970s from their dress, and in the tournament portion I think JCVD was a "Beverly Hills 90210" early 20s so he was probably only in his 70s when he beat up those punks.
  20. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    You could always Mix it up with some non-English letters and become something like tayloЯannЗphotФ
  21. Lando

    HDTGM Jams Mega Mix

    I know, I been slackin. I just added these plus the other Stan Bush song since you can never have enough Stan Bush (which makes me hope that they do the Transformers cartoon at some point, just to have The Touch in the list)
  22. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    STFU N00b!
  23. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I was not sure if it was a thing like the name Leeanne and all of its single word permutations or you did not leave spaces.
  24. Lando

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    The slow mo really highlights Stallone's sex eyes.