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Everything posted by Lando

  1. Lando

    Episode 140.5 - Minisode 140.5

    Given that I waste a lot of my free time online doing silly things and not reading well written, researched and thought out articles I am glad that Paul has been including audio clips from Blake's column.
  2. Lando

    Episode 140.5 - Minisode 140.5

    The obv choice is Gooby.
  3. Lando

    Shoot 'em Up (2007)

    I watched this movie the other day. It was pretty fun and I think would make a good fun/crazy movie episode.
  4. Lando

    Episode 140.5 - Minisode 140.5

    I was thinking that Scott (and with your suggestion of couples maybe Kulap?) would be a good fill in for Paul. He has a good social media presence, comfortable around a mic and has a vested interest in HDTGM's success. However, he is probably busy with CBB.
  5. Lando

    Showgirls (1995)

    I am looking forward to the discussion of the Kenny G rapist. It's just so mind-boggling overall.
  6. Lando

    Episode 140.5 - Minisode 140.5

    Zen Filmmaking sounds like the bobo Dogme 95 (although aside from Festen, I don't think there are too many well received Dogme 95 films) I had assumed that we were going to do Sharknado 4 at the end of the month, but if June gives birth before it airs will they do it with Jason, Scott and two guests hosts? Ok, so we have now had two successful movie suggestions via the mailbox. I need to get my shit together and put together a Dreamcatcher package.
  7. Lando

    Swordfish (2001)

    It's back on Netflix
  8. Lando

    The Purge (2013)

    The 2nd Purge is not a masterpiece by any standards, but it does a better job of using the premise of "anything is legal for one night" than the first one and thus is more entertaining. I do feel like it tries too hard to shoehorn in social commentary where had they just tried to tell a story within the premise the same commentary would have emerged on its own. The first one also had some cheese in things like shots of people in masks skipping in slow motion while holding machetes, where the 2nd left those kinds of things out and had more effective (albeit a bit derivative) costumes. I'm sure I'll see this Purge when it's on HBO.
  9. Lando

    The Purge (2013)

    TBH I quit the series after the 2nd Saw, I liked the 1st one a lot though. I didn't mean "the new Saw" in increasing quality I meant it more like a release every year with increasingly insane scenarios. Obviously they're not releasing them every year though.
  10. Lando

    The Purge (2013)

    Who is ready for some super subtle and not at all "beat you over the head with it" social commentary
  11. Lando

    See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)

    The only thing that I remember about this movie is a police officer telling Gene Wilder that they had mens rea and he misreading it to think that the officer thought they were gay lovers.
  12. Lando

    Now You See Me (2013)

    So, what's the verdict on NYSM2?
  13. Lando

    Simply Irresistible (1999)

    This movie sounds like it would pair up nicely with Just My Luck.
  14. Lando

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    Guess what movie is coming to Netflix Instant 7/1? I'll give you three guesses.
  15. Lando

    Double Impact (1991)

    I just watched Maximum Risk. In the grand scheme of JCVD films it was easily one of the more coherent and more enjoyable films. However, he played a cop that discovered he was a separated at birth twin and made me want to bump the Double Impact thread. It also had me thinking, how many times has JCVD essentially done a movie with very similar themes more than once? Global kickboxing tournament? Cyborgs? Separated At Birth Twins?
  16. Lando

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    I know the show has its fanatics, but I thought the first season of BSG was very good, but it got pretty bad by the 3rd season. The 4th was an improvement from the 3rd, but still not anywhere near the 1st.
  17. Lando

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Funny, while I agree that the religious people mostly seem like zealots on GoT, I feel that the belief systems are a lot more fleshed out than in BSG. I always thought BSG's religion seemed clunky, maybe it was the fact that they took an ancient belief system and just used it in a futuristic context. I imagine that writing realistic behavior within a belief system that you personally do not believe (be it invented or real world) in is probably one of the more difficult things in fiction writing. I usually find Stephen King's attempts at writing religious characters to be pretty blatant examples of clumsy writing for a belief system that the author doesn't hold.
  18. Lando

    The Lobster (2016)

    I watched "A Field In England" a couple of days ago and really enjoyed it (but I can see why it got a negative reaction), so since this is by the same director I will add it to my list.
  19. Lando

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Whoa, I totally got Auked. I have been too busy to be active here and finished watching Dragonheart last night (even teared up a bit at the end even though it really is not a terribly good movie) and then saw they did different movie. The good news is that it looks like Boy Next Door might be coming to HBO Go pretty soon. I see it listed as playing on HBO on Wednesday, so if you want to watch it and have HBO you can probably wait a bit.
  20. Does "A Renny Harlin interview is coming up" mean that we're going back to the Renny Harlin well for HDTGM? I bet it's Cliffhanger or Cutthoat Island, but I hope it's Mindhunters.
  21. Lando

    Miami Connection (1987)

    I believe it's on PopcornFlix for free (with ads)
  22. Lando

    Lucy (2014)

    Do you think this would make a good HDTGM movie, or would it be too crappy to watch and pick apart?
  23. Lando

    Episode 134.5 - Minisode 134.5

    So sorry to hear about that Amy, you have my condolences.