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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I know I make up 80% of the responses in this thread, but I feel really strongly about having Jason, Paul and June watch this movie and then dissecting it. I am rewatching it now and it's really poorly edited and incoherent in the Easy Rider 2 sort of way. Honestly, I think the director/editor had only done montages and that explains so much of the movie. It spectacularly fails to tell a coherent story.


    Also, I have to add that this movie has a great bad scene where Danny Trejo takes one of the hostages to a back room where she pole dances for him (while giving the weirdest facial expression) and he snorts a Tony Montana pile of cocaine. Words can't even describe how weird this scene is, you just have to see it for yourself.


    There is also a great scene where Danny Trejo and Mickey fight in a paint warehouse and Mickey carthwheels his way through avoiding gun shots, mostly in slow mo with generic guitar music playing.

  2. I feel bad that Routh gets all the blame for Superman Returns not doing well. (Much as I feel like people reacted to crazily about Affleck being Batman just because they didn't like Daredevil.) I thought he was good and I wished they had given him more to do. I didn't like the Lois/kid plot or a lot of the other stuff it had going on so I can't say I love the film but I liked it better than Man of Steel which, since I just said how much I hated MoS, I guess isn't that high a bar to get over.


    I didn't like that they tried to keep the somewhat campy tone of the first two movies, while at the same time quite blatantly telling us that the 3rd and 4th don't exist. That plus Lex Luthor's plot is essentially the inverse of the plot in the 1st movie. They should have just gone for a clean reboot and gone for a tone that was appropriate for the time.


    TBH I didn't hate Man of Steel, I thought it was not great, but it was fine. More forgettable than anything else.

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  3. Oof, this movie definitely needs to be done. If you asked Renny Harlin to rewrite Hackers, but make it cool, throw in a little Pierce Brosnan James Bond and give it Matrix special effects and an M. Night Shyamalan twist ending Swordfish is what he would come up with. I can't remember what movie it was, but someone here described a movie as "everyone is an asshole" and I think that applies to this movie 100%. Everyone in this movie is an asshole and Travolta is king asshole.

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  4. I have no corrections and omissions, but I just wanted so say what a great episode! Jason was in top form cracking me up, and so glad that he told us south shore people and podcast listeners to go fuck ourselves. I have listened to every episode since the beginning and during the span of it I have gotten tired of and dropped many podcasts, but have never questioned dropping HDTGM and this Bloodsport episode is a prime example of why not (which is not to say that I do not also appreciate the other episodes too).

    • Like 4

  5. It'd be great if Paul NOT address this correction on the mini-episode, or maybe say that he checked Google Maps and it turns out, Jason was right all along and it's the boards who are wrong.


    Not gonna lie, I hope that Paul does the mini with Jason, and reads my correction and then Jason tells me to fuck off and calls me a "dum dum." That would honestly make my year.

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    SInce Jason fucked up so badly, I feel the need to give the regional background that he failed to provide.


    While he was clearly very wrong about where Ipswich is, (I'm wondering if he was actually getting Ipswich confused with Scituate) he was correct that they seem to think it's much closer to Marblehead than it is. It's about 10-15 miles as the crow flies, but on opposite sides of Cape Ann. So when they said something like "maybe you were seeing the Marblehead lighthouse" that was complete bunk. There's a whole bunch of land in the way between Ipswich and Marblehead.


    I was thinking he might have confused it with Sandwich, but you might be right.


    Is there anything less mockable in the entire Cannon library? It's just an utterly solid, straightforward, unpretentious action movie.


    Moreover, it actually avoids some of the issues that usually come with the territory in its genre. Particularly how the hero has no superfluous additional motivation to enter the central martial arts tournament. There's no mentor/family member/buddy/whoever needing to be avenged, no chosen-one destiny to fulfill, no greater scheme by the villains to unmask of which the tournament is a mere front for. He enters the contest simply to win it.


    I definitely agree. There are much better JCVD movies to pick apart, but if they treat it as TGTGM this could be fun. Plus I would say that there is some really good cinematography in Bloodsport. I fully admit that I am biassed though.

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    oh sweet lord... that movie is very important for many reasons. That scene where he's running with the horses at the fancy party? get out of here



    My wife has a big crush on Brendan Fraser, even to the point of insisting on seeing The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor in the theater. It's something that I am a bit embarrassed about, especially since he has been in so many terrible movies.

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  9. IIRC this came in a wave of "let's suggest popular movies as if they're universally accepted as crap" posts from random newbies. I was half joking, but with no tone on the internet OP took me too seriously.


    FWIW I don't mind if someone suggests "good" movies, just as long as they realize that it's going to be a long shot and explains why it should be done.

  10. Zouks' deconstruction of MA geography and his destruction of people from the South shore were enough to make this ep an A+.


    Except that it is WRONG! I grew up in Plymouth, South Shore (pronounced sho-ah) and Ipswitch is 100% North Shore. It's right outside of Salem. Jason, your Boston area street cred has been REVOKED!

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