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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I feel bad about doing this, but I feel as the only resident of Japan here I need to clarify and correct the one audience member's comment.


    Streets of Fire was indeed a big hit in Japan. Many of my middle aged Japanese friends love this movie, and it was voted by the readers of Kinema Junpo in 1984 as the movie of the year. However, unlike like the audience member said it was actually only influential on the video game Final Fight. Final Fight was originally pitched and sold as a sequel to Street Fighter, the original one not the more popular Street Fighter 2 which served as the basis for the JCVD movie Street Fighter. However, due to the popularity of Double Dragon 2 they decided to make a side scrolling beat 'em up instead of a fighting game. The production staff were fans of Streets of Fire and decided to curb some of the story elements from the movie as well as name one of the main characters Cody. This character would appear again in later Street Fighter games. However, while serving as inspiration for Final Fight and having a plot similar to that of Streets of Fire, Double Dragon was not influenced by the movie. Here is where things get a bit interesting though. Double Dragon was inspired by the incredibly popular Kunio-kun games put out by Technos Japan. The game Nekketsu Koha Kunio-kun which was the direct inspiration for it was released in the west as Renegade. When it was being localized for America they decided when westernizing the graphics to basically make it a direct rip off of The Warriors which was directed by Streets of Fire director Walter Hill. Not directly connected but interesting none the less.


    I'm sorry this doesn't help clear up for Jason, Paul, and June what exactly a street fighter is though.


    This gave me a mega nostalgia flashback. Used to love Renegade, Double Dragon and River City Ransom. You couldn't have a side scroller beat-em-up without a kidnapped girlfriend for some reason.

    • Like 4

  2. They touched upon this briefly, but Tom and Billy butted heads the entire time through this movie UNTIL Tom fucks Billy's girlfriend. After that Billy seems to have nothing but respect for Tom. Not only that, Tom and Ellen make out again just before he leaves town. This movie clearly has zero respect for Billy and Ellen's relationship.

    • Like 2

  3. Name some celebrities that you think don't get enough credit for being sexy. And, without getting too mean, graphic, and/or shallow, feel free to name some celebrities that seem to universally be considered "sexy," but in your opinion, just aren't.


    I'll post mine later, I've got some thinking to do...


    Ok, I am ready to answer.


    Underrated: I just finished watching The Martian, and it occurred to me that I have had a big old crush on Kristen Wiig for a long time. Like since she was Dr. Pat on the Joe Schmo Show 13(!?!?) years ago. She is smart, funny and beautiful.


    Overrated: Scarlett Johansson. I mean, she is is way out of my league, a fantastic actress and seems like she would be very intellectually stimulating, but is often touted as the most beautiful woman alive and she is just not my type for some reason.

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    NEW GAME!!!


    Name a movie that you loved as a kid, that still (unironically) holds up for you, but you're pretty sure if you showed it to another adult, they just wouldn't "get it."


    I would say probably Flight of the Navigator. It is certainly unevenly paced, but it always made me wish I could have a space ship like like that.

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    I take exception to that! Maybe I haven't seen all that many comedies with him, but A Fish Called Wanda? Fierce Creatures? Obviously, Wild Wild West was a terrible mistake, but what else?


    It has been a while since I have seen A Fish Called Wanda or Fierce Creatures, and even still he is flanked by two Monty Python alumni so it might not matter. He works in I Love You To Death, and bearable in The Ice Storm (not a comedy), but I dislike Dave and In & Out (which feels like the whole time the jokes are supposed to be like "It's funny because he's gay!!!!")


    It could just be that I have an irrational and completely unjustified dislike of Kevin Kline for some unknown reason.

  6. I'm guessing you're probably not in the Gaeltacht.



    From what I gathe, Irish is a simple language, but it's very very different than English so getting used to the Irish grammar is tough, but once you break through that it's a lot easier. However, that is not to say that I have gotten over that hill yet. I still have a hard time figuring out when to use eclipsis and lentition, the genitive case, word order, etc. I get the impression that this is probably one of those things that people who had a great-grandparent come from Ireland are much much more enthusiastic about than most of the people who are born in Ireland.

  7. I forget where Paul put Kevin Kline in Dave in the list of movie presidents, but I have to say that I usually can't stand Kline, especially in comedies. There are a few exceptions, but generally I find him to be smug and the expression on his face always seems to say "you're welcome for that."

  8. Yeah, I could see how that would be tough for something that is regionally locked, but requires a subscription like Amazon prime. I get the impression that Netflix could block VPNs, but in they mostly DGAF.


    I have been wanting to try hola for TG4. I have been attempting to learn Irish for fun and it is such a different language than English. Some of those kids programs could help.

  9. So I know that the movie channel Epix used to have an agreement with Netflix to let Netflix users have access to all of their movies (studio licensing pending), but that ended in October of last year. However, they have long had that same agreement with Amazon recently made it with Hulu, so a big chunk of the stuff that is available on Epix is also available on Hulu and Amazon. Right now The Apple appears to be available in the US on Epix and Amazon prime.

  10. Speaking of genies and Diane Lane, last week I stumbled upon a trailer for a movie that looks like it has potential to be HDTGM material (but you never know it could end up just being boring) where Diane Lane plays Christopher Lambert's genie.


    Apparently they met on the set of this movie and got married and had a child together.

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  11. During the trailer, I thought, "Hmm...this song sounds very Jim Steinman-esque." (For anyone that's not old, Steinman is best known for writing both Meat Loaf's and Bonnie Tyler's most well-known albums in the 70s and 80s) Turns out, Steinman was brought in to write the opening and closing songs after Springsteen changed his mind on them using his song "Streets of Fire."


    Funny, without knowing anything about Steinman I thought it sounded like Holding out for a Hero from Short Circuit 2, or a very generic, hastily written Meatloaf song.

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