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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I know it's been addressed already, but I share the belief that Harvey Korman wasn't in blackface. I believe it was an attempt at a shiny robot face, kinda like Andy Kaufman in the film Heartbeeps.



    Also, I was gonna say I thought Adam Driver looked more like he'd pull off being Jeff Goldblum's kid better than being Harrison Ford's. Then I looked at some young Goldblum pics. Damn, that dude's fine.


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    Hey man, #9 out of an entire UNIVERSE is pretty good. Besides, Kit Fisto would have been #12.




    Although, I admit Admiral Ackbar would be pretty low. Nothing against him personally, but I think it would be pretty boring.


    Look at those clunky hands. I feel like that universe would have a lot of Twi'lek and Kaminoan fetishes.

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  3. The correct order is:


    1) Han Solo

    2) Poe Dameron

    3) Finn

    4) Lando Calrissian

    5) Young Obi-Wan Kenobi

    6) Wedge Antilles

    7) Luke Skywalker

    8) Old Obi-Wan Kenobi

    9) Chewbacca

    10) Kylo Ren

    11) Anakin Skywalker--Sebastian Shaw and Hayden Christensen (tie)


    Of course, this list is just based strictly on fuckability. Now if you want to talk relationship-wise, that's going to be a whole other list...


    TBH I'm kind of offended that your list is 10 humans and 1 low ranked wookie. It's a pretty human centric list bro. Branch out your species horizon. You don't think Nien Nunb or Admiral Ackbar wouldn't want some love? And what about the Droids?

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    Wondered if this will sway you one way or another on Adam Driver, but it blew my mind that I had seen him before TFA:




    in OUTER . . . . SPACE . . . no less.


    When I saw that movie, I thought that the most enjoyable song was the one that was supposed to be bad. However singer songwriter folk has never really been my thing (I do enjoy traditional folk musics from around the world though)


    Edit: I really want JT to appear in Ep. 8 after rewatching this clip

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    Not even remotely a fan, no. Hence the hate-watch. Figured it would be at least semi-decent just for the never-ending cameos and maybe even pleasantly surprise me. But it left me feeling sick and shedding tears for humanity.


    Like if Trumbo was a movie about hollywood's redeeming qualities, entourage was a movie about its worst qualities.


    So yeah, wasn't a fan. Take this with a grain of salt.


    I'll probably hate watch it too. I was also never a fan, I watched the first season and thought it was really bad and have been in disbelief at how well received it has been.

  6. Personally I think it looks bronze, which is a darker metal. But I think that is still much less of an issue than some of the quasi-racial-sterotyping-aliens that Lucas did in Phantom Menace. I think had Corman said "ya dig?" and done a stereotypical 70s African American impression in that character I think it would have been a problem.

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  7. Is liking "Wolf of Wall Street" really the least bit controversial? I understand some people didn't care for it , but a lot of the ones that outright hated it didn't seem to know what they were getting into and blamed the movie for their lack of knowledge instead of themselves for not making an educated decision. I get that at work alllllll the time. What? You based your moviegoing decision on what you were LEAST late for and were surprised that it wasn't something you liked? That happens more than it should.


    Yeah, I didn't know it was controversial either. It's been added to my list of movies that I will turn to at any point and just watch. The scene where the Quaaludes kick in where he is on the phone with his lawyer kills me every time.

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  8. I really hope the gang dives a little into Shaq's rap career, including this gem from his debut album "Shaq Diesel."


    I tried to get a discussion going in the Steel mini, but alas no luck. My brother and I have had a long running inside joke about Shaq and his various careers. This includes owning the SNES version of Shaq Fu (when SNES and Genesis were the dominant consoles), owning a tape of the best of Shaq's rap (which was made after only 2 or 3 albums), purchasing his candy bar the Mr. Big Bar, purchasing a TWIsM jacket off of ebay and probably a few other odd products.



    My favorite line is "it's like the hot dog without the bun"

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    Also, people know about Luke and Han and Leia and the Force and all of that shit without being told specifically by someone who was there. These are all legends to them, so it's not unfathomable that Ben Solo heard the story of Anakin and interpreted it differently. Think about things that happened in global politics 30 years ago and how they are perceived today. Both Iran Contra and the arming of the mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War were roughly 30 years ago, and there are still people that completely condemn the actions of the Reagan Administration and others who unwaveringly support those actions. Now, I'm not here to debate either of those things, but I'm using them to illustrate that our perceptions of history are quite varied. So it's not too big of a stretch to think that, even when fed the Anakin/Vader story as a cautionary tale, a student might question it and start down a different path.



    I am not saying it's unlikely or unreasonable, it's just that it's taken as a given in TFA and it would be interesting had they explored it (at least for people like me that are Star Wars fans, but don't explore anything outside of the official movies other than a couple of video games). How and why he became Kylo could be really interesting, especially since he clearly doesn't look in a mirror and yell "NOOOOOOOO"

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    In regards to Kylo and the skull, he might have snagged it from the Jedi temple Luke was training him at, as a final "fuck you" to the man who killed Kylo's idol. As for only hearing from the rebel POV, there is a lot in the expanded universe that covers the propaganda from the Empire, specifically the Ewok genocide after the battle in Return of the Jedi which basically was the Empire saying that the Rebels caused the death of thousands of Ewoks by destroying the Death Star so close to Endor that basically the debris hit the planet and laid waste to all that was there. Then there are various games and comics from the POV of the Empire or Stormtroopers, so it would make sense that Kylo might have been privy to some of this propaganda regarding Vader.




    I am not surprised that it has been explored in some of the other material. I remember reading a while ago that George Lucas explicitly stated that virtually none of the books were canon, but that the video games were. I wonder if that is still true or if he authorized anything since I had read that. Still, I would like to see those explored in film.

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    I would hate for that to happen. I think, and here's some wild speculation (and I'm probably wrong),

    I could see Finn being Luke's son. Just because he's Black, doesn't mean both his parents were. I could see a scenario where Kylo Ren, when slaughtering the Jedi, stole Luke's baby. It would explain why, of all the Stormtroopers, Ren seems to have a "connection" to this one trooper in particular, and why he would call him a "traitor"--not a traitor to the First Order, but to the Skywalker bloodline. It would also explain Kanata telling him, "You HAVE a weapon!" I mean, Wedge Antilles is cool and all, but I wouldn't expect him to fight with a lightsaber, which Finn does pretty well considering he's never had any training. As you said, he holds his own against Ren...at least for a little bit. Furthermore, it would explain why he was able to break the Stormtrooper conditioning.



    Yeah, I think they should have just come out and say who was related to whom. It seems like there are just so few options that the reveals are either going to be anticlimactic with reactions of "I knew it all along" and "so obvious" or obscure and appeal to only the most die hard of fans and leave the bulk of people with blank stares.


    ETA: An, yes, I recognize I am now "Correcting and Omitting" The Force Awakens. :)


    At least it's somewhat on topic.



    A few more rambling TFA thoughts:




    Another thing about Kylo that didn't sit right with me was his fixation on Vader, or at least how it is explored. Vader had been dead before he was born and he has a 30 year old burnt skull that he takes with him wherever he goes? That's pretty weird and gross. Why not another helmet from Vader's wardrobe or why not some other keepsake of his grandfather? It just seemed too on the nose.

    Plus, how would he know so much about Vader? I am not saying it's impossible or even unlikely, but I would assume that his parents would have told him about Anakin and used Vader as a cautionary tale. We only really ever see anything from the side of the rebels, so it makes me wonder if there were a lot of people that approved of the empire and were nostalgic for it once it fell? Once the USSR dissolved there were a lot of Russian people nostalgic for Stalin. I would be interested in seeing the interim period where Vader is made a hero in some Empire planets. It would be interesting to explore.


    This is really more an issue with the clumsy mythology that Lucas tried to put together and how it limited the other films, and I am sure that there is something explained in material that I have not seen. I have read that there is a sith "law of two" which means that there are only ever two sith at once, a master and an apprentice, but I think that is stupid. It means that after Darth Maul dies, Palpatine has to go out and recruit old man Dooku to be his apprentice late in his life--which seems dumb. Plus it means that once the only two sith die in ROTJ, somehow with no recruitment two new sith come in out of nowhere and follow the laws of the sith laid out before them. It just seems like the sith could have been a small and nimble organization like a terrorist cell and not said that there are always exactly two.

    Now, where I had said I thought that Ren felt underwhelming, and less threatening than Vader. Aside from the upgraded death star it just didn't feel like the stakes were raised from the original trilogy. I think they could have fixed it by having more than one sith, which would have been a possibility if not for that nonsensical rule of two.


    Also, I noticed that everyone jumped to the defense of Kylo Ren, but nobody jumped to the defense of General Hux. Everybody seems to agree, he's no Grand Moff Tarkin.



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