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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Fair enough. I guess I'm really hung up on the fact he says the line, "I will not be seduced" which seems like a really lousy way of saying that.


    I agree, it was handled in a clunky manner. Personally, I think it would be more interesting if Kylo thought that he was doing something good. He was establishing peace through order in the universe and believed that the dark side wasn't dark just misunderstood and was using the dark powers for a vision of good. However, Star Wars has always been about a blatant good side and a blatant bad side and I think it would be hard to insert that kind of fine tuning into it now.



    I think that's a total red herring. I'll give you all my speculation if you want so uncover the "spoiler" tag at your own discretion. This will probably be long. Hopefully I can articulate it well...


    Very good theory. It had crossed my mind, but I haven't seen any of the clone wars stuff yet so was unaware of some of that back story. I probably won't get another chance to rewatch TFA until it comes out for home video.


    And I have heard people saying that Finn has known parents too.



    But given how few African Americans there are in the universe, odds are it's either Lando or Mace Windu.


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    1. Kylo Ren was fighting a lightsaber duel after being shot in the gut by Chewie's bowcaster, which was established earlier in the film as a pretty terrible thing.


    2. Some people are naturally skilled in the ways of the Force. Rey could easily have been one of the Force-adept children headed to the Jedi temple before Ben Solo fell to the Dark Side/started recruiting the Knights of Ren/Luke disbanded the temple and went into self-imposed exile/Rey was left on Jakku for her own protection.


    3. Out-dueled? Finn was virtually dead at the end of his fight with Kylo Ren.





    1. & 3. I was being hyperbolic. My point was that Fin never touches a light saber and never demonstrates touching any weapon other than a blaster, and then he picks it up and is able to go toe to toe with someone who uses one all the time AND has the force. I would be willing to bet that if you took someone that knew how to fence and shot them in a non fatal manner and then handed me a sword they would still handily beat me even without psychic powers. At least you could say that Rey demonstrated the ability to fight with her stick. This, however is more of a problem of mine with lot of movies in general though and I think it's sort of lazy writing.


    2. Point taken, and we will just have to wait and see. However again I think it undermines Kylo to say that someone who has at minimum, not used the force in a long time except to mind control a trooper is able to go toe-to-toe with him. If she is very gifted in the force, then that probably means that he is just average, but in a world with very few gifted in the force he stands above them. I would be okay with that, I just feel like it makes him a much less menacing villain. Edit, however I think it could make him a more interesting villain if the reason that he turned to the dark side was because he felt inadequate among the other trainees, even though he comes from greatness. But I didn't get that impression.




    Edit: I keep switching off between calling him Fin and Finn.

    • Like 3

  3. And they idea of

    struggling with the Light Side just felt so stupid to me. I get what they were trying to do and turn the whole thing on its head, but it just didn't ring true for me. This is kind of an unfair comparison, but it would be like a person who wants to be seen as a bad dude, trying to get in with the tough kids, trying to decide whether or not he's going to donate money to a children's charity. Being tempted to do the wrong thing is relatable; struggling to do the right thing just doesn't make any sense to me. Aside from losing face with your thuggish friends, there's simply no risk. It just makes him come off as such a freaking loser--therefore making him, in my opinion anyway, not very scary.



    In the originals, Vader struggled with it a little bit. At least when it came to his family. After all, he showed that he had some good in him by killing Palpatine.


    For instance, I think

    the mystery of Rey's parents is going to be revealed there first. And I definitely do NOT think (hope...) it's Luke Skywalker. I think the clues are in the movie, and if my guess is correct, also in the Rebels and Clone Wars cartoons.





    I think just the fact they chose an actress that looks a lot like Nathalie Portman says that she has to be a granddaughter of Amidala and unless Leia unknowingly had a 2nd child I think it has to be Luke.



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  4. I saw TFA over the holiday break and I did really enjoy it. I had set my expectations low, even though the reviews were pretty positive. Most of the negative stuff about it is true. I thought Gleeson felt miscast as Hux and couldn't convince me that he was a bad man, Kylo seemed underwhelming (wasn't part of the reason of what made Vader menacing was that he had such a gift with the force, but I never got that impression with Kylo. He seemed unskilled with the force) and the story felt a tad derivative of the original trilogy. However, unlike the prequels it had that dirty feeling of the originals and there were no annoying cutesy aliens that were obviously aimed at kids and that was enough to bring me back into the galaxy far away and make my inner kid happy.


    I have said George Lucas should have just stuck to ripping off John Ford Westerns and Kurosawa Samurai movies, he's much much better when he isn't trying so hard to be original. Clearly he gives into his own dark side of the merchandising, but prying the series out of his hands is all for the better. I have always hoped that they would make a "Seven Jedi" movie, but I don't think it will ever happen.




    Did anyone else feel like if anyone on the Millennium Falcon should have had a son that was mad at them it should have been Chewie? I am hoping that episode 8 has an emo Lumpy. Maybe we will find out that Lumpy got alopecia and became Snoke.



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  5. Edit: I hadn't gotten to the end of the ep before making my comment about Tim And Eric, but was eager to jump into the discussion so I will add a correction instead.


    At the start of the robot Harvey Korman skit the announcer says "It offers a unique chance for consumers everywhere a chance to meet an Amorphian being. The motor abilities of Amorphian citizens are frequently impaired by malfunctions which result in a temporary loss of power. This in no way reflects on the safety of our product. Rather it sould serve as a guarantee of our high standard of long wear and durability."

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  6. Not to be totally contrarian, but I really didn't like the Bad Religion Christmas album (even though I still love BR). It just felt like they sped up Christmas carols and didn't really add much to them.


    I see your point and I agree to some degree, but I feel like there are so many soft rock holiday songs out there that I am happy to have some with more bite. Plus I just am amused at the idea of BR singing "Glory to the newborn king"

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