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Posts posted by Lando

  1. I guess though, I don't know why there has to be this binary set of options that the movie has to be completely faithful to the book or it has to be something completely original. Why can't it be something that is based on ideas from the book, but is still excellent in its own right? The book can be great, and the movie with all of its changes can also be great.


    Although, I don't think Hardcheese was saying that it was the most faithful adaptation or the best representation of King's material, but the best movie that has come from King's material and many would argue that it is because it deviates so much from the book.

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  2. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on MM: FR.


    I think the next movie is probably Death Spa.


    I was thinking it would be the reverse and be Perfect because then Death Spa could come out right before Halloween.


    And the ratio of studio to live has tipped way in the favor of live lately. Not that I mind, both are great, but the live episodes make me wish I was there.

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    First of all--Congratulations, Lando!


    Secondly, I would like to propose a plan that any regular HDTGM forum poster that reaches a posting milestone should be allowed to pick a movie for the gang to cover. Of course, there would have to be some stipulations in place to prevent people from posting nonsense just to get their movie picked, but I feel like it would be a fun thing to do.


    Lastly, in regard to Dreamcatcher itself and the earlier discussion about film adaptations sticking to the source material, I believe Dreamcatcher was the last Stephen King book I've read. The reason for that was after I saw the movie, I thought that it had to be just another case of a book poorly adapted for film. I figured it had to be better than what I had just seen. I was dead wrong. It is one of the most faithful adaptations I've ever seen--which is really, really sad.


    I feel like we have tried to do the direct method of requesting the movie in a wildly popular thread so I have been trying to subtly mention it whenever I can in the hope that that method works better. If that doesn't work I am going to send Paul a dream catcher and a Stephen King novel as a hint hint. If that doesn't work I am going to arrange a private flight where I will secretly enter Paul's dreams to convince him that he came up with the idea.

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  4. Oh, also, it's Ted "Theodore" Logan. Bill S Preston was the "Esquire."


    Damnit! I messed up a joke where I am sort of calling someone dumb. Who's the Ted now?


    And I definitely agree about Nosferatu being the best. I want to see the Werner Herzog remake with Klaus Kinski since I have heard that it is a pretty good remake.

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  5. That is fairly common for book adaptations in general. It can be hard to get around something on screen not matching up to what you picture in your head.


    I will say, I have hated Bram Stoker's Dracula for a long time just because it does not match up to the book, but I admit I have not seen it in a long time and would be willing to revisit it. However, it might still be hard for me to accept Theodore Logan Esquire as Jonathan Harker and Lydia Deetz as Mina.

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  6. 2) he's spent so much of his time trying to hone this weirdo persona that he's forgotten how to behave like a normal person. Especially during the 80s and early 90s, most public appearances from him just seem like that kid in high school REALLY trying to be creepy but just ending up looking like they're trying to hard (for example, that "I have a heart of a young boy" line from the interview they played on this ep). I really never found him all that creepy, but I thought, like, Cameron said, he can tell good stories. I kind of wonder if he felt like that was a necessary public persona or something. If you look at him now, he certainly doesn't act like that, but he can be a creepy figure. For example, his guest spot on Sons of Anarchy was pretty awesome. Part of that might have been because he barely had any lines, but I don't know. What do you guys think?


    Funny, going back to the Runaway episode I had very similar thoughts about Gene Simmons. For Simmons I thought that it might be what happens to a guy who was unpopular growing up and suddenly becomes very popular (but I don't really know his background since I have never really cared for KISS).

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    The military vehicle was kind of mind boggling ... I was looking at it wondering who the hell could drive this thing as there was no seat, and the the peddles were like just a foot or so below the flatbed. But it does appear to be a legit military vehicle (U.S. Military M274 Truck, Platform, Utility 1/2 Ton, 4X4) though I think they slapped on the machine gun and the seat appears to be missing.




    There is no way this is a practical mobile machine gun. anyone standing and firing on this thing is only held on by their grip on the gun which looks like it's wobbly is F*CK. Not to mention firing it will be expelling lots of brass on the deck of the platform making turning and pivoting to attack a different target a real treat.


    My uneducated guess would be that it is simple, lightweight and easy to configure and that with a weapon mount it would not be meant for use in battle so much as it is for in camp protection. But with that said, why would King choose this shitty little mobile flatbed and not a humvee or tank?

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  8. I heard what that guy said. He clearly said the n-word. I've seen this movie hundreds of times, and I know he said it.


    There is a phenomenon where once your brain makes sense out of something, it reapplies that same decoding to it over and over. It can be described as "once you hear it, you can't unhear it." This 50 second clip explains it better than I ever could:


    Basically once you heard the n-bomb your brain kept decoding it as an n-bomb


    (ps does anyone know if there is a way to embed soundcloud links like youtube links?)

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