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Posts posted by Lando

  1. Honestly, I have no idea why people rate Chronicle so highly. I thought it was really boring and cliched. Why Fox saw that movie and thought, 'Yeah, this guy should do Fantastic Four!' I have no idea. It all seemed a bit doomed (or should I say Domashev-ed?) from the start.


    I liked Chronicle, but the further along the movie got, the more the self-filmed premise seemed clunkily shoehorned in. I mean they are fighting in the sky and still somehow feel the need to co-opt cameras to film what they're doing?


    Well to be fair, it's not beyond Hollywood to do drastic recuts of a film before release, and it's not outside the realm of possibility that Fox did just that and Tranck had no knowledge of it while he was being interviewed. There's no way of knowing whether this happened of course, but I think it's unfair to peg a filmmaker as disingenuous in this context, simply because we don't know what happened in the studio.


    Also, I feel terribly sorry for Tranck. He didn't seem to be trashing his film in that Twitter post, he just sounded defeated. Can you imagine yourself in his position? Just 31 years old, his first film was critically acclaimed and a box office hit, and on track to direct a Star Wars film. Now his newest movie is getting dismal reviews, he lost the Star Wars gig, and people are already writing him off as a failure. This is why the pattern of hiring indie directors to do studio films is awful. For every Colin Trevarrow and Gareth Edwards, there will be far more filmmakers who simply aren't ready to handle $150 million dollar budgeted films and will inevitably be manhandled by producers.


    And yet somehow M. Night Shamalan keeps getting money to make movies

  3. What I like about foreign films is that since it is made by a certain culture for that culture you get a window into how they see themselves rather than Hollywood cliches of that culture. I get that some people don't like having to look at the bottom of the screen the whole time and it does detract having to read the dialog, but the gain is always worth so much more IMO. Plus I definitely pay much more attention to foreign films since there it's impossible to fuck around on my phone while reading the screen (unless it's a bad foreign movie)

    • Like 3

  4. the trailer sounded out of control. Just SAW it and I don't know what the fuck to think. Biggest thing that surprised me was that this was made in 1995?!?!


    Also Ron Swanson wrote this movie. But under the very cunning alias of Ron Sŵanson.


    Or are we suppose to believe that this Ron Sŵanson is A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERSON? A likely story.




    Funny, I'm watching this on Encore right now and I noticed that the font was different. This version appears to be the shorter one. Well I am already paying a shit ton for these movie channels and am not going to shell out $4 for a few extra minutes of a bad movie.



    Are you talking about "Drive", because I agree with you. I really don't get what all the fuss is about with that movie, but it's a Nicolas Winding Refn movie. That guy is so far up his own ass, he's coming out of his mouth again in a perpetual loop of pretentiousness.


    The only movie he did that I enjoyed was "Bronson", and that was because of Tom Hardy's performance. I saw "Only God Forgives" and it's one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen, just cinematic "oooooh, I am so artsy" wankery.


    If you are cool with subtitles or speak Danish I would highly recommend the Pusher trilogy. They tried to remake it in the UK, but it fell flat, however his original trilogy is excellent. (and I say that as someone who disliked Drive, but also liked Bronson)

  6. #Sharknadoyes is beating #Sharknadono by a 10:1 ratio. This makes me sad. I really don't think I can sit through another of these intentionally awful movies.


    The way that I look at it is that this shows that I am in the minority with not caring for these films and it's just one film a year so I am willing to let go of my objections and just allow 10 other people to enjoy the film and podcast episode.

    • Like 4

  7. When Paul described the movie, I was hoping that the dog was a white supremacist.


    Also, if you get Encore, this movie is playing on loop on Thursday:

    Thu, Aug 06 7:35 AM ENCRA (360)

    Thu, Aug 06 10:35 AM ENCA (361)

    Thu, Aug 06 1:45 PM ENCRA (360)

    Thu, Aug 06 4:45 PM ENCA (361)

    Thu, Aug 06 8:30 PM ENCRA (360)

    Thu, Aug 06 11:30 PM ENCA (361)

    • Like 5

  8. Watching this now, unfortunately it's only on Netflix for another day. I think this movie is a great example of why editing is important. It has a series of events that lead from one into the other, it explains some things of what's going on, there are good guys and bad guys, music to queue you what you're supposed to feel, etc. all of the things you should need to make an action movie. But honestly it just feels like someone stitched a bunch of scenes together without creating a story. This would definitely be a good JCVD choice for HDTGM.


    Edit: I think one of the reasons why this movie barely makes any sense is that there is hardly any conversation in this movie. There are bits of them in flashbacks, and there is really bad dialog, but there is really no conversation.


    Also, the villain fights JCVD and knocks him out and leaves him to die like JC without VD (see what I did there?) rather than kill him. That's not going to come back to bite him in the ass later on... He's so terrible at being evil.
