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Posts posted by Lando

  1. This movie might be, at the very least, racially insensitive by casting a Spaniard as an Arab


    Not as weird when you consider that Banderas comes from a part of Spain that was under Muslim control at the time that this movie takes place. There is a good chance that he has moor blood in him.

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  2. Yeah, I really enjoyed the Face/Off and Con Air episodes where Jason defended them as "100% realistic."

    I also really enjoyed when somebody tracked down the reviews from one second oppinion reviewer who turned out to be a foreign professor of English or something like that and his other reviews were equally bizarre. I forget what movie he reviewed, I want to say LOL, but that also sounds wrong (it might have been the mini where Paul announced LOL).


    On the topic of Gran Torino, I think that there's also a phenomenon that when something is really hyped up and a person does not feel the way about something that matches the hype, they over state their dissatisfaction of the movie (and this probably goes for music too). Maybe for example if they had seen GT without knowing anything about it they would have said it was a 6 out of 10 movie, but because it gets a lot of rave reviews and hype they feel compelled to act like it's a 1 out of 10 movie.

  3. I see the irony. I think though the difference is that the show is not mean spirited and it's more like a roast. I think even when Jason calls people "dum dums" and "jerks" it's ultimately not said with malice (which is why I have defended him when people get upset about this in live shows). People regularly come in and defend the movies that they make fun of and their opinions are generally respected and that is the difference.


    I will say, I think if any of us had a review of ours read as a second opinion we would be pretty excited and not ashamed and that is a pretty good indicator of the tone of the show.

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  4. I honestly have no problem with people suggesting movies that are generally well received. Rotten Tomatoes is far from God, popularity is absolutely not a synonym for quality and everyone is entitled to their own opinion on movies. However if you just assume that Paul, June and Jason also share your view on the movie the odds are that you will be wrong in these cases. On top of that it's insulting to those that may like a film to just say things like "can you believe that people actually like this movie?" as people tend to do with better reviewed movies than worse ones.

    If you want to suggest a popular movie, that's fine but remember that it is probably going to be an uphill battle and make a case as to why the critics are wrong and it should be mocked. Don't just assume that everyone is already on your side when most signs point in the opposite direction.

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  5. I have not seen this movie in a while, but I liked that it was one of the first films that I had seen where the Vikings were more complex than just long boat raiders and I liked that. I probably should revisit this movie though.

  6. That said, did you ever see "A Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica" where the opposite happened? Oh, they were on their way up for sure, but they weren't the Stones or anything, and they ended up making one of the most comprehensive "making of"/"rise to superstardom" documentaries ever made.


    I have not seen that one and I will definitely have to. I like Anvil: The Story of Anvil as something of a counterpoint of SKOM

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  7. A couple of days ago I finally watched Rhinestone and one of the things I remember is that Stallone offers to take his Japanese passengers to a sushi restaurant. That movie also takes place in 1984. It was probably seen as something like a "raw fish? that sounds gross" punchline at that point.

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