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Posts posted by Lando

  1. So, the robot with the revolver at the beginning has been brought up a few times (both in the forums and in the ep), but I want to bring something up that I mentioned in the minisode thread again. When Ramsay first goes into the bedroom, the door to the bathroom (where the robot is kickin' it) is closed. The door opening is what makes him drop to the floor right before the robot shoots.


    So, that means that not only does that clunky-ass claw have enough dexterity to hold and operate a firearm, it can also open a goddamn door and fire half a second later!


    If you watch the video it's even more confusing because the arm appears to be at a fixed height is at best only halfway to the height of the knob.


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  2. I wish someone could take the footage from this movie and paste over it the audio from this at&t video..



    did at&t pay for this movie to be made?


    ever want to send a robot out to kill someone, well now you can. and AT&T is going to make that happen.


    A while back I saw someone point out how accurate these predictions are except that almost none of these technological advances have been brought to us by AT&T.

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  3. Wow, I have seen this movie before. Probably 20 years or so ago but I have seen it. I had a flashback of having seen it during the bug detection scene. That is the only part I remember though, probably when I saw it, the film seemed like a reasonable vision of the future but now 30 years later it is so clunky.

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  4. i mean.. the vikings are speaking modern Norwegian, not old norse... :P


    While I know they could have used modern Icelandic and been 99% correct, if they had said "Bork bork bork" most Americans would have thought it was old Norse. Och jag talar lite svenska.

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