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Posts posted by Lando

  1. 1. Everybody acts like the term "DUFF" is a thing, even though it sounds like a term they invented for the movie. I have a hard time believing that teenagers would popularize an acronym with a word like "designated" in it, when they could just say "ugly fat friend" or whatever the actual term is.


    It is a phrase that has been around for a while, but it was probably said by people in their 20s going out to bars 10 years ago, not teens in high school today

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    From watching his semi-rant, Hardwick was referring to a video some comedian did where he binge watched the entire series to see how many instances there were where there were two female characters sharing a scene together talking without one of the guys around and it came out to like 8 scenes over the course of the series. He then made a quick game of having contestants figure out what roles various extras were playing in the movie which included Bob Saget's date and a Sushi girl, but that's what Entourage is about: douchey guys from Queens living out an equally douchey life in Hollywood. Unfortunately, and I say this as a fan of Hardwick and Nerdist, he has started to turn his show into a bit of a soapbox, at times going on for 4-5 minutes which is a lot for a 20 minute show, to air his grievances and call out those who are a part of that issue. It really kills the flow of the show and then they have to cut out a bunch of stuff from the game in order to fit the speech in.


    I definitely agree. I feel so inundated with people opining on social media (and expecting it to be a one-way street) that I definitely want escape it in my entertainment. When it pops its head up in the Nerdist I definitely let out a deep sigh and hope that they get back to the light stuff ASAP.


    Also, would it not be metal to have more Jazz hooks?


    There are a healthy number of metal bands that integrate jazz elements to them from Cynic to the Norwegian Shining (not the Swedish Shining), but that stuff is also not for everyone. Some people just want to listen to something aggressive and mosh and not have to think about their music and that is their business.


    I think that the AV Club article did a great job of making fun of Entourage for its sexism, while still being funny, but it tackled so much more than just the female caracitures. I would much rather have people champion things like Orange is the New Black that is really well written and just happens to have an almost entirely female and ethnically diverse cast than criticize something like Entourage for not being something that it's not exactly trying to by non-fans.


    Side note, while I never liked Entourage, my wife did and if I go to the facebook page half of my friends that are fans are female and run the gamut of the political spectrum so I think the appeal is something broader than just sexist broes broing out.

  3. I think with Entourage's reception over the years it is a lot different now then when it premiered years back. While it did have a negative stigma for being a show for frat boy douches from some, it was mostly liked especially for the performances from some of the actors, though it tended to get less favorable reviews as it dragged on into seasons 6-8. Now though with their being this push for stronger female characters the show is put in a more negative light since it kept with the show's guy oriented premise.


    Chris Hardwick completely ripped the show and its fans on @ Midnight after its opening week saying that he was glad it failed because it didn't have strong female characters and that only sexist douchebags watched the show while at the same time praising Spy for coming in number 1, which doesn't wash because those movies are for two completely different crowds with very different tastes, and to be fair it looks like even Spy is barely going to break even at the box office. It was a complete halt of the show that he went on this mini rant about the movie not having any real substantial female characters, but really people don't expect that from the movie if they watched the show. And let's be honest, no one was expecting Entourage to be a blockbuster, it was going to make the crowd that watched the show happy, which it apparently did for my friends who watched both, and that was it.


    I can't believe i'm going to defend Entourage on this, but complaining about lack of strong female leads seems to miss the point of Entourage. It's like complaining that there is not enough smooth jazz hooks in your brutal death metal (And I like some death metal). I don't know why people can't just let things be what they are for different subcultures, especially when there is the counterpart of Sex And The City that is nothing but strong female leads. Let the Entourage fans have their Entourage, Hardwick is not going to like it even if there are strong female leads.


    Edit: I want to add that I think that it's one thing to say "this is what it is, let's laugh at it" and it's another to say "this should be something that it's not" and get mad about it. I am all in favor of the former, and am burnt out on the latter.


    First Red Dawn. Then RoboCop. Now Naked Gun?!? This reboot shit really needs to stop. Why can't Hollywood leave great films alone and just retool those movies with great premises that bombed back when instead?


    To be fair, both the Red Dawn and RoboCop remakes were pretty big flops. However, that makes me wonder why studios think this is a good idea from a moneymaking perspective.

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  5. Surf Ninjas and 3 Ninjas came out a year apart, and I always get them confused because of that. I saw both, but no matter which one is named, I always think of 3 Ninjas. So when I read this, I thought, "Did Tone Loc square off with fuckin' Tum Tum and I just forgot about it?"


    Me too, I have to stop and think which one had the sequel with Hulk Hogan (which really should be on the HDTGM to do list)

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  6. I am not bothered by product placement, I think it's a given in films and if it helps them get made then it is something I can ignore. However there is a definite irony heavy product placement in a film that has something of an anti-corporation streak to its story.


    Also, if they REALLY wanted to product place Samsung's phones BDH should have picked up an unbroken Samsung phone from the smashed hamster ball site.

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  7. Really? I always think he's the Jar Jar of Crystal Skull. It's like Lucas and Spielberg maybe watched Rebel Without A Cause once and used that caricature of a greaser for Mutt Williams. It's super clunky the way he rides a bike, the way he flashes his switchblade, etc. none of it works and comes off really awkward. I think they planned on doing some Mutt Williams spinoffs but I am so glad that it did not work out that way.

  8. We went from Charlie Sheen to Shia LeBeouf. I want to know who decided that LeBeouf was leading man material. Clearly that decision didn't pan out well and the biggest loser in the whole thing is Shia himself (aside from the people who paid money to see Crystal Skull), but there was a long stretch when he was being forced into the badass hero role that he clearly did not belong.

  9. I am surprised there is no thread on this too. I searched "gekko" "douglas" "lebeouf" and found nothing of it.


    I remember from the trailer there was a line where Gekko says "I once said greed is good, it now appears that it is legal."



    I suspect that Stone made this movie because the original Gekko unintentionally became a hero and he was trying to use the hero status to repivot Gekko to align with his own views.

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  10. I always thought that Entourage was fairly well regarded, but I have only really started to hear negative takes on it recently. Maybe it's a thing that had its time, but does not hold up well like Ed Hardy t-shirts. I would be curious to hear from marginal Entourage fans (meaning people who liked it but are not fanboys) to hear if they think it's good or not. Still, that AV Club article is pretty funny.

  11. Her actual dumb mistake, and it's incomprehensible, is agreeing to pay her cousin 2/3s of what she makes from the donation. Why...why? He literally didn't do anything to earn it.


    Duh, she needs it for the FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR GOLD PLATED TELESCOPE so she can see Jupiter in the light polluted city of Chicago. What else do you expect her to do, save her toilet scrubbing wages for the $200 Walmart telescope or scour Craigslist for a used one? Nope, not a completely nonsensical plot device at all.

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  12. I have been rethinking Stephen King quite a bit lately. This had been brewing in the background for a while, especially after having rewatched Children of the Corn and Christine within the past couple of years and not having them hold up, but what really kicked this off was that I watched Dreamcatcher, and then I watched the miniseries The Stand. We all acknowledge that Dreamcatcher is bad, but The Stand is generally regarded as a good miniseries coming from a good book, however it's essentially Left Behind from a horror author minus Kirk Cameron. Honestly, the dialog is really cheesy, there is a strong Christian overtone to it, and it's overall just not good. When I look back, there are a lot of terrible King adaptations, but there are also a few really really good ones. It has me wondering if King is good at broad ideas and bad with execution (especially dialog) and that the farther the adaptation strays from the original the more potential it has for greatness.

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  13. And sorry, but I have one final thought while on the subject of human/animal hybrids. The elephant pilot. What the fuck was that about? Okay, I get splicing a person with a wolf to make them a better tracker. I can also buy splicing a man with a bee in order to make a person a fighter who would do anything to protect the Queen. What I can't buy is that splicing a person with an elephant somehow makes them a better pilot! Also, it seems like the splicing is specific to whatever trait they want to imbue in the person, but not necessarily the physical trait. Aside from the ears, Tatum doesn't really look like a wolf and Bean doesn't look anything like a bee, but for some reason this guy has a full elephant head? That doesn't make sense even within the logic of the movie. What function does that serve? Shouldn't he just look more or less like a regular person, but maybe just have the strength of an elephant?


    And, to be fair, I'm not trying to begrudge an elephant's right to be a pilot if he or she so chooses. I'm just saying, "starship pilot" isn't what immediately springs to mind when I think "elephant."


    Maybe so he'll never forget how to get where he's going?


    And what about the owl guy? Why does he need to be an owl? It is more arbitrary than the animal hybrids in Dr. Moreau.

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